Chapter 889 Fragment of Eight Desolation Maps Part Five [51]

"You monster, you don't change your mind when you die, but there is still a way to save yourself."

"What method, Grandma Xu, tell me quickly! If you want to kill me, don't just hang me up, it's really hard, okay?"

Jue Wushuang looked at Grandma Xu with joy, and felt that the old lady looked really good. Why did she speak in a male voice just now, but now she turned into a female voice again?And it's quite a vicissitudes!
It doesn't matter, as long as you can survive, let her call her ancestor!
Grandma Xu smoothed her hair, and raised her eyebrows: "Little girl, have you forgotten who I am? I am the eldest grandson Wuyou! You can fly quickly, and then you can leave this sea of ​​flames? "

I thought it was a promising idea, but upon hearing this, Jue Wushuang was so angry that her lungs almost exploded, no wonder she couldn't help roaring: "Change your sister, change, you think it's magic, you change a Let me see, I have grown wings out of nowhere, do you think that means I can fly? I haven’t had time to upgrade my specific skills yet!”

"Tsk tsk tsk, you really are, aren't you moved to tears at all? I'm your father!!!!" Grandma Xu, well, it was actually Wuyou, the eldest grandson after the disguise, who fell into the fog Yincun was going to get some food for Jue Wushuang, but when she came back, she found that she was surrounded by the female devil who these villagers thought was "Baili Enchanting".

That's why he came up with a way to change his appearance into Grandma Xu's appearance. Now that things are up to now, he can only die and survive, it's a gamble.


Unexpectedly, Changsun Wuyou had a trick to suppress the bottom of the box, saying that he was ashamed, and it was not because of him.

As soon as he turned around, 'Grandma Xu' resumed her master posture, spitting at the audience who didn't know the truth. The greatest ability of this man is to tell lies with his eyes open.

"Folks, you can't burn her."

Jue Wushuang was stunned when he heard this, a warm current slowly rose from his heart, could it be that this cheap father wanted to plead for himself, but after hearing the following words, she wished she could poke her eyes in her eyes, this kind of scoundrel, it was useless to treat him of a heart.

"Burning can't kill her. Do you see how she looks like a monster? Is she a monster?"

Everyone seemed to have made an appointment, and shook their heads in unison: "It's not like, if this honor can be called a monster, then we don't believe in legends anymore."

"You are right, in fact, her real body is a firewood spirit."

The priest is ashamed, is there such a goblin? ?

Jue Wushuang also almost foamed at the mouth, almost drowned by his own saliva.

"The more you burn her, the more energetic she will become. Maybe the whole village will be burned."

"Then what should we do?"

"What is the thing that fire is most afraid of? Isn't that water! So if you throw this little fairy into the water, she will surely drown!"

Everyone in the audience put on an expression of "that's how it is", cheered and happily lifted Jue Wushuangya down and put it into the prepared wooden cage.

"As expected, Granny Xu is smart, and she has lived all these years in vain..." Some villagers also began to speak in a low voice, and the voice behind them could no longer be heard.

The priest also followed behind everyone, looking at 'Grandma Xu' strangely, and felt that there was nothing strange about her. The old lady was troublesome and had weird ideas, so he didn't think too much about it, and even more agreed. her statement.

(End of this chapter)

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