Chapter 692 Adding wings to a tiger [12]

"Lu Youcheng, I don't understand." How long have they known each other, how could there be such an unforgettable love?Jue Wushuang looked at him with deep eyes, his face was paler than before, the clan emblem slowly rotated around the two of them, the strong suffocation made Hua Sang and Suifeng dare not approach, and the intense light even prevented them from seeing it. What the hell is going on inside.

"It's okay, time will make you understand." Lu Youcheng raised his hand pamperingly, scraped gently on her nose, and opened his lips softly: "It's time to start..."

"Huh?" Jue Wushuang didn't understand the meaning of his words, blinked his eyes, and didn't understand the meaning of his words.

Lu Youcheng smiled and stretched out his hands, but those injured hands were in this hug, causing all the pain to dissipate. He raised the corners of his lips, picked up his hands, and gently stroked her face.

"Lu Youcheng!" Jue Wushuang hurriedly called out, her face flushed, her face was now covered by layers of runes, and she became a bit ugly.

Lu Youcheng glanced at her, picked up his hand, and gently stroked the runes on her face.

He put his forehead on top of her head, and a smile appeared on the corner of his lips, "Actually, no matter what you look like, I don't mind. I love you, not your appearance."

Such affectionate words moved Jue Wushuang's heart, and he really didn't understand what Lu Youcheng was thinking in his heart, and was about to speak, but saw his face suddenly approaching, pressing against hers tightly.

Miraculously, those runes slowly dissipated and turned into a layer of faint black air that drifted away with the wind.

It was just a simple act of intimacy. There was no blemish on that clean face, which was as clean as ceramics. At this moment, it was so dewy that people felt like they wanted to pinch it when they saw it.

"You don't have to be afraid from now on, you still have me, I'll take you away." There was no pledge of eternal love, just simple love words, but Jue Wushuang was suffocated.

Lu Youcheng, do you know that at this moment you make me feel powerless inexplicably, it is a kind of temptation that I want to resist but can't resist, I think, one day, I will be doomed because of you.

"You can start what you said just now, what do you mean?" Jue Wushuang directly changed the topic. Obviously, it is really unreliable to talk about such a topic at such a moment. out here.

He understood what she was thinking, suddenly smiled, met her star-like eyes, and slightly parted his thin lips, "Turn on the power of the Charm Badge, I'm not afraid of being an enemy of the world, I'm only afraid of being an enemy of you enemy."

After the voice fell, I saw Lu Youcheng raised the demon red robe on his body, and suddenly said loudly: "Mei Yao defies the sky!"

It was just a whisper but with incomparable strength, his hands quickly began to seal, even Jue Wushuang, who was so close, didn't know what kind of strange seal he had made, and there seemed to be a low voice in his ear. According to legend, she saw that the radiance of the Charm Demon badge was stronger than before, covering both of them in brilliance.

A ray of colorful light instantly descended from the sky and landed directly on her body!

Lu Youcheng recited the incantation more quickly, his hands formed the incantation seal continuously, and his figure retreated three steps away. In just a moment, he saw that colorful light quickly covering Jue Wushuang inside , the light was too strong, she couldn't open her eyes, only heard an ethereal voice coming from her ears.

(End of this chapter)

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