Chapter 802 The man with stalking addiction [4]

Moreover, Niyu and Niguang originally belonged to two brothers.

It's just that his task is to guard this bodhi tree.

Although he has not guarded it for 1000 years, he has guarded it since he was born. How can he say that he is also the owner of this bodhi tree? If you took my things, you should at least say hello to me, right? Looking at Jue Wushuang's cold eyes, Ni Yu actually still ignored me like this, she was really hurt.

"What do you want?" Her words were always short and clear. She didn't like too much nonsense. The words she said were extremely cold. The ice blade swung out instantly, and the cold blade touched Niyu's neck. constantly.

"Hehe... sister, sister, don't do this, you put this away first, let's talk about it, I am not a bad person, and I will not harm you."

"And I don't want to do anything, I just said that you should tell me after you took my Bodhi, at least you should also say hello to me, right?" Niyu fell into silence after finishing her words. Now I am wondering whether I should cancel the idea I just had.

"I took your bodhi." In the quiet and strange environment, Niyu couldn't guard against Jue Wushuang's sudden words. This was really a greeting, but the tone was extremely arrogant. Was there a little embarrassment?
Jue Wushuang moved his wrist to hold the vine, touched the ground, and moved his feet quickly. It was rare to talk nonsense with this man. It is important to go down the mountain now.

"Sister, don't hurry away, you beat all my wolf companions to death, and even picked off all the bodhisattvas, leaving me alone, should you be responsible for me?" Ni Yu She spread her hands in a shameless manner to block Jue Wushuang's going. Niyu didn't have the greatest ability, but her lightness kung fu was amazing, comparable to Jue Wushuang's Yan Guo Wuhen.

Jue Wushuang didn't expect this Niyu to move so fast, and couldn't help raising his brows, he became a little interested, and said in a teasing tone: "How do you think I'm responsible?"

As soon as Niyu heard Jue Wushuang's words, she immediately burst into joy, and quickly expressed her thoughts: "I want to follow my sister down the mountain, follow my sister to travel, and I am willing to accompany my sister."

After Niyu finished speaking, she raised her head and saw Jue Wushuang with an indifferent face. She didn't know what she was thinking, and couldn't find any emotion from her face. Could it be that she heard a handsome man like her say goodbye to him? Wouldn't she be a little moved by what she said?
It has to be said that Ni Yu was thinking too much again, she blinked her beautiful eyes with a baby face, looking forward to Jue Wushuang's answer, and clasped her hands nervously, this was the first time he was so nervous.

Brother Ni Guang said that if someone can take away the Bodhi, he can follow this person and do his best for this person, and the elder sister in front of him is the one who took away the Bodhi.

He saw her flexible skills, weird kung fu, and clever methods on the tree, all of which opened his eyes and sincerely admired her. Although she felt cold, the more she was like this, he The more I want to be with her.

"Okay." Jue Wushuang's red lips parted slightly, although she couldn't see it under the black veil, but that one word made Ni Yu extremely excited.

Before Niyu could react, Jue Wushuang grabbed his collar with one hand and the vines with the other, moving his toes on the ground, flashing across the grass in a flash, like a shadow When she got to the cliff, she flew directly and jumped down with him. The long vines moved with her body, and the robe fluttered. After a while, the two of them and the beast landed firmly on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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