Chapter 887 Fragment of Eight Desolation Maps Part Five [49]

"My name is Jue Wushuang. I'm an ordinary person from the Moon Dynasty. I don't have any soul power at all. I just accidentally fell into a canyon. When I woke up, I was surrounded by you. I really don't know why you would Treat me like that, obviously I didn't do anything."

After finally talking so much, Jue Wushuang already felt a little weak.

"My lord priest, don't listen to her nonsense, Baili Yaoluo must be trying to get away with it, don't be blinded by her words!" Wang Dazi looked at Jue Wushuang viciously, thinking that since he can't do anything to you, then Do your best to leave no room for resistance.

So, he stepped forward and immediately said: "Even if she is not Baili Yaoluo, then she is also the soul of Baili Yaoluo! Our Wuyin Village has always been very righteous, and it is because Baili Yaoluo broke that man in black. That's why the enchantment here doesn't care about anything, even lonely ghosts can come in and out at will."

"Master Priest, we must kill this enchanting woman of unknown origin!"

Wang Dazi felt that what he said was not cruel enough, so he yelled at the top of his voice, "Folks, do you want to kill her!"

"Kill her, kill her!"

"Kill her!"



One person started booing, and a group of people followed suit.

Just when this group of people were about to talk, an elderly grandma ran behind.

"Master Priest... No, it's not good... The house is haunted, it seems that something happened to Baili's house!"

I saw the old woman staggering, trotting towards the crowd, with a cane in her hand, and her hair was already grey.

The priest looked back, and it turned out to be the oldest grandmother in the village: Mrs. Xu.

"Grandma Xu, what are you doing's messy and dirty here, why don't you take a good rest at home?" Wang Dazi saw that the person who came was Mrs. Xu, she was the oldest old man They are all a hundred years old now, and they are the oldest people in Wuyin Village.

"Hmph, there are ghosts in the house of Village Chief Baili, I'll ask the high priest to go in and have a look. Does my old lady Xu have to tell you, Wang Dazi, what to do, and ask you for instructions?"

Mrs. Xu is a very fierce person. When she was young, she was as beautiful as a fairy, and her cultivation base was strong. When she was old, she was very prestigious in the village, so no matter how much she scolded Wang Dazi, no one would say a word to Wang Dazi of.

Everyone would just watch Wang Dazi being scolded for a moment, but they didn't dare to refute.

Then, seeing Grandma Xu staring at Jue Wushuang lying on the ground with her cane, she suddenly said sharply, "Hey, wasn't this Baili Yaoluo killed by the woman in black, why is she still here?"

"Priest, why didn't you deal with her too?"

The priest glanced at Mrs. Xu, and then said softly, "Grandma Xu, this woman said she is not Baili Enchanting, what is she called Jue Wushuang."

"Eh? Is that so? But they look so similar, it's really a little creepy!" Grandma Xu raised her eyelids slightly, squeezed her crutches slightly, and then said softly: "The priest should go with the old man." ,"

"It's the job of priests to eliminate demons and demons. Let's go and have a look together."

Damn it, Grandma Xu stared at Jue Wushuang and winked at her, causing her goosebumps to drop all over the floor.

(End of this chapter)

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