Chapter 904 Fragment of Eight Desolation Maps Part Five [62]

Changsun Wuyou stared at Monk Qijie, and then said softly: "Why, is it possible that you want to come and have a try, little monk?"

The little monk Qijie quickly stepped back a few steps, his eyes widened, he didn't know what to do, his face looked extremely terrified and panicked.

The coldness in Jue Wushuang's eyes has dissipated, replaced by a heart as hard as ice.

Raising one's hand, a string of lightning swords flashed past, each of the Nascent Soul Jinghua was mixed in the golden core and put into the storage ring. No one resisted, and they couldn't resist.

Someone tried to escape, but ghost-like things were everywhere, harvesting the souls of countless people.

Wuyin Village is not flying around, but dead bodies are everywhere, and if Jue Wushuang is allowed to kill, all the monks in Wuyin Village will die cleanly.

Wuyin Village is very big, and it took a long time for Jue Wushuang to leave on the main road. The speed of Jue Wushuang can be said to be terrifying and unbelievable. Many monks in the Nascent Soul stage died before even thinking of fleeing.

Jue Wushuang put the obtained Nascent Soul and Golden Elixir into the storage ring, and still walked straight to the towering and magnificent palace in the distance.Killing all the way, killing hundreds of people in one step, without stopping.

Just when Jue Wushuang was indulging in killing and torture, a majestic voice suddenly sounded: "I will give you three days to get out of Wuyin Village, and the matter of our misunderstanding you will be evened out immediately, so let it go, if not, then You stay forever."

The majestic voice echoed in Wuyin Village, causing the panicked people to find their spiritual support and calm down.

Jue Wushuang was undoubtedly a killing machine. In a short period of time, thousands of people became corpses. They couldn't even enter reincarnation, and their souls flew away.

"No, it's the high priest..."

Changsun Wuyou couldn't sit still anymore, he could judge the other party's cultivation level with just one voice, it was almost impossible to fight against the High Priest of Wuyin Village with Jue Wushuang's cultivation level.

Although Jue Wushuang's current strength has recovered, there are some people who are a little worried. After all, she has only recovered her ability and has not improved her ability. The current ability can only be 5.00% of the ability outside Wuyin Village.

"Are you afraid? Dad, is it possible that we are still afraid of these mere people?"

Jue Wushuang said lightly.

Changsun Wuyou didn't bother to show off He Er's stimulation anymore, but said sensibly: "He who knows current affairs is a hero, I have already used a lot of strength to deal with that Shifang Maitreya just now, and now there is only one soul left, you You thought I was you, a foolish master of provocation, you are too overconfident."

And in this world, as long as some energies can get a glimpse of the door, it will be a great harvest. This Fengshui Xuanshu will definitely be a killer move in the future. The strange energy in the heaven and earth attacks the depths of the soul, causing the soul to be disturbed and oppressed by hallucinations.

The formation in Xianshu also has a similar effect, but the formation of Xianshu needs a lot of material and spiritual power to support, and the layout is troublesome. Compared with Fengshui Xuanshu, it is not at the same level at all.

"Are you looking for me?"

The sudden voice startled the man, his spiritual sense scanned him carefully again, and suddenly he felt a movement in front of his eyes, and Jue Wushuang's pure white figure appeared in front of him.

No one could have imagined that this pure white woman had already killed thousands of people, and there was not even a single drop of blood on her pure white clothes.

"You are very unusual!" Although the man is arrogant, he still respects and tempts Jue Wushuang.

Respecting Jue Wushuang's strength, but also testing Jue Wushuang's qualifications.

Jue Wushuang looked at the master who was incarnated in front of him, his whole body seemed to be real, and he couldn't tell at all that it was the incarnation of a ray of soul from a monk in the separation and reunion period. Although the opponent's momentum was not weak, he wanted to Using an incarnation of Yuanshen to deal with Jue Wushuang, if it is a physical body, Jue Wushuang is really afraid that there will be some special means of defense, but the other party directly uses the Yuanshen to fight her, Jue Wushuang really smiled from the bottom of his heart: "Just Use an avatar against me? You're too arrogant!"

