Chapter 845 Fragment of Eight Desolation Maps Part Five [7]

Li Chenxing thought for a while, what Niyu said made some sense, this Jue Wushuang was despised and looked down on since she was a child, just now he hit her like that, she didn't turn her back, it was a great honor for him, and he also had What was wrong, if she hadn't always kept the danger in front of her along the way, perhaps, as Niyu said, they might have died!
It didn't take long for Li Chenxing to let go, why bother to force her like this?Just to force her to apologize to satisfy a kind of greed in my heart.

"Let's go, let's go pick some fruits and come back." Li Chenxing's bright and clear eyes were full of smiles, it seemed that he had really figured it out, and the two of them also walked deep into the woods to prepare the food that was waiting for them. .

Jue Wushuang didn't know where she was going. She heard the sound of spring water. She followed the sound, but she didn't see it for a long time.

The pain from her legs made her face pale as paper, and sweat dripped from her forehead.

This place is still very big, there are some weird trees everywhere, and I know what kind of books they are, but the fruits on them are very beautiful, some are as golden as gold, and some are as green as emeralds. And the purple is very beautiful.

She had to get the wound first. The wound on her thigh made her feel more painful than the wound on her arm. She originally wanted to find a place with spring water and wash it with spring water. Now it seemed that she had to look at the wound first.

"Si Wormwood?" When Jue Wushuang lowered his head, he found a grass. It was black in appearance, but this grass could clear away heat and detoxify by drinking water. Putting it on the wound should be good, at least it can be disinfected.

Jue Wushuang found a random place and sat on the grass. The ice blade deftly fell into her hand. She quickly cut open the robe at the wounded area and tore off the bottom part. Her white and slender legs were instantly exposed. When he came out, the most eye-catching thing was the two wounds.

The wound was already purple-black, and there were two long traces attached to the snow-white thigh. It seemed that the red-eyed bat was still slightly poisonous, and she couldn't be careless. The woods in her mind could find "Si Wormwood" maybe She could find some other herbs, and after the wound was treated first, she would look for it in the woods.

"Sister, sister, this is for you." The bat elf handed the golden pear in his hand to Jue Wushuang. The effect of this golden pear is much better than that of "Si Wormwood". It doesn't want her to have scars, otherwise it will feel bad wonderful!

The master can be detoxified, and Pippi also jumped to Jue Wushuang's side, screaming, and kept rubbing her white hair on her white and tender legs exposed outside, the master's feet are so white, Its fur feels so comfortable when it touches it!

"Go away." Jue Wushuang grabbed Pipi's white fur and threw it far away, rubbing against her body for what?Unexpectedly, this little pet is still a little lecherous.

Pippi was thrown far away again, and when it came back again, it could only stand obediently beside Jue Wushuang, not daring to move any more.

"Sister, this is a golden pear. Crush this and drip the juice on the wound, and the wound will heal quickly." The elf circled around Jue Wushuang, talking while turning.

Jue Wushuang understood what it meant, and did as it said. After crushing the golden pear, when its juice dripped on the wound, it was obvious that purple-black blood flowed out. It was almost The coagulated blood melted when it encountered the sap of this golden pear. It is amazing that these sap and purple-black blood will not flow out of the wound, but instead flow out.

(End of this chapter)

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