Chapter 815 The man with stalking addiction [17]

Thinking about it, two crystal tears flowed from Pippi's eyes, they were tears of gratitude, crystal clear like crystals, and the tears fell on the palm of Jue Wushuang's injured hand climbing the Poshi Mountain with his bare hands last night. A faint light flashed between Jue Wushuang's eyebrows, but it was only fleeting. No one saw it, even Jue Wushuang himself didn't feel it.

"Master, thank you!" Pippi continued to scream, Li Chenxing and Niyu looked at this beast very strangely, completely understanding their interaction.

"Are you injured?" After treating Pippi's injury, Jue Wushuang raised his head and said lightly to the white and purple figures standing in front of him. The two are really handsome and eye-catching, one looks like a bright moon , one like a twinkling star, each with its own flavor!

"Sister, we are not injured, let Li Chenxing take care of your wound, it is easy to get infected."

"Jue Wushuang, let me take a look for you, I think your injury is not serious, I am proficient in medical skills, you will definitely have scars if you continue like this, I have good ointment here to apply it for you. "Li Chenxing is sincere about her. Although the bleeding has stopped, I don't know why, if he is not allowed to see it for himself, he is still a little worried.

"Give me the medicine, and I will do it myself." Since there is good medicine, she will not refuse it. Who wants to have such a scar on her arm?

Li Chenxing looked at her determined expression of wanting to do it herself, and the two of them were in a stalemate for tens of seconds, but Li Chenxing still handed her the medicine.

Jue Wushuang tore off the tattered clothes on his arms. It would only be more troublesome if they stayed here. He put Pippi on his shoulders and wiped it skillfully with the medicine. The wound is excruciatingly painful.

However, Jue Wushuang didn't even snort or blink his eyes, so he applied the medicine on both hands. You must know that when Li Chenxing was injured and applied the medicine, she screamed in pain, but she didn't react at all. nothing.

Niyu took off her clothes and put them on Jue Wushuang, covering her exposed white arms.

"Since you're fine, let's continue on our way." Both of them didn't know that Jue Wushuang would say such a sentence suddenly, they hadn't rested yet, but they were about to set off again, this woman is a typical desperate type.

"Sit down for me first, and take a rest before you go. If we go on like this, we will probably die of exhaustion in this cave before we go out."

There was a hint of anger in his tone, at some point, Li Chenxing spread a blanket behind Jue Wushuang, he pressed his hands firmly on Jue Wushuang's shoulders, and forced Jue Wushuang to sit on the blanket to rest, No matter how strong this woman is, she will not continue to be so strong.

Li Chenxing managed to recover himself from the shock just now. He knew that this Aojiajue Wushuang was really keeping a low profile. What kind of waste, what kind of waste material, was all fake, although he didn’t know why she was there before. She will hide her abilities so well that she doesn't even care if others look at her as a waste.

Back then when he predicted that she could save the eldest prince, it was a prediction that shocked him, but he couldn't doubt his own prophecy, that would be to doubt his own ability, but looking at it today, maybe this Jue Wushuang can really save the eldest prince. The prince, after all, I feel that she is actually stronger than his ability.

To his surprise, her soul power is at the same level as his own, and she also has the unique peak skill of "destroying the sky and destroying the earth". I don't know where she learned it from.

You must know that no one in the entire Li Huan Continent knows this skill, but this skill has disappeared for more than 300 years. I didn't expect him to see it again. This Jue Wushuang is really nothing but a blockbuster!

(End of this chapter)

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