The man is still in the status of a superior, with his eyelids slightly raised under his sword eyebrows, he looked at Jue Wushuang indifferently, and said: "It's enough to change your body, pull out your sword, today I will use my identity as a warrior to kill you kill."

Jue Wushuang shook his head, while slowly integrating the spiritual power into the surroundings, he talked nonsense to the man: "I, Jue Wushuang, disdain to touch hands and feet the most. Since you sent this external form to the door, then I will destroy you. The so-called martial artist status must be severely damaged by Yuanshen, right?"

The man in the golden robe didn't care about Jue Wushuang's flirting with him: "I forgot to tell you, I am the high priest and the authority of Wuyin Village, a heavenly soul master."

"You all like to report your family name, but I, Jue Wushuang, don't like to remember the names of dead people."

"Crazy enough, but I will remember you! Luan, go—"

Jue Wushuang's eyes moved, but he didn't move at all, instead he just stood there motionless.


Jue Wushuang took a small step, and the scene suddenly changed. The fiery red Luan sword passed by, which shocked Changsun Wuyou who was standing next to him into a cold sweat.

"Luanjian, split by split! I don't believe that you can become invisible, and can you disappear completely out of thin air?"

The Luan sword was split into two, and the two small swords were split into two halves again, forming four halves, and the four became eight halves, and the eight fiery red daggers swept over in the air.

"Little trick, Pippi, come out!"

With a thought of Jue Wushuang, the power in his body was immediately poured into Pippi's body, only to see Pippi flying out of the space of spiritual pets, and with one change, under the situation that Jue Wushuang did it deliberately, Pippi killed too much The bloody aura tainted by people was also filtered out and remained in the flying light.

So just like Pippi, it benefits all the time.

Everything is subtle.

Pippi met the eight fiery red daggers respectively, easily entered the daggers, and expelled all the consciousness and spiritual power controlling the daggers.

This is a painful fact, the high priest's face suddenly looks as ugly as his dead mother.

Seeing that the spiritual weapon that I personally controlled suddenly ran away with others, it was like my woman went to ask for a debt, but the woman ran away with the creditor!
It hurts!
"You give it back to you!"

I only heard Jue Wushuang's voice, but I couldn't see Jue Wushuang there.

When his own Luan sword came, the expression on the high priest's majestic face was complicated, but it returned to normal in an instant, and the external form of the high priest had disappeared.

"Teleport?" Jue Wushuang was puzzled, and looked around, and sure enough, he found the figure of the other party appearing behind him, only a few meters away from Jue Wushuang.

The avatar outside the body is formed by the primordial spirit, and it is a martial skill that is specially cultivated, and its movements are extremely fast.

The golden figure flashed in front of Jue Wushuang, and Jue Wushuang knew that his position was exposed because of the sound he made just when he turned around.

"Melee combat? I haven't really played it for a long time!"

Jue Wushuang regained his energy immediately, and covered his chest with his arms, blocking the high priest's kick!

The strength of this leg was not small, and it directly kicked Jue Wushuang and slid five meters along the ground, and his arms felt like their bones were about to break.

Immortal cultivators in the separation and reunion period, their physical fitness is too perverted!It's hard to imagine what level it would be if it was insulted by a real martial artist.

"Girl, are you itchy? Your ultimate move is to kill it directly. He uses his long to attack your short. If you are not stupid, you should know how to do it."

The eldest grandson Wuyou hurriedly called Jue Wushuang to persuade Jue Wushuang not to head-on.

Jue Wushuang frowned, and hummed comfortably: "Hey, of course I know, but hand-to-hand combat is very refreshing!"

"You are risking your life!" Changsun Wuyou was anxious.

In Jue Wushuang's body, the five-color light group gathered on the arm, and he recovered from the injury in a short time.

The multicolored light ball can be used as poison, and it is also a holy medicine for healing. Jue Wushuang controls the colorful light ball in his hands. As long as he touches Du Sheng's external form, he will look good to him.

