Chapter 941 The truth always hurts so much [10]

Even in the wind and snow, even in the wind and dust, that bewitching red robe was spotless, with a vivid and vivid aura lingering.

It's just that this person is very mysterious.

His tall body was wrapped in red clothes. Even in the ice and snow, he could still see a faint coat of arms on his neck. It was a string of blue runes, which looked intricate and even flowed slowly around his neck.

Very strange man.

He didn't dare to show his true face to others, wearing a silver mask, with a cold and ruthless appearance, he couldn't see any good feelings.Although he couldn't see his eyes, he could still see from the skin of his chin that he was very white and his facial contour was very good.

It seems that he is a handsome man, almost stunning.

Huangfu Qianyu held her breath, feeling that the man in front of her was so charming.

She slowly looked up and saw his scarlet eyes!

What a pair of beautiful eyes, it made her crazy.

She couldn't help but froze, with yearning in her eyes.

She had never seen such beautiful eyes, so red like blood, red passion.

Such eyes are simply more beautiful than precious stones, and brighter than the bright stars in the sky, so much so that she couldn't extricate herself after just one glance.

Obviously these eyes are so beautiful, but there is a bit of ice and snow ruthlessness, which makes her heart tremble even more.

Well, what a beautiful boy!
Her Huangfu Qianyu's favorite is a beautiful boy.

I like to be held in their arms, I like to look at their handsome faces, I like to watch their tongues slowly stick out to lick my body.

This handsome man, he must have great kung fu, and seeing how cold-blooded and ruthless he is, he is definitely not a playboy.

She opened her mouth wide, and suddenly said: "Young Master, what is your business?"

Men don't have any words.

"Who are you?" Huangfu Liefeng's heart trembled, he looked at the man in front of him vigilantly, and looked at the fierce expression on his face, it must be that the visitor was not kind.

This man is very dangerous!
Moreover, it is definitely not Fan Fan's generation, and it is definitely not easy to mess with, and it must not be messed with.

There was even a dreadful aura about him, and Huangfu Liefeng was so frightened that he dared not move.

If, at this moment, this man wanted to kill them, it would be a breeze.

Looking at her own daughter again, she was already dumbfounded by the side, she was simply too weak to be fascinated by this man's appearance.

"you guess."

The man raised his lips slightly, his cold voice was full of shock.

"Who the hell are you!" Huangfu Liefeng was obviously anxious.

I saw the man slightly raised his eyes, a trace of murderous intent flashed in his red eyes, his thin lips were slightly parted, and his voice was clearly shocking. "I am the one who came to kill you."

When Huangfu Liefeng heard this, his face darkened.

Sure enough, he was the enemy.

Moreover, it is still a very powerful enemy.

His complexion changed, and suddenly he put on a naive smile, "Young master, we have no enmity with you, we are just ordinary people here, why do you want to kill us?"

The man walked towards them without saying anything.

As the breeze blew, the demon red robe began to flutter slowly in the wind, and as he walked slowly, an oppressive force followed.

(End of this chapter)

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