Chapter 891 Fragment of Eight Desolation Maps Part Five [52]

Jue Wushuang tilted his head, although he was skeptical, but there was still a tinge of relief in his heart: "Really? It would be best if it was a misunderstanding, and I will trust you again."

Believe in him for the last time, just a few words, but deeply hurt Changsun Wuyou's heart.

He looked at Jue Wushuang, and said silently in his heart, hey, it really is true that his father did not hurt the friendship, but he insisted on making it seem like a big adventure to save people.

"Girl, eat this."

Jue Wushuang looked at a pill handed over by Changsun Wuyou, a little strange, "This is the Gathering Spirit Pill that I have been keeping. This pill has gathered a lot of monster energy, so no monsters dare to approach it, I keep it It is for self-defense, after all, there are too many ghosts and goblins in Wuyin Village, and it is completely impossible to defend against."

"Then why did you let me eat it?"

"Actually, if you keep in such a state without any power, any little monster or human may kill you, so I want you to recover a little soul power. This elixir and the clear spring at that time are both Good for bringing out your potential."

These words warmed Jue Wushuang's heart like a spring breeze. It turned out that everything Changsun Wuyou did was for himself, even if there was any unpleasantness, it should be a misunderstanding.

"Then why didn't it work when I ate it?" Jue Wushuang looked at his eldest grandson Wuyou. In fact, he knew in his heart that this person was his own father, but he couldn't bear that his own father was still as young as he was back then. It's the living dead.

But for such a living dead, Jue Wushuang still felt that something was wrong. Although he didn't know how to come back to life again, but this was against the law of life, would he be punished?
She was thinking like this in her heart, and she didn't know what to do next, so she just asked a random question.

"Of course, just taking medicine will definitely not work. This is Wuyin Village. There are powerful seals and barriers that prevent people from using their soul power. The village is full of monks. The person who wanted to punish you just now is a very strong person in the village. One of the persons of authority is the High Priest."

"It seems that you know quite a lot." Jue Wushuang stared at Changsun Wuyou, and he didn't have any superfluous thoughts in his heart. Instead, he wanted to know why he knew so much.

The eldest grandson Wuyou coughed softly, and then continued, "So, we need to find a clear spring, and then... you go to take a bath, and you can force out the soul power in your body."

Seeing Jue Wushuang with a happy face, Changsun Wuyou couldn't say the following words, but silently led her to the spring again.

Jue Wushuang looked at herself in the reflection, and was very excited. She really became beautiful. Now, she finally looked like a vixen, but it was just a trick played by Changsun Wuyou, so she still knew that she was a human.

After staying in the water for nearly an hour, Jue Wushuang felt like he was in the air, and he seemed to have an endless energy. When he looked at the water surface, he was even more coquettish than before. Her heart is like a rose dripping with blood, dangerous and seductive, even the elder brother looks at her differently.

She got up and went ashore, her whole body exuded golden light, her eyes were piercing, and she looked like a bright light, with occasional dewdrops dripping, she smiled at her eldest grandson Wuyou, and then asked: "Are you really my father?" ?”

(End of this chapter)

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