Instead of retreating, Jue Wushuang went forward to meet him again. Du Sheng's martial arts obviously aroused Jue Wushuang's interest.

"Hey, I don't bother to care about you anymore, as long as you can't hold on, I will immediately use the sky-scaping technique to teleport thousands of miles!" Changsun Wuyou saw that he couldn't stop Jue Wushuang, so he could only give up and stopped talking.

Constantly fighting against the high priest, every attack by Jue Wushuang is equivalent to tickling the high priest, and the fists and feet of the high priest can make Jue Wushuang unbearable every time.

But the strange thing is that no matter how badly injured Jue Wushuang was, he recovered in an instant and became even more vigorous than him.

"Hmph, since you won't give me my mother's soul, otherwise, I won't be able to spare you!"

"It's up to you." Changsun Wuyou watched from the side, and said a word firmly.

Jue Wushuang blocked the last kick and jumped far away.

Pippi screamed a few times, and returned to Jue Wu's hands with the high priest's spirit weapon, the Luan Sword. It was really profitable to have another spirit weapon.

"Hey, it's not an option to continue fighting like this. You'd better call your true body over here. I'll take care of you, Auntie!" Jue Wushuang clapped his white palms, and a bright light appeared between them in an instant. Any kind of spell is beautiful.

"Hmph, an external avatar is enough!"

"Oh? Really? Come on then!!!" Jue Wushuang pointed his index finger at Du Sheng and said contemptuously.

The high priest twisted his body, and was about to rush over, but this movement almost made him lose his mind. The transformation outside his body seemed to be imprisoned, and he had no strength at all. It's starting to crumble...impossible..."

Jue Wushuang said with a smile: "Hey, you have been poisoned by my signature poison, now I give you two choices..."

"First, bring over my mother's soul, and then offer ten thousand top-grade spirit stones, and I'll give you the antidote, otherwise your cultivation will become a mortal within three days until the soul dissipates."

The high priest looked up at Jue Wushuang with deep malice in his eyes. The twin souls of Jue Wushuang's parents were indeed in her hands. She said that she was preparing for future troubles, but she didn't expect to provoke such a difficult enemy.

"Second, and, you also took the soul of the Baili family, right? You let them go! If you don't let them go, what awaits you will be death. Even if you have an incarnation, it's a pity that you only have one Soul, the poison has penetrated your soul."

"how can that be!!!"

The high priest was so horrified that he couldn't recover. He had never seen this kind of poison in his life, and he had to believe it was a poison that could invade the primordial spirit.

Suddenly, murderous intent appeared in the eyes of the high priest. Although the external form was poisoned, at least the deity is fine. The deity can definitely kill Jue Wushuang with that poison.

Thinking of this, the high priest himself, who was retreating in the palace, slowly opened his eyes...

The real peak cultivation base of the separation and separation period is very powerful, but he was actually teased by this little girl.

"Don't try to think that you can get the antidote by killing me. Let's not say whether you can kill me or not. Even if you kill me, I can poison your primordial spirit without anyone knowing it, and I can use the same medicine to kill you." Do you think the antidote to this poison is something you take orally, I don’t have any ready-made antidote.”

Jue Wushuang saw through the high priest's plan at a glance, and killed the high priest's idea of ​​killing people to get the antidote.

Seeing the high priest's golden-robed avatar with a gloomy face and a rapidly declining cultivation base, Jue Wushuang said regretfully:
"If you delay any longer, you will be downgraded!!"

There was deep fear in the eyes of the high priest. The primordial spirit is the lifeblood of monks, and he would never joke about the safety of the primordial spirit. The high priest quickly subdued and said:

"Okay, I promise you, quickly give me the antidote!"

"I want you to bring me the soul of the Baili family!"

The deity of the high priest in the palace grabbed a storage ring with a cold face, picked up all the soul crystals in the Baili family, and appeared in front of Jue Wushuang in a teleport.

