Chapter 870 Fragment of Eight Desolation Maps Part Five [33]

Isn't Jue Wushuang's father Xuanyuan Zihong, the Patriarch of Jue Yue Villa?

Why is her father still such a young man? It's impossible, okay?

Moreover, that man in white is handsome and extraordinary, and this maid actually called him His Highness...

These are even more surprising!

Li Chenxing looked at Nongying up and down, her long black hair was only tied in a small bun, her ear hair was left long, and there was no trace of age on her delicate face, she looked only fifteen Looks like six years old.

Her skin is as soft and greasy as warm jade, her small cherry mouth is red and charming, and the two strands of ear hair fluttering softly with the breeze, adding a bit of seductive charm to her!

The nimbly moving eyes are turning shrewdly, a bit mischievous, a bit mischievous, a bit clever, wearing a light blue long dress, with a thin waist that doesn't fit, she is so clean, so pure, so flawless, The beauty is so unearthly.

It can be said that "Jade Mountain looks misty and looks at Penglai, and Biluo Xinghe can only pick it with one hand. Who can see Qing'e stretching her feather sleeves, and the east wind can't go to Phoenix Terrace!"

After hearing Lu Youcheng's words, Nongying's eyes were a little dull, a little comprehended, a little surprised, and the black ball in her eyes sunk deeply, Didn't even find a spot of light at all.

"My son..." Nongying looked at Lu Youcheng with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Really, is she really His Highness's daughter?

Is that Princess Yongle's daughter?

Was that elementalist who was born with lightning elements?
After all, Nongying has been with His Highness Changsun all year round, so she knows everything about His Highness Changsun.

Because His Royal Highness Changsun was an elementalist of the thunder system, so he was assassinated.

He later pretended to be foolish and foolish, and escaped unharmed.

Later, he no longer wanted to show his lightning ability in front of everyone.

Until, I met Princess Yongle.

That fairy-like woman, her beauty, her affection, deeply moved him, and they conquered the world together and became the king of the world.

However, Your Highness...

But he was calculated and died strangely.

The corpses of her and His Highness were buried in the imperial tomb by Princess Yongle. Unexpectedly, after more than ten years, they could be resurrected.Although he can still move, has martial arts, and supernatural powers, in fact, he is already a living dead.

Nongying knew that if His Highness hadn't injected her own soul source into her, then she wouldn't have survived, let alone rely on those spirit stones to absorb the ability to sustain herself.

If there is no spirit stone in her body, then she will slowly consume her strength, slowly unable to walk, and slowly unable to step.

"The words you just said are really irritating!" There was a deep displeasure in Lu Youcheng's eyes. He stared at Nongying's eyes, looked at her deeply, and his eyes seemed to burst out. A ball of flames came to kill her!
Niyu, who had been thinking about Nongying all the time, stopped when he heard these words. He widened his eyes and looked at the man in red in front of him. His super aura made him feel deeply Admire.

This person is simply more powerful than his elder brother Ni Guang!If Ni Guang found out about this, he would feel so sad. This little guy who has always admired him thinks that other people are even more powerful.

In such a short while, I sold myself!
"Big brother, you are so amazing!" Niyu looked at Lu Youcheng and praised him.

(End of this chapter)

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