Chapter 901 Fragment of Eight Desolation Maps Part Five [60]

"Are you threatening me?" Jue Wushuang stared at Shifang Maitreya, thinking that even if Shifang Maitreya had a high level of cultivation, he would not pose any threat to Jue Wushuang.

However, Jue Wushuang couldn't tell the monk's cultivation level, he could only faintly feel the extraordinary aura on him.

This kind of breath is very familiar in the previous life. It belongs to the taste of Buddhist believers, but it is not very threatening.

"Girl, be careful with this person, I feel that he seems to have a natural power to suppress evil spirits, because I am not a real human being, so I feel a little uncomfortable." When Changsun Wuyou looked at the monk, there was an expression in his eyes. Indeed, a smile flashed across his face. He was looking at the purpose of these two people.

Since it was against each other, there was no need to keep this kind of smile.

Jue Wushuang carefully looked at the cassock monk. Apart from the lack of hair on his head, his immature face had just faded away. He was obviously a young guy, and there was no incense mark on his head. This at least showed that this cassock monk Not a true Buddhist disciple.

"Father, have you ever seen this kind of bald monk, or is there any Buddhist sect in Li Huan Continent?" Jue Wushuang checked worriedly.

"No, I know all the sects in Li Huan Continent, no matter how weird they are, and I know a thing or two, but I really haven't seen this person's outfit before."

"Is that so? Dad?" Jue Wu Shuangzi was thinking in his heart. Hearing the eldest grandson Wuyou's answer, he already had seven or eight thoughts in his heart. This young monk who looks like a wood must be a The pulse is passed on in a single pass, and [-]% of the master of the other party is a dead person, or it is like this, only the primordial spirit exists.



Thinking about it this way, it really made me a little uncomfortable. Suddenly meeting two foreigners who interfered with what I wanted to do, this really made Jue Wushuang very annoying.

"I advise the benefactor not to increase the killing." The little monk clasped his hands, nodded and bowed immediately.

"Who wants you to care?"

"No, the poor monk is trying to persuade the benefactor to turn around." The little monk said solemnly.

"Okay, since you said that, you said that the soul will not be at peace, then, please return my mother's soul, and I will stop, so as not to hurt the innocent. If not, don't talk about it!"

Jue Wushuang didn't pay much attention to the little monk at all, it was only because of curiosity that he didn't do anything directly.

The little monk looked at Jue Wushuang worriedly, and said a little arrogantly: "So, the benefactor has decided to enter the ranks of the magic way?"

"Haha, do you want to subdue demons and eliminate demons? Little monk, your aptitude is too low, you don't even know what a Buddha is! You have no right to teach me a lesson."

Jue Wushuang smiled coldly, seeing the young monk's expression of surprise, he knew he had guessed right.Sure enough, the little monk in front of him was a one-man.

There is only one young monk who is independent of this sect.


Looking at Jue Wushuang's sneer, the little monk felt as if he saw his master, and he couldn't see through it all at once. He wanted to show his skills to slay demons, but Jue Wushuang's words made him flustered.

"You want to ask me why I know about Buddhism, right?"

"Who the hell are you?" The little monk asked eagerly, already in disarray.

Jue Wushuang smiled slightly, and continued: "Little monk, your mood is already messed up. Even if you are the only Buddhist practitioner in this world, with your heart, if you don't have Master, you won't even be able to form a relic."

(End of this chapter)

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