Chapter 907 Fragment of Eight Desolation Maps Part Five [66]

During the whole process, I saw the woman in black's mouth opening and closing quickly, and she couldn't even understand what she was saying, let alone what she was saying. Suddenly, she opened her eyes suddenly and growled: "Demon!" Son, now!"

Then I saw a smog rising slowly, and then I saw a rudimentary figure gradually spread out, and finally spread into a piece, which was unclear at the beginning, and then became a clear appearance.

It was a young girl, with fine and long black hair draped over her shoulders, looking a little aesthetically pleasing.The loose long hair showed a different style, and the slightly curved lips were as red as blood, looking mature and pure.

The white skin of those slender hands is like jade, and there is a little bit of faint smoke in front of her, as if a fairy descended to the earth, and there is still a lingering fairy air.

Fair and clean face, soft and tender skin, slender and picturesque eyebrows, and twinkling eyes like stars.There is a small mouth under the small bridge of the nose, with thin lips, and the corners of the mouth are slightly curved upwards, with a sad smile.The whole face is delicate and beautiful, so refined, it doesn't have the slightest smell of human fireworks.

She was wearing a simple white blouse and a white pleated skirt.

Appearing suddenly, it looks like a ghost!
She just stood there, dignified and noble, quiet and elegant.So pure, tender, like a budding hibiscus, spotless.

"Master, why did you summon me?" The woman hadn't spoken just now, she felt like a puppet, but when she spoke, it turned out to be a light and beautiful voice, which made people feel extremely wonderful!

It's almost like a lark in the forest, how beautiful it sounds, almost every timbre and every word can evoke people's mood.


Looking at her bright red lips and that white long gown, she looked like a ghost. If such a woman appeared in the middle of the night, wouldn't she scare people half to death?
The woman in black snorted coldly, then continued: "Yao'er, bring Baili Yaoluo back to Wuyin Village."

"This person..." It turned out that the girl in white who suddenly appeared was the shikigami of the woman in black. Maybe it was really a ghost that was used by the woman in black to fight!

Yao'er looked at Jue Wushuang who was lying on the ground, and saw her raise her hand slightly, and gently touched under Jue Wushuang's nose, then, she frowned slightly, and opened her red lips slightly, "Master, this woman is not Baili. enchanting."

"What did you say?" The woman in black was obviously angry, and she looked at Yao'er fiercely, thinking how could this loyal servant suddenly want to lie to herself?Just when she was suspicious, Yao'er continued, "Master, this woman has a powerful seal in her body, and she is an elementalist, and I can feel the power of her body is a powerful thunder system! "



The woman in black didn't speak for a long time, she could only shake her head, and then chattered, "Her... her descendants?"

"What about Baili Enchanting? Where's that bitch?"

"It should have been killed, or escaped when we were in formation. If not, why can't I find her bones?"

"Yao'er, what about this woman?"

"Master, let's not mess with such a strong man." Yao'er said cautiously, although the woman in black felt unwilling, she waved her sleeves and left.

When Jue Wushuang woke up, he opened his eyes and saw winter.

 The update is resumed~~ Everyone, please watch me finish, although the grade of this book is very poor.

(End of this chapter)

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