Chapter 921 Princess of the Lancas Empire (9)

Ye Xiange and Nan Ai Disheng behind them looked like two conjoined twins, looking at them directly, walking silently at the end, as if they were protecting Jue Wushuang, or following behind to watch a good show...



Jue Wushuang has seen through the nightmare, this guy is obviously here to tear things down.

I didn't bother to look at him anymore, but lightly stroked the hair on Pippi's body, and said with a light smile, "Pippi, you still know that you are a soul||pet|| If you see something useful, please tell me how to improve your strength."

She gently grabbed its head, and then said softly, "How you look now, no matter how you look at it, you look like this lady's||pet||pet, how can you be a soul||pet that can go to the battlefield? What about ||?"


Pippi was speechless, how could there be such a master who complained about his || pet || appearance?

This Jue Wushuang really deserves a spanking, oh no, a spanking.

Blinking his black eyes, Pippi said seriously: "Didn't I tell you? There is only one way to restore my strength, and that is medicinal materials."

"Medical materials??" Jue Wushuang blinked, completely ignorant of these.

Although she is said to be a pharmacist, she only knows a little bit about it, and she doesn't know what medicinal materials can instantly increase her strength.

She's not omnipotent, so talking about the kind of person who suddenly shines in ancient times is completely farting!

How can it be so easy?

Say what you say...

Do you think this is playing a game, cracking golden eggs?What about knocking the golden egg, there should be RMB...

She has nothing but one life and a firm heart.

"Did you listen to me?" Pippi looked at Jue Wushuang with his round eyes, and there was clearly a kind of displeasure in his eyes.

"Okay, what kind of medicinal material is that?"

"Yes, it is indeed possible to propose the power of the medicinal materials as the strength of my body. Now I have degenerated because I don't know what I ate, so I need a thousand-year-old medicinal material to be able to possess this power and break through. I You can progress faster."

"Then what level can you advance to?" Jue Wushuang was very curious, looking at Pippi in front of him, this little guy really seemed to have no strength at all, even those originally blue eyes looked It also looks black, which is so uncomfortable.

"That's right, as long as I can get the thousand-year-old medicinal material, then I can use this power to reach Seven Stars! Maybe I can make a breakthrough even more, and then I can transform into a human form."

Okay, Nine Stars?
That's probably stronger than myself.

Jue Wushuang felt a little surprised in his heart.

Can it really be this powerful?
"Okay, we can ask Mrs. Yao later if there are any good medicinal materials, especially medicinal materials that are more than a thousand years old. I think such a big Duanmu Mansion must have what we want, right, Shuang'er." You's tall body suddenly turned around and glanced at Jue Wushuang, with a smile on his lips.

They were wearing thick padded jackets, and he was dressed in snow-white mink fur, which already made him look even more handsome.

Jue Wushuang glanced at Changsun Wuyou, but said happily, "Father, are we very familiar with Madam Yao?"

"Well, as long as she looks at you, she must like it very much." Changsun Wuyou said.

"That's all right, I'm going to bed." Pippi can just ignore anything now, because it's really a pet now...

(End of this chapter)

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