Chapter 75 Worship!Sisters walking together【2】

Last night, Feng Yihan was taken to the Qingmu Hall for interrogation, but no reason was found out. The head of the family Zhu Yonghao was already furious to the extreme, but he did not expect that even the fragments of the Eight Desolation Maps were stolen. You say, how can this be Are you not angry?

But Feng Yihan insisted that he did not steal it, so he could only be detained in the Qingmu Hall for interrogation after the deadline.

The people who separated the family exploded for a while.

Everyone knows that Feng Yihan's talent is mediocre, it is very possible that he wants to get the "Tianxin Demon Scroll", and he was caught right away, even if the family members want to avenge him, they can only watch He watched Feng Yihan locked up in the Qingmu hall with no one to ask him.

Suddenly it was heard that the prince was coming, and the whole villa was shocked.

Chunhua and Qiuyue woke up Jue Wushuang early in the morning, with a hint of panic in their eyes.

"Miss, wake up quickly, something serious has happened!" Seeing Jue Wushuang still squinting, looking like she didn't want to wake up, Qiuyue panicked even more.

In contrast, Qiuyue loves Miss more, but Chunhua is another matter.

Jue Wushuang was in a daze, slowly opened his eyes, let out a lazy moan, and let out a soft voice from his mouth, "Uh... what happened... what happened?"

In fact, she was very depressed. It was early in the morning, and she still wanted to sleep a little longer. Last night, she failed to steal and only got back a brocade box, which was useless at all!While she was angry, she was thinking about how to break up with the prince and break off the engagement, thinking about how late she would be before falling asleep.

Now being so noisy, the drowsiness came even more violently.

Chunhua yelled loudly at this time, "Miss, get up quickly, the prince is coming!"

"You're going to be a princess! Get up, get up!" Chunhua was startled, she shook the bed board Jue Wushuang with such force that Jue Wushuang felt that her bones were about to be shaken apart by her.

"Princess Concubine, you think I'm rare!" Jue Wushuang straightened up suddenly, and slapped him hard with his hands, Chunhua was dumbfounded by the slap.

Her eyes were red, and she covered her swollen face with her left hand. She couldn't believe that Jue Wushuang hit her with his hand, and it was so hard. " hit me?"

"What? Can't I hit you? Are you a miss, or am I a miss? Hitting a servant, does it depend on your face?" On weekdays, Chunhua often bullied her with Feng Qingcheng, and Jue Wushuang now has the mind of a host, and her hatred for Chunhua is also very obvious.

Seeing this scene, Qiuyue was stunned. She was stunned for a long moment before she let out a low growl in surprise, "Miss...Miss,"

"What's the matter, Qiuyue, are you scared after seeing your lady beating someone?" Jue Wushuang smiled lightly, "Don't worry, you have never treated me badly before, and I will not treat you like that."

"On the contrary..." Her eyes flickered, and she looked at Chunhua coldly, "Hmph, those who bully me, from now on, I will make her go all out!"

Chunhua's legs went limp, she had never seen Jue Wushuang have such cold eyes, those eyes were like a witch who came out of hell, vicious and ruthless!
"Miss, I know I'm wrong!" With a plop, Chunhua knelt down on the ground, her head hit the ground heavily, her legs trembled uncontrollably, and even her forehead broke out in cold sweat.


Good book recommendation; Zhu Sui's "The Proud Daughter: The Mercenary Queen"

Dear sunflower fans, everyone recommend this book a lot!Also, friends in the book city can actually reward the author, use your actions to support my writing, I love you~~
(End of this chapter)

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