Chapter 951 Who Are You? 【1】

"There is food and drink, why are you panicking?" Pippi has always been the kind of guy who has food and drink, and has nothing to worry about. How can he understand the worries in Jue Wushuang's heart?

The scenery outside Jue Wushuang's window was full of wind and rain, no matter how it looked, it was a bit bleak.

She couldn't explain why, but her heart was very chaotic and panicked.

This is really a little bit unlike her.

It's already weird.

And precisely at this time, a major event was happening in the ancestral hall of Duanmu Mansion.

Duanmu Mansion, ancestral hall.

Mrs. Yao was talking to the old man about something. Recently, she has started to reshuffle the whole family, including some villains including Huangfu Liefeng. Therefore, even the old man, who has been indifferent to family affairs for many years, has come out of the world again.

Just when Mrs. Yao and the old man were talking, she turned her head and saw Huangfu Ziqing walking in from the outside.

Mrs. Yao stood up with a smile, went up to meet her, and said to her, "Zi Qing, you came just in time, I need to find you."

"Mother, what's the matter?" Huangfu Ziqing walked to Mrs. Yao's side, with a slight smile on her lips.

"I still want you to help Shuang'er, and this help can only be done secretly." Mrs. Yao looked at Huangfu Ziqing, with that kind of shallow smile in her eyes, and the depth of her heart can be seen in her eyes. thumbs up.

"You have good strength. Although Shuang'er is an elementalist, one more person also has more strength." The old man also expressed his agreement with this idea.

"Elementalist? Is she so powerful?" Huangfu Ziqing showed a hint of surprise.

"Yes, her qualifications are very good, and Zhiyun used to be an elementalist, so this is not surprising at all." Mrs. Yao explained, "Are you willing to do this?"

"Of course I do, I can help, mother, I like Shuang'er's personality, she's very straightforward!" Huangfu Ziqing had already shown a very appreciative attitude towards Jue Wushuang when she was in the Eternal Silence Forest, so Now when it comes to helping her, I feel even more joyful in my heart.

"It must be secretly protected, understand?" Mrs. Yao asked repeatedly.

"Well, I understand, mother, I have it in mind." Huangfu Ziqing said.



Soon it will be afternoon.

Just when Jue Wushuang finished eating outside and was about to go back...

Unexpectedly, as soon as she entered the room, she saw Pippi and Lu Youcheng fighting against each other in her room.

Pippi's current strength has not yet recovered, and he doesn't even have a basic laser ball, so he can only look at Lu Youcheng with grinning teeth.

In Lu Youcheng's eyes, it was obvious that there was an electric current flickering, and one man and one beast were confronting each other like this, without any intention of relaxing at all.

When Lu Youcheng saw Jue Wushuang coming in, he pursed his lips and smiled at her, "Shuang'er, are you back?"

"Lu Youcheng!" Pippi's eyes turned cold, and he looked at the man in front of him domineeringly, "I'll ask you again, who is that woman named Hongzhu?"

"Didn't I tell you before? She and I are just friends." Lu Youcheng frowned, looked at his eyelids impatiently, there was a cold light in his black eyes, and he slowly raised the corners of his lips: " If you don't believe me, there's nothing I can do about it."

"You..." Pippi stood on the table angrily, with her tail raised!Eyes widened, she looked at him fiercely, "Do you love my master or not! Can't you see that woman has a bad attitude towards her master?"

 Recommend Yu Qi's "Laughing Embarrassment: The Dark Belly Emperor Nitian Concubine", readers: 304827212

(End of this chapter)

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