Chapter 848 Fragment of Eight Desolation Maps Part Five [10]

"Haha, look at my sister, you can't even crush a gourd! How stupid!" Sitting on the tree pole, Niyu watched Jue Wushuang squeeze it several times without crushing it. She felt a little funny, and he laughed while biting the fruit.

"She can't even be crushed, she must be very hard, I guess you can't be crushed even more." Li Chenxing said jokingly, Jue Wushuang is definitely not something they can underestimate.

"Hey! I said, can you stop hitting me? If you don't hit me, I will die. I finally saw Sister Ao make a joke, so why don't you make me laugh? She is stupid, if she is not stupid Can a gourd not be opened? I only need one hand to crush it, hum!" Niyu gave Li Chenxing a direct look, then turned her head and continued to look at Jue Wushuang, and stopped talking to him.

I saw a thin blade-like thing, reflecting white light under the sun, turning flexibly in her hand, and the gourd was cut open. Her dexterous hand was still moving, and she couldn't see clearly. What are you doing.

With a sound of "shua", it cut through the air, and Jue Wushuang flew the white jade-like thing in his hand towards a tree.

"Ah!" Niyu exclaimed, almost fell off the tree, but fortunately grabbed Li Chenxing's arm in time.

"Hahaha... I told you not to laugh at her. If you don't believe me, look at you, haha!" Li Chenxing took out the thing that Jue Wushuang flew over from Niyu's hair, only to see that the thing was carved from a white jade gourd. If the white jade gourd had been flying towards Niyu's eyebrows, he would have died.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Ni Yu yelled frantically, the loud voice reverberated in the valley, like ghosts crying and wolves howling.

His hair was cut off by the knife made of gourd, and what he loves most is his hair. Looking at the few strands of his own hair on the tree trunk below, he feels so distressed that he wants to die. !
"Boom" Next, a lump of something hit Niyu's nose directly, but luckily his hands and feet hugged Li Chenxing's thigh again, otherwise he must have fallen this time.

"It's so noisy!" A cold voice made Niyu stop her frantic movements, looking at Jue Wushuang sitting on the grass not far away, she couldn't help pouting in dissatisfaction, but she didn't dare to scream anymore.

This sister is too scary, too scary, does she have clairvoyance?He will definitely not talk nonsense in places with her in the future.

"Ah? Niyu, why do you have a nosebleed too?" Li Chenxing turned his head to look at Niyu who was bleeding from his nose, he was very surprised, and even stretched out his finger to wipe a little bit to see that it was really a nosebleed.

Tsk tsk, this Jue Wushuang's shot was too ruthless, he slapped him directly in the face, he himself was slapped, and this poor Niyu was also hit in the face by her with something!
It's really tricky to destroy the faces of their handsome men. This woman is really insidious. Li Chenxing resisted the urge to laugh at Niyu, and turned to look at Jue Wushuang who seemed like nothing had happened. .

She held the melon pulp taken from the white jade gourd with her ten fingers and gently wiped the wound. She slightly tilted her cheeks, and the three thousand blue hairs fell softly on her ears, seemingly extremely gentle.

This seemingly thin and incompetent person hides a great murderous intent. If you accidentally offend her, you won't know how you died.

"Li Chenxing, why are you having a nosebleed again?" Niyu raised her head for a long time to stop the nosebleed, turned her head and saw Li Chenxing had a nosebleed again, and asked in puzzled eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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