As soon as the powerful deity of the high priest Wu Kong appeared, he hurriedly retracted his extremely weak external form into the deity.

"This is the spirit stone you want and your mother's soul sealing spar. Give me the antidote!!!"

Jue Wushuang stretched out his hands to catch the green soul spar, and after a sweep of his consciousness, it was indeed the spirit stones of everyone in the Baili family and the soul seal spar of his mother, which had her deep smell on it. .

Jue Wushuang also heaved a sigh of relief.

Since the high priest dared to give things directly to himself, it was obvious that the high priest who dispatched the deity had absolute certainty to kill himself.

But just now the high priest made a huge mistake, this mistake was fatal, that is, he hastily retracted the external form, so that the poison in the external form also entered his body...

Even if the real deity is much more powerful than the external form, but in front of the poison, he still has to bow his head.

Jue Wushuang pursed his lips and smiled, and said: "Hey, you're really good. You don't need any antidote for your poison. This poison can't kill you. What kind of poison do you think can kill a high-ranking monk directly?" poison?"

A cruel smile appeared on the face of the High Priest himself. He knew that Jue Wushuang was not an ordinary person. Whether it was skill or scheming, he was rare in the cultivation world. Since he became an enemy, he couldn't let Jue Wushuang go. Wushuang, killing someone in the cradle is the best choice.

"You fool me?"

Jue Wushuang took a few steps back, sensed the feng shui strange energy around him, and planned to accept the sluts and retreat as soon as possible, but judging by the appearance of the high priest, he might not be able to let her go.

Jue Wushuang smiled helplessly: "If you think so, then it's considered it. Bye, we're even. There will be no date~~"

The high priest was not in a hurry to make a move. He took out a bright bead in his hand. The power contained in this bead penetrated people's hearts and minds.

"That's... Leizhu... Back then, the deity was blown up by a sack of Leizhu and gave up his body, and the primordial spirit escaped using the sky escape technique, and this one is coming again today..."

Hong Su Shengzun wailed.

"Take my spirit stone and still want to run? If I let you go, how can I explain to other sects! You are already proud of being able to make my deity take action."

Jue Wushuang frowned, moved his body, and concealed his body position with the help of Feng Shui Xuanshu, leaving a sentence:

"If you want to kill me, the poison of your primordial spirit cannot be undone. As long as I don't cast spells, you will be fine."

"Do you think I'm really afraid of you? Since the poison requires you to perform a spell to be effective, then I will make you unable to perform the spell forever!"

"go to hell!"

Throwing the thunder beads, no matter how fast Jue Wushuang ran, Jue Wushuang simply gave up and waited for Changsun Wuyou to use the sky-escape technique to escape.

"I've been consumed with thunder and lightning all my life!" Jue Wushuang muttered.

Feeling the extremely strong explosion, the power of the thunder beads could no longer affect Jue Wushuang, because at this time Jue Wushuang was in flight.

The world is spinning like a dream.

"Girl, I'm so sad, I was defeated by this thunder ball twice, and now I'm going to use the sky-escaping technique for you. You can go on your own way, it seems that this time it's a little too hard, I really want to sleep... ...hope to see you again when I wake up again."

The weak voice of Changsun Wuyou rang in Jue Wushuang's mind, and he saw that his body suddenly became transparent, and suddenly got into the piece of mother's soul crystal that Jue Wu held in both hands.

The eldest grandson Wuyou escaped the sky technique and fell into a deep sleep of the primordial spirit after performing more than half of it.

The Sky Escape Technique can escape thousands of miles, the direction is uncertain, and it only stops at places with strong aura.

Jue Wushuang suddenly appeared in the sky thousands of miles away, and fell to the ground...

But at this moment, a person suddenly appeared and raised his hand to hold Jue Wushuang. With such a pull, Jue Wushuang's consciousness was brought back.

"Let's go, brother, I'll take you to see my master."

Xiao Daotong squinted his eyes and twisted his little butt, proudly about to lead Jue Wushuang to see his master.

Jue Wushuang said word by word: "Little Zhengtai, please call me Senior Sister!"

