Chapter 931

"Why does this bitch have the blood of my Xiao family? She doesn't deserve it at all! She's just an Anbu, a low-ranking bitch who worked for our Duanmu Mansion! She, why?!"

Huangfu Qianyu was also mad with anger.

No matter how arrogant and domineering she is usually, she will not go too far in front of Madam Yao, after all, she is still her "daughter", but now, she has completely lost her mind and just wants to tear that hateful woman into pieces.

It is difficult for anyone who has gone through this long period of time to maintain sanity.

Who knew that the woman whom she despised and looked down upon, a mere servant, would actually take away the laurel crown from her head?Becoming the little princess of Duanmu Mansion, the eldest daughter of the Huangfu family, that is the power and status that she has struggled for a long time but could not get. Why can she get it without doing anything?
Is it because Mrs. Yao's blood flows in her body?

This is not fair at all!
Huangfu Qian clenched her fist tightly, her delicate body trembled, the pain at the severed finger reminded her of what this woman had done to her not long ago.


A jade-like palm slapped her face.

The crisp applause broke the tranquility of the conference room, and also made Huangfu Qianyu gradually wake up.

When she raised her eyes, she saw Mrs. Yao with a cold face, and she trembled a few times in fright.

"Mother... Mother, why did you hit me..."

Huangfu Qianyu pursed her lips lightly, her eyes filled with grievance.

Until now, she still firmly insists that she is Mrs. Yao's daughter, and they deliberately recruited Xiaojiu to act in this play for some other purpose.

It is impossible for her to give up the glory of Duanmu Mansion and the supreme rights here!
"Who is your mother!" Mrs. Yao yelled, her face as cold as ice, "Who gave you the courage to insult my wife's daughter!"

"She is not your daughter at all, I am your daughter, mother..." Huangfu Qianyu cried heartbreakingly, leaving Jue Wushuang at the side speechless.

I have never met such a woman who can turn black into white and reverse right and wrong.

Changsun Wuyou and the others just waited quietly at the side, no one said a word.

Instead, Jue Wushuang slashed at Huangfu Qianyu's face abruptly, she raised her hand quietly, and when no one was paying attention, she slowly put her hand behind her back, and a small group of people gathered together. Thunderball, and...

When no one noticed, a small thunder ball suddenly hit Huangfu Qianyu's arm!

Just hearing Huangfu Qianyu's scream made everyone look at her.

"Look, the little princess is so seriously injured, the head of the family, why are you like this..." Heartbroken, before these two words were uttered, a low sigh of horror was heard from the crowd.

"Mrs. Yao, she is really not your daughter. If you don't believe me, there is no butterfly birthmark on her arm at all!" Jue Wushuang seemed to be a normal person, pointing at Huangfu Qianyu's cuff that was cut open by something There is nothing on that white arm, where is there any birthmark?
This is simply an illusion.

On the contrary, Huangfu Ziqing was wearing beautiful clothes, her arms were clean and fresh, and the bright butterfly birthmark exposed made the elders no longer doubt her identity.

(End of this chapter)

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