Chapter 812 The man with stalking addiction [14]

The strength of the condor holding Jue Wushuang and flying up was really great, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't pull it down.

The other eagles saw that Jue Wushuang was caught in mid-air by one of the eagles, and Jue Wushuang's entire body was exposed in mid-air. This was a good time.

All the eagles flapped their wings and rushed towards Jue Wushuang at a frighteningly fast speed, whistling past like a small fighter jet.

A condor had already flown to Jue Wushuang's side, scratching at her wrist with its sharp curved beak, trying to make Jue Wushuang let go.

But his mouth was blocked by some beads, Condor seemed to understand something, he didn't attack the beads on her wrist directly, his sharp curved mouth moved towards the bead chain rope on her wrist.

The thin rope of the bead chain was instantly damaged. This condor was very clever. It grabbed Jue Wushuang's broken bead chain directly and flapped its wings to fly high into the sky. It did this to distract Jue Wushuang. attention.

Jue Wushuang held the condor's claws to protect Pippi with one hand, and kept swaying the silver needle grass with the other hand. She knew that the bead chain was taken away by the condor, but she couldn't tell the other hand, and shot the one at it. The silver needle grass on his body was blocked by other condors.

Even so, Jue Wushuang's expression didn't change a bit, it was still calm and calm, and the shock remained unchanged.

She held her breath, her pupils tightened, she held the eagle's claw with her slender hand, and bent it forcefully, with a "click", the bone of the eagle's claw broke and separated directly from its body, Jue Wushuang fell straight down When she fell, she didn't do any rotation in the air at all. What she wanted was to land as fast as possible. As soon as she landed, her legs swept the ground around, and her small hands supported the ground to stabilize her body.

However, during the landing process, his arm was still pecked by the sharp beak of the condor, and his clothes were ruined. It was shocking to see bright red blood continuously oozing out from the snow-white arm.

Those rushing eagles didn't even expect that Jue Wushuang would land suddenly, and they bumped straight into their own brothers, and their sharp curved beaks immediately plunged into each other's flesh and blood <sound of bitter hissing , resounding throughout the forest.

Even though so many Condors died, they still did not give up, and still attacked Jue Wushuang and Li Chenxing again.

"Damn rascal." Li Chenxing cursed, his arm was about to break off with a swing of a sword. After killing so many, there were more to appear. I have to say that this situation is not good for them.

"Sister, I found the exit, come here quickly." Niyu stood at the entrance of the cave, looking around nervously, but couldn't see Jue Wushuang's situation.

This hole is really hidden, he almost didn't find it, but luckily there are some trees blocking it, so the condor won't come over for a while.

"Okay, let me finish you off completely." Jue Wushuang didn't hesitate anymore when she saw that Niyu had found the entrance of the cave. Quick decision, she was waiting for this moment.

"Peak soul power—destroy the sky and destroy the earth." Jue Wushuang clasped his palms together, condensing the battle energy, and released all the battle energy in his body. A blue light was extremely dazzling under the sun, his hair was flying, and the stars A little bit of light sprinkled on the hair, it looks like a god descending from the earth.

(End of this chapter)

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