Chapter 69 Dispute!Who is the thief【1】

Feng Yihan was a little unsteady, seeing him swaying, turning his back all the time, not daring to look at them.

Why is it so unlucky to meet the head of the family, and did not expect the teacher to be there!

He is a thief who steals chickens and steals a lot of rice. He found this secret room by relying on his own ingenuity, but who would have thought that someone would get there first, and there is nothing in it.

"It's not me!" Feng Yihan said confidently, the moment he turned around, he had already put on a calm expression, looking at Xuanyuan Zihong and Xuanyuan Hong with burning eyes.

"Patriarch, grandpa, why are you here? Hehe..." I didn't know what to say, Feng Yihan's words always seemed a bit far-fetched.

Why did you come here? Of course you are here to catch thieves!

The more he thought about it, the more ugly Xuanyuanhong's face became. He knew that the purpose of that thief coming here was definitely not those gadgets. The thief didn't even touch such advanced things as magic crystal powder. "Heavenly Heart Demon Scroll" is here!
Thinking of this, he hurried forward to open the mechanism on the third floor, jumped, and went straight to the stone pillar.


It's empty, even the box is gone, grandma's, it's a fine sandalwood box!

"It's gone, it's gone! It's gone!" Xuanyuanhong's head was buzzing suddenly, and he was almost vomiting blood. He slowly raised his hand and stroked the stone pillar, trying to find out from the breath left on it. What, but after checking and checking, only Feng Yihan's soul power can be found, nothing else can be found.

Inside, apart from him and Xuanyuanfeng, no one else knew about it.

But now it was stolen by someone else!
Feng Yihan, this disobedient son.

Xuanyuan Hong only felt his legs tremble, almost unable to stand still.

After calming down, he immediately flew up.

Without saying a word, with a dark face, he stretched out his arms, and quickly snapped straight towards Feng Yihan's neck. This movement was as fast as lightning, and no one reacted, even Xuanyuanzi who was beside him. Hong Ye opened his mouth in surprise, Xuanyuan Feng knew his elder brother very well, but he just looked carefully at Feng Yihan's expression with lowered eyes.

Feng Yihan was so frightened by this sudden movement that his mind immediately went blank, he didn't even have the movement to stop him, and stood there stupidly, waiting to be pinched.

"Tell me, where did you hide it!"

Xuanyuanhong roared angrily, almost wanting to vomit blood. The "Tianxin Demon Scroll" is actually not important, what is more important is the sandalwood box, and there is a shocking secret hidden in the inner layer.

About Pro...

About Jue Wushuang...

It is even more related to the shocking secret of the entire Li Huan Continent!

Now even the box was stolen, Xuanyuan Hong was so angry that he trembled all over, strangling Feng Yihan's neck fiercely like crazy, so tightly that he almost had no room to maneuver.

"Grandpa... I..." Feng Yihan had never seen Xuanyuan Hong have such an expression before, his ferocious face was so terrifying, his eyes were wide open, as if the eyeballs were about to fall out. "I didn't steal."

"Things..." Feng Yihan swallowed, even breathing became difficult.

"I didn't...stole it...cough..." He already felt that his chest was congested. If he tried harder, he might strangle himself to death.

"Brother, stop, you will strangle him to death if you do this again!" Seeing that the situation was wrong, Xuanyuan Feng hurried forward and knocked off Xuanyuan Hong's hand.

With gray hair flying in the air, Xuanyuanhong glared at Feng Yihan, the corner of his mouth twitched, "You're still talking nonsense, who else is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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