Chapter 883 Fragment of Eight Desolation Maps Part Five [45]

The appearance of the priest made people think of what happened a few days ago.

This village is already full of dangers, and the villagers here are all monks.

That day, a group of people broke into the village chief Baili's house without knowing it.

Fighting with the village chief killed many innocent villagers.

But now the priest stood in front of Jue Wushuang, holding his staff angrily, with an ugly expression on his face.

Just because... Jue Wushuang and Baili Yaoluo have the same face! !

When the priests surrounded Jue Wushuang to death, but they didn't see the man in white beside him, Changsun Wuyou didn't know why, he wasn't here at all.

Jue Wushuang was awakened by the noise around him, thinking he was dead!
But what she didn't expect was that when she opened her eyes, she saw countless hideous faces, each with a fierce light in their eyes!

Before he could understand what was going on, the priest in black robes was already standing in front of her with a staff, and with the staff, he slammed it down heavily towards the ground. There was a "boom" sound when the staff touched the ground, which became a little weird in the quiet night.


There was no sympathy, no emotional fluctuations on the face of the priest, only a deep hatred, a kind of complaint.

If it weren't for Baili Enchanting, then the entire Wuyin Village would not have been attacked, and such a tragic murder would not have happened in the past few hundred years.

Therefore, the villagers of the entire Wuyin Village have a deep complaint against Baili Yaoluo, thinking that she is a sinner.

Baili Enchanting, a senior hermit in Wuyin Village.

She was brought up by her mother because her father didn't love her since she was a child, but she has high qualifications since she was a child, so she is often loved by priests, but because of her hesitation about her identity, more children like to tease her.

It's just that this little girl has very good qualifications and can learn everything quickly, so those children who bullied her were bullied back by her instead.

This made her form a proud character since she was a child, and it also made her worse and lawless.

Everything has to be robbed, and everything has to be fought with people.

Therefore, the black-clothed woman had already shamed the entire Wuyin Village by sweeping away Baili's family a few days ago.

No outsider has ever been able to cause chaos in Wuyin Village, let alone cause them to suffer heavy casualties.

And these...

It was all because of Baili's enchanting self-serving actions that the villagers in the entire Wuyin Village were affected.

"Kill her!"

A villager suddenly rushed towards Jue Wushuang who was lying on the ground, raised his leg and stepped on her abdomen!
She yelled loudly, completely ignoring the deep doubt in her eyes, "Master Priest, this scourge should kill her!"

The priest calmly looked at what was happening before him. The former Baili Yaoluo was his most important disciple, but now... he has become so strange, so unreasonable, even incomprehensible.

The priest doesn't know what words to use to describe his mood at this moment, let alone what to do next.

When he was about to speak, Jue Wushuang looked at him ignorantly, with some confusion in his eyes, why are these people so crazy, and where did she fall into?

Yes, yes!

The place close to the Everlasting Forest is the one - Wuyin Village.

Isn't it the hiding place of the fifth fragment of the Eight Desolation Map?
Could it be that she fell in here?
(End of this chapter)

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