Chapter 929

Everyone was shocked, and when they were still wondering, at this time, the door of the ancestral hall was opened again.

It turned out to be Huangfu Qianyu who walked in.

Her whole body was wrapped up like a rice dumpling, her arms seemed to be folded, and she looked pretty, but her face was pale. When the elders looked at such a Huangfu Qianyu, everyone was shocked, before they had time to say anything.

I heard Huangfu Qianyu's exclamation——

"It's you!!"

Huangfu Liefeng's eyes followed Huangfu Qianyu's fingers, and landed on Jue Wushuang's stunning face, his eyes were red with hatred, he clenched his fists tightly, and suddenly stood up.

"Jue Wushuang, you are Jue Wushuang, okay, okay, you are too courageous! You dare to come here after hurting the people of our Duanmu Mansion!!" Huangfu Liefeng gritted his teeth, staring at her fiercely , and continued to growl loudly: "You hurt Huangfu Qianyu externally, and you wanted to come to Duanmu Mansion, because you had a verbal dispute with her, and you actually crippled her hand! Do you think you hurt my Duanmu Mansion? Can you survive? Since you moved her arm, I want you to pay with your life!"

Huangfu Qianyu was seriously injured outside and carried back. The elders in Duanmu Mansion knew about it.

It's just that he didn't expect that the instigator of this incident turned out to be this stunning girl in front of him, just now Huangfu Liefeng called her Jue Wushuang.

No, the name Jue Wushuang...

The elders couldn't help being startled, this is the name of Zhu Zhiyun's daughter!

Is the girl in front of me Zhu Zhiyun's daughter?
For a moment, the elders all stared wide-eyed, but no one came to defend Huangfu Liefeng.

Because everyone knows that Huangfu Qianyu is usually domineering and domineering, and has a bad personality. She must be the one who provokes others, and no one has ever provoked her.

She overestimated her ability to challenge the masters, and got injured, that's what she deserved.

Therefore, no matter how Huangfu Liefeng tried to slander Jue Wushuang, no one would stand up and agree with him.

"Old man, you have to decide for us!" Seeing that no one spoke for him, Huangfu Liefeng immediately begged for mercy.

"Cough cough," the old man coughed dryly twice, cleared his throat, took a look around everyone, and then said slowly: "Elders, today, I came to you to announce something."

"You also know that under my wife's management these years, the Duanmu Mansion has been well-organized, and even cultivated many outstanding talents. Anbu is the best guard in the entire Lankas Empire."

The elders all nodded and hummed, expressing their agreement with this idea.

"However, recently... I feel that this may be just a superficial phenomenon!"

After finishing speaking, the old man's sharp eyes swept towards Huangfu Liefeng, his face was gloomy, and after seeing Huangfu Ziqing, his face softened again.

"Do you still remember more than ten years ago, after my daughter-in-law gave birth to a child, the child was abducted and returned home a few days later?"

The Ninth Elder glanced at the old man, hesitated for a while, and said, "Old man, Huangfu Qianyu was young at the time, and just played outside for a while, and couldn't find his way home. At that time, he was still the second head of the family, and sent people to look for it. , finally found the sleeping princess in the thatched shed in the big yard behind the house, is there any problem with this matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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