"What? But you look older than me, and you don't look like a woman."

Xiao Daotong waved his hand casually, thinking that Jue Wushuang was joking.

Xiao Daotong squinted his eyes, and felt that something was wrong, he turned his head and glanced at Jue Wushuang, especially Jue Wushuang's front chest, the two big white meaty balls seemed to be something wrong.

"Big brother, are you... a woman?" Xiao Daotong asked suspiciously.

Jue Wushuang looked harmless, patted the towering twin peaks, and said: "I am a woman, you can call me Senior Sister from now on. Besides, you can't tell that I am a woman, I am so easily misunderstood as a man !"

"You are a woman!!! You are really a woman!!! I..." Xiaodaotong's still angry face was incomparably surprised.

"What's the matter, Mrs. Zheng, are you shy?" Jue Wushuang was delighted, this Xiaodao boy was so much fun.It's outrageously pure.


"But you looked so fierce just now!!!"

Jue Wushuang couldn't bear to tease this innocent little boy anymore, so he interrupted: "What about me, senior sister doesn't have time to hook up with you little brat, tell me what's going on here?"

Xiao Daotong's red face was always embarrassed to face Jue Wushuang, so he could only say coyly: "The high priest gave the souls of the Baili family to their bones, preventing them from ascending to heaven, so I was ordered by my master to come here to rescue them His soul rested, and he saw the scene just now."

Speaking of this, Xiao Daotong glanced at Jue Wushuang, knowing that Jue Wushuang was a woman, but still saying these things, Xiao Daotong obviously felt that he had said something wrong, and at first he thought Jue Wushuang was a man, isn’t that true? Let's just say that Jue Wushuang's appearance is so bad that it's hard to tell a man from a man...

Jue Wushuang thought inwardly, it seems that luck was better this time, he didn't fall into any tiger's den and wolf's den, and his eldest grandson Wuyou fell into a deep sleep, and he will depend on himself from now on.

As for the appearance, Jue Wushuang deliberately ruined her alluring appearance. She just didn't want to cause too much trouble, so she became like this.

Jue Wushuang still remembered the thunderballs thrown by the high priest. The power was comparable to the bombs on the earth in his previous life, but the thunderballs were made of lightning and spiritual power. Made it?Anyway, I am quite familiar with the ingredients of thermal weapons in my head.

If you make a bunch of grenades, bombs, and firearms and put them in storage rings, once a fight starts, just throw the bombs.

Nuclear weapons are not yet capable of being produced. Although they know the principle, those things cannot be produced by one person.

Jue Wushuang has made up his mind. Now that he has come to Li Huan Continent, and luckily arrived at this strange Wuyin Village, he must practice hard, first improve his cultivation, and then he can be proud of the entire continent.

It won't take long to seek revenge from the high priest!

He actually has the soul essence of his mother. If it wasn't because of the familiar smell on the high priest, Jue Wushuang would not have thought of this place, but this Xiaodao boy who suddenly appeared surprised her.

"I am a disciple of the Cultivation Alliance. I am divided into nine peaks and nine veins. The nine peaks are Jinfeng, Mufeng, Shuifeng, Huofeng, Tufeng, Leifeng, Yaoshengfeng, Tianjifeng and Jianfeng. It is an independent branch of my cultivation world."

"Among them, Jin Feng is the head of the sect. The disciples of this sect and the disciples of Huofeng are the most powerful, and they are not easy to provoke. Senior sister, don't want to conflict with them in the future. As for Mufeng and Yaoshengfeng, most of the female disciples belong to these two. Most of those senior sisters are as beautiful as heavenly immortals, and the senior brothers of each line want to become Taoist couples with the senior sisters of these two lines, but the masters of these two lines are very strict and rarely let the disciples of other lines enter the mountain .”

"By the way, senior sister, do you want to go back with me?" Xiao Daotong came back to his senses, and hurriedly continued, "Except for these two peaks, there is no difference between the other peaks..."

(End of this chapter)

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