Chapter 837 Mysterious Cave [19]

There are many fruit trees in the sea of ​​flowers. The fruit trees are tall and big. Under the scorching sun, the lush leaves are glowing green. It is full of gemstones, agates, and emeralds, which make people's eyes shine and make people salivate. I really want to pick some off immediately and hold them in my arms to watch them carefully. I even feel reluctant to eat them.

This is the first time Li Chenxing has seen these fruit trees with his own eyes. He has seen these fruit trees in books. They are all rare tree species that have long been extinct. There are many golden pear trees, emerald porphyra fruits, and agate green plantains. , pink purple moon peach, etc., Li Chenxing did not expect these rare fruit trees to grow around this cave, and the place where this cave comes out is really unique.

Moreover, all the fruits are non-toxic and can be eaten with confidence. The fruits growing on them are not only sweet, but also have a lot of water, which can quench thirst and relieve heat. Some fruits have many other beneficial effects comparable to golden medicinal materials.

For example, rubbing the water of golden pears on the inflamed area can also reduce inflammation and swelling, prevent infection, and facilitate wound healing. Under the sun, these lush leaves form a large shady place in the sea of ​​​​flowers. It's good to enjoy the shade under the tree, that's it.

Li Chenxing and Niyu feel like they haven't seen the sun or breathed fresh air for a long time. There are not only flowers and trees, but also the faint sound of tinkling spring water. There are also many small animals, rabbits, pheasants, Little birds, they are not afraid of strangers at all. They are not afraid at all when they see these people who suddenly barged in. They even came over curiously and jumped left and right beside them.

These few days, Li Chenxing and Niyu felt like it had been a few years, and the beautiful scenery in front of them really put them in a good mood.

"Li Chenxing, let's put my sister over there quickly! My sister's injury is alright. Please take a look for her." Niyu walked in front, and there was a smooth stone not far from them. It is best to put my sister there to heal her wounds.

They stepped on soft green grass, surrounded by a sea of ​​flowers, this place is really a paradise on earth.

"Okay, you go and clean it up to see if it's clean." Li Chenxing also saw the stone, and it was the best choice to put it there.

After a while, the two walked in front of the big rock. Niyu picked up some fallen leaves and dead branches on it, and wiped off the dirt on it with her hands. Li Chenxing gently placed Jue Wushuang on the rock. , Gently took off her black veil, the veil was already soaked in blood, the black veil was tinged with scarlet, it was not pure black, because Jue Wushuang's bright red blood dyed it dark red, There was a faint smell of blood on it.

As soon as Jue Wushuang was placed on the stone by Li Chenxing, Pippi jumped off his shoulders and stood beside her, looking at her without blinking. The bat elf also flapped its wings and circled around Jue Wushuang. In front of Wushuang.

Now her master is still in a coma, with her eyes closed gently, her fair little face is originally a peerless beauty, and her facial features are very delicate, but because of the red poisonous rash, she can't look beautiful now. There are traces of bloodshot eyes, even if you close your eyes, it is difficult to hide her coldness, that kind of coldness makes you feel cold in your heart.

(End of this chapter)

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