Chapter 949 A Man Like a Demon 【9】

After watching for a while, Jue Wushuang finally understood why.

This woman is seductive.

It's not that she is a monster, but that she practiced sorcery, a kind of enchantment that can captivate people's hearts.So that's the case, no wonder she thinks this woman is beautiful no matter how she looks...

"Okay, since you didn't mean it, I won't blame you." Lu Youcheng laughed.

"Cheng, I knew you were the best for me..." Hong Zhu's voice was delicate, perhaps something she, Jue Wushuang, would never learn.

However, such a weak and weak girl is the one who can win the love of men the most.

Who would like a strong woman like her?

No wonder, Lu Youcheng was also fascinated by the red candle.

Even the way he looked at the red candle was very different, as if something was wrong.

Jue Wushuang wondered in his heart, could he be jealous?

I don't know if it's seeing a long-lost friend, or for some other reason, Lu Youcheng only talks and laughs happily with Hongzhu, and Jue Wushuang standing next to him seems to have become an outsider...

Sure enough, he was a little dissatisfied.

From their conversation, Jue Wushuang learned that Hongzhu is the daughter of a princess of the Lancas Empire. When she was young, she went to the Puluo Kingdom to play, and happened to meet a bandit. There is no way to recover.

And the most dramatic thing is that Luo Xiaxue admires the unruly little red candle at such a young age, and also said that if he gave birth to a prince, he must make her the queen. Is this the legendary "baby relative"?

In other words, finger pulp for marriage?
It is said that Lu Youcheng had a "baby relative" since childhood, which is why Hongzhu was so surprised and shocked when he saw Jue Wushuang.

Afterwards, the Puluo Kingdom disappeared overnight, and Luoxue left with Lu Youcheng who was three months pregnant. Since then, there was no news of her, and everyone thought she was dead.

Recently, when Lu Youcheng came back here, he saw Hong Zhu. He also joked that it was Hong Zhu who saw him first.At that time, she even threatened herself that she was his fiancee!

Fortunately, she is a very sensible person, knowing that she already has a home, she never bothered her again.

But no matter what, Jue Wushuang felt very strange.

They chatted and talked, and they turned out to be a foil?
It's kind of comical and funny to say that.

Only, Pippi in her arms opened her big eyes, looking at Hong Zhu and Lu Youcheng suspiciously, no matter how she looked at it, she felt that there was something wrong with these two people.

It’s just helpless, Lei Suo took over his body yesterday, and its strength has not recovered until now. Let alone advanced, even a little basic energy is very little. It seems that a very strong medicine must be used to induce it. Only then can it regain its strength.

Hey, the current Pippi can only be in Jue Wushuang's arms, lazily, and can only be compared with ordinary pets.

The sun was just right, making it warm and lazily falling asleep in Jue Wushuang's arms.

After that, the three of them bought a lot of things in the market, but it was very strange, Lu Youcheng only cared about buying things for Hongzhu, and said that it was for apologizing, there was no way, who made him owe her?
What's even more strange is that Lu Youcheng didn't give Jue Wushuang anything, completely treating her as a transparent person.

 Recommend Yu Qi's "Laughing Embarrassment: The Dark Belly Emperor Nitian Concubine", readers: 304827212

(End of this chapter)

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