Chapter 866 Fragment of Eight Desolation Maps Part Five [29]

The moonlight was cool, and the man's long clothes were flying in the night wind, with a casual smile, and his posture was even a little loose, and he walked slowly. His loose clothes and sleeves were flying like clouds, reminiscent of ostriches flying in the nine heavens.

There is a face called holiness.

There is a style called charm.

However, few people have integrated holiness and charm so seamlessly, turning it into a unique temperament and elegance, with looseness in the high flower, and deepness in the warmth.

There was a fine sound of sand and stones, and a faint and strange fragrance permeated. The man sat down gracefully but unceremoniously. Under the firelight, he turned his face slightly.

Jue Wushuang's breathing was immediately suffocated.

His eyebrows flying into the temples, with a flowing and detached arc, reminds people of willows beside the green spring in March, carrying the bright and fragrant spring.

And the side profile with exquisite lines like a god, the brilliance of the world seems to be concentrated in his eyes.

The beauty beyond the mortal world will make people lose the ability to speak. Jue Wushuang now feels that he can't speak.

On the opposite side, the smiling man raised his eyebrows slightly, his eyes and hair were so black that they shone brilliantly, but his red lips were even redder than the flames.

She fell and fell into a warm chest. The skin exposed from his collar was as smooth as his satin robe, with a strange light fragrance. They all seemed to catch fire in an instant.

The flames walked around the body, but they didn't feel burning pain. They just felt warm and psychedelic, like being immersed in a melting hot spring, stretching from fingers to toes. This night of thrills, running around and working hard, seemed to be folded by tenderness in an instant. , smoothed, and then gently brushed away.

The breath of the man behind him is as warm and mellow as a lost dream, or the spring breeze from Xuanyuan Kingdom, which is like spring all the year round, or the fragrant clear water rippling in the most beautiful lotus pond in Taiyuan, soft, charming, And everywhere.

His lips are so close to hers, so close that the horse's back moves past her ears from time to time, the heart is itchy, the hot breath brushes over the cheeks, soft and moist like a delicate kiss, Jue Wushuang stiffened his back and dared not move , but the whole body softened inch by inch, softening into cotton, into fog, into a net, horizontally and vertically.

This moment is only like a spark, but this moment seems to be a thousand years long.

In a trance, I heard the man's voice whispering in my ears, with a slight smile, and when I heard that smile, I felt that the flowers of the four seasons were blooming in an instant.

The moonlight poured down from the wall and saw the alley. In the blind corner of the alley, a slender hand stretched out, with jade-white fingers, holding a strange-shaped five-pointed flower between the fingers.

The flowers are crystal clear like ice sculptures, with countless stars shining from each corner, which is breathtakingly beautiful, but not as delicate as the jade carving hand that picks up the flowers.

The whole body of the person is covered in the dark corner, only the hand holding the flower is bathed in the moonlight: a white, slender hand holding the killing flower in a beautiful posture; an elegant, steady, calm and disdainful hand pose.


under the moon.

The flowers are silent.

He stood beside her, such a suitable position, from his eyes to his smile, he completely enveloped her perfectly.

He glanced lightly, and his eyes swept down the city, and his gaze was a bunch of king's fragrance.

Such graceful, resplendent and peerless eyes.

His half-upturned face was bathed in the brilliance of the moonlight, and there was a kind of intensity in the silence, and the frown between the eyebrows was filled with the thoughts of the world of mortals, as beautiful as smoke.

This man, the most exquisite face in the world, which is favored by the gods, will make people dizzy if you look at it for a long time, especially when you are a little drunk. The eyes that are usually shining with brilliance suddenly ripple like water. Looking at him from her drunkenness When you are drunk, you can see the floating fragrance, the moonlight at dusk, the beauty of the galaxy, and the darkness of the silver man.

And he just showed her like that, as if he was also smiling, with deep and shallow smiles, sparse and slanting!

(End of this chapter)

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