Chapter 860 Fragment of Eight Desolation Maps Part Five [22]

"What did you do to him!" Jue Wushuang roared angrily as he looked at the bat shemale who had been wounded into a devil's appearance!
But the bat shemale just chuckled and continued, "What did you do? Do you think a man, a normal man, would have such a high body temperature?"

"Don't you see that he is already on fire now?!" His face was so ugly that he couldn't even see any facial contours. He could only see a layer of fuzzy white powder, which made his whole face visible. It still looks like a face.

"The little elf is so kind to us, how could it be a bat and shemale, what kind of monster are you? Give me back the bat elf." Ni Yu really couldn't accept such a quick change, she was such a cute little elf, how could it be It's a bat shemale.

It brought them to this beautiful place, and let him see those magical fruit trees. It is because of these that their injuries can heal so quickly. It looks so small and cute. How could it be that nasty bat ladyboy? , This strange thing in front of me must not have been transformed by an elf.

"Hahaha... You are too naive. Often what you see with your eyes is the most real. If I start to treat you badly, can you believe me? Can you come to this place with me? If you don't Eating those rare fruits, how can I make up for my practice? Haha... My deceiving skills have never failed. Do you think that burning my powerful body can put me to death? Do you think so? It's so easy."

The bat monster looked at them and felt extremely ridiculous. What happened a few days ago was just a cloud in front of my eyes. It did that just to restore its hundreds of years of cultivation base. It’s good for you, you think it’s beautiful .

"Insidious bat." Jue Wushuang raised the corners of his mouth, showing a half-smile, but his eyes were still as cold as icebergs.

"Haha... insidious? If I wasn't insidious, I wouldn't be able to live until now. My greatest ability is insidious... Hahaha... Since you already know everything, it's enough to let you know everything. Bar."

As soon as the bat monster finished speaking, it waved its wings, opened its mouth wide, and showed its fangs even more terrifyingly. It waved its wings and rushed straight towards Jue Wushuang and the two of them. The speed was astonishingly fast, and a pink figure flashed past. .

Jue Wushuang and Li Chenxing dodged sideways, and moved a few steps to the side with a strong momentum, and the speed was also very fast.

If he was bitten by that bat monster, his head would definitely be broken immediately. The fangs are long and sharp, and the small teeth inside are like jagged teeth, which are extremely sharp at first glance.

"Jue Wushuang, what should we do now?" Li Chenxing suppressed the burning desire in his heart, and asked Jue Wushuang when he saw the bat monster who was about to attack again. Come over, they were such cute little elves, but now they have become so scary, no matter how they got along day and night, they also had some feelings.

"Kill!" Jue Wushuang calmly said a word with cold eyes, the only way to get in her way is to die.

"Want to kill me? I have to look at your abilities. Even if I don't have a strong body, you two together won't be my opponent!" The bat shemale looked at Jue Wushuang standing there indifferently, with all eyes It was killing intent, which made it very surprised, but it recovered in a blink of an eye. How could it be frightened by her just like that?
(End of this chapter)

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