Chapter 854 Fragment of Eight Desolation Maps Part Five [16]

"If you dare to do it next time, I'll kill you directly!" Jue Wushuang dropped these words coldly, then walked away without even looking at Li Chenxing who was in so much pain.

From the moment she saw him, she knew that he had a problem. She didn't sleep in the middle of the night, why was she sitting on a tree?He actually saw that he still didn't run away. He thought maybe he was wronged. Who knew that she only asked a question, and he revealed his secrets. He was fighting with Jue Wushuang. You are still a little tender. If she dared to peek again, she would definitely not let him go so easily!

"Hey, you black hearted woman, I didn't mean to look at you, hey, wait for me, I really didn't see clearly!" Li Chenxing got up from the ground, and he didn't even have time to pat the dust on his clothes If he fell, he hurriedly chased Jue Wushuang in three steps and two steps.

"Hey, don't be angry, I really didn't see it, don't go so fast, the big deal is that I'm responsible for you, I just marry you, why are you so stingy, sorry, sorry, I'm really not Did it on purpose!" Li Chenxing saw that she was ignoring him, and thought that maybe he really did something wrong, after all, he is a girl, and peeking at a girl taking a bath, how embarrassing it is to say such a thing, how will she marry in the future ah?
This time he will go all out, at worst he will be responsible, the ugly girl will be the ugly girl, anyway, he doesn't think he hates her!

"Shut up, if you dare to mention a word tonight, I'll just..." Jue Wushuang didn't say the rest, and put the white blade in his hand against his neck, his eyes were full of warning and danger.

"I..." Li Chenxing immediately shut up and stopped saying a word. He didn't want to die yet. She didn't want to make herself responsible. He should be happy, right?Why is there a kind of loss in my heart?

"Sister, Li Chenxing, where have you been? What happened tonight? Why can't you mention another word?" Jue Wushuang had already walked to their resting place, who knew that Niyu had also woken up, and he was not asleep. Watching them awake.

"Li Chenxing, tell me, what's going on?" Niyu hurried over, grabbed Li Chenxing, looked at Li Chenxing carefully, and immediately yelled: "Ah, why is Li Chenxing so dirty? ...Who beat you?"

Does he dare to speak the truth?He said that he peeked at Jue Wushuang taking a bath, and was caught and beaten by her. It is estimated that Niyu would applaud after hearing this. How could he not know that this man really regards Jue Wushuang as his sister.

"I met a ghost tonight and was beaten by a ghost!" When Li Chenxing said this, he took a few hard glances at Jue Wushuang. It was this female ghost who beat him up, and it was his handsome face again. Ah, can you not slap your face every time?

"Ah, a ghost? Woohoo!" Niyu felt very frightened when she heard Li Chenxing talking about ghosts, and couldn't help holding Li Chenxing tightly.

"Yeah, she's still a big female ghost!" Li Chenxing said angrily.

"Sister, what if you didn't get ghosted, don't go out in the middle of the night, maybe there are some ghosts in the deep mountains!" Ni Yu kindly reminded Jue Wushuang, luckily her sister is fine.

"Yes, some people just like to run out in the middle of the night, and they don't know why if they get caught by a ghost the other day!" After finishing speaking, Li Chenxing looked at Jue Wushuang proudly, and didn't let me mention that matter, let me hurt you It's all right!

(End of this chapter)

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