Chapter 943 A Man Like a Demon 【2】

" are Lu Youcheng?!" Huangfu Qianyu felt a little familiar when she saw this red dress before, but thinking of so many men in red clothes in the world, she didn't make any guesses, let alone this one. She was still wearing a mask, and when she heard his words, her eyes were filled with shock!
"Impossible, you can't be him!"

"Why don't you dare to show your true colors to others? You are not Lu Youcheng, who are you? Could it be that Jue Wushuang raised other men outside, hahaha... He actually put on a green hat for you, hahahaha, a flirtatious woman , bitch, bitch!"

Upon hearing Huangfu Qianyu's unrestrained insults, the man's eyes turned cold, and he could even see a layer of flames bursting out of those scarlet eyes.

He only saw him wave his hand, a strong light came out from the robe, and a huge force directly threw that Huangfu Qianyu who loved him so much out!
Huangfu Qianyu's body was directly lifted up by that force!

Even his body was shattered and fell from the sky, and then, with a "wow", he spit out a pool of blood.

"Yu'er!" Huangfu Liefeng's face changed drastically, he looked at the man in front of him fiercely, and said viciously: "You are a man who is attacking a weak woman who has no strength to restrain a chicken. Come!"

The man just smiled coldly and didn't say anything.

Suddenly, Huangfu Liefeng felt that all the power in his body seemed to be sealed, clogging his nerves, and setting them in his dantian to ram around!

His complexion clearly began to turn pale.

The painful voice was louder and louder.

"you you……"

Gradually, Huangfu Liefeng's body began to become bigger than a leather ball, and slowly, his body began to swell, as if all the blood vessels began to expand in an instant, and began to fill the whole body.

Then, after hearing a groan of pain, a crack appeared in Huangfu Liefeng's fragile body!
Blood gushed out of his body...


"Hmph, what's wrong with me?" The man's evil voice sounded even more evil at this moment.

He slowly pursed his lips, and smiled coldly, "As long as anyone wants to hurt her, I will do whatever it takes!"

Huangfu Liefeng gritted his teeth tightly, looked at the standing man coldly, blood was flowing from the corner of his mouth, he had only one breath left.

"If you do this, there will be retribution!"

But in the man's eyes, there was a hint of contempt, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his lips, "Do you think that a person like you is a good person?"

"I killed you to do justice for the heavens and eradicate a scourge like you!"

After finishing speaking, the man raised his hand, turned around directly, and was about to leave.

Over there, Huangfu Liefeng gathered all his strength and quickly uttered a complete sentence.

"You, you are that Lu Youcheng! Haha, you look like this, do you dare not see people? Hahaha, do you think you will stay with that woman Jue Wushuang? Don't be delusional. Zhiyun's daughter was cursed long before she was born, and she can only be alone in this life..."

The word "old age" has not been finished yet.

I just heard a "boom" sound!

Huangfu Liefeng's body began to explode in pieces!
Groups of flames ignited from his body, and then began to crackle and explode.

Then, a larger group of blue flames flew out from the man's palm, slowly enveloping his body, until finally, Huangfu Liefeng's whole body turned into a puddle of blood!
 Recommend Yu Qi's "Laughing Embarrassment: Dark Belly Emperor Nitian Concubine"


(End of this chapter)

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