Chapter 690 Adding wings to a tiger [10]

"This is my private matter." She said coldly, staring at Lu Youcheng.The voice was low and cold, "Lu Youcheng, do you have anything else to say?"

Lu Youcheng raised his hand, he didn't use his own healing light to heal the wound, but covered his beating heart, there was a voice of Lei Suo Lei Suo in his mind, this heart beat only for her, why did she so cruel?

After a while, Lu Youcheng said quietly: "What's the matter, what's the grudge, we'll talk about it after we get out."

The voice was cold, without any hesitation at all, Lu Youcheng's eyes were gloomy, and his expression was calm, as if the sarcasm he said just now was just a wind in his ears, stirring on his body, but he couldn't see anything. scar.

Only the physical pain became more obvious, and the deep scar looked like an ugly pattern, ruining his beautiful skin and being persecuted.

I don't know what kind of weird thunder light Jue Wushuang used, it was clearly just a shallow thunder light, but it pierced deeply into his skin, and the entire fair skin turned into a dark streak.

The heartbreaking pain caught Lu Youcheng by surprise, but he just gritted his teeth and endured it.

It's not that he has never encountered such a thing as being misunderstood by others. He can understand Jue Wushuang's feelings, but she... doesn't seem to allow herself to explain, so well, he won't explain it, and wait until they all escape from the Five Elements Formation , he was slowly entangled with her.

"Hmph, go out? Just rely on your strength and mine?" Jue Wushuang faced each other coldly, his sharp eagle-like eyes were like frost, and the frivolity and sarcasm in his tone were self-evident.

There was a gloomy and cold look on his face, and when he raised his plain hand, a golden light immediately gathered in his hand. "If you want to go out, give me the family emblem."


The tone was so obvious, it was obvious that he wanted to obtain the power of the fragments of the Eight Desolation Map.

Lu Youcheng looked at her, unable to believe that she would become like this.

The golden light in his hand is exactly the metal he gave her back then. He seems to have been doing wrong all along. He never knew how strong Jue Wushuang was, let alone how she felt about him. For her, he could disregard the Yu clan All the teachings, regardless of the safety of her own life, went to save her alone.

He has done so many things for her, is it all hypocrisy!

Jue Wushuang, it turns out that you didn't understand me from the beginning to the end.

The corner of his mouth raised a bitter smile, Lu Youcheng suddenly felt that he was wronged, all the things he did were false, and he paid so much, but what he got in return was the hard heart of others.

"Why, you don't want to give it, do you?" Jue Wushuang snorted coldly, and she knew that he would not hand over the Charm Demon Badge. There is hope for the power of the picture fragments.

She is not a fool, she will no longer trust a man foolishly like the previous S.Hypocrisy, but in the end it was nothing!

She doesn't want such hypocrisy!
Looking at him coldly, Jue Wushuang snorted softly, "Why, did I hit the mark?"

Her voice seemed to carry some kind of resolute oath, so loud, even Hua Sang who was at the side raised his eyebrows at Jue Wushuang inexplicably, and he raised the corner of his mouth to smile, this kind of her was the young lady he knew !
The man who never surrenders!

(End of this chapter)

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