Chapter 968 Lost in the Dark Illusory Forest? 【4】

"Qing'er!" The young man's face darkened a little bit, and he scolded in a deep voice.

The sick beauty's eyes turned red, and she bit her pale lips tightly so as not to let the tears fall. My cousin actually scolded her for a strange woman...

Jue Wushuang didn't want to be with these people, but he thought that he was about to walk out of the Dark Illusory Forest. If they were to find their way by themselves, they would not be able to get out for days and nights, so they could only nod.

"Okay, I'll trouble you then." Jue Wushuang smiled sarcastically.

Lu Youcheng on the side seemed to have become a transparent person instead.

He could only cross his arms and look at the person in front of him.

"Girl, may I ask for your name?"

There was a faint smile on the young man's face, and his clear eyes looked at the girl in front of him sincerely, "My name is Feng Yichen, and this is my cousin Qian Qing'er. Qing'er is not in good health. Another Hopeless Island had a medicine sect meeting, so I thought about finding a pharmacist to cure my cousin's illness. I don't know why the two of you went to the Black Illusory Forest?"

Jue Wushuang smiled faintly: "Jue Wushuang, he is my fiancé, Lu Youcheng. Like you, the two of us are also attending the Medicine Sect Conference."

The reason why Jue Wushuang said this was firstly because she saw the unhappy expression on Qian Qinger's face, so she said this.

"That's really a coincidence," Feng Yichen said no more, turned to look at the person behind him, and said, "Uncle Da, let Qing'er go to the sedan chair behind, we should continue to set off."

Uncle Da nodded silently, and took Qian Qing'er from Feng Yichen's hand: "Miss, let's go, you are not in good health, so don't walk too much."

Qian Qing'er broke free from Uncle Da, bit her lip, and said, "Cousin, do you really want them to follow? The Dark Illusory Forest is so dangerous, what if they drag us down?"

More importantly, she didn't want this woman to stay in the team...


Feng Yichen didn't know what was going on in Qian Qing'er's heart, so he didn't understand what happened to Qing'er who was always sensible today?When others lost their way, he would help him as a matter of course. Qinger used to be kind-hearted and would not sit idly by, but now he seems to have a bit of hostility towards Jue Wushuang...

"Thirteen, since they don't welcome you, let's go." Jue Wushuang glanced at Qian Qing'er indifferently.

She wants to go to Hopeless Island, but it doesn't mean she will stay here without self-respect. Others don't welcome her, so why should she give up her dignity and force her to stay?

"Okay." Lu Youcheng smiled, no matter what Jue Wushuang made, it was right for him.

Just thinking of the way Feng Yichen looked at Jue Wushuang just now, he felt a burst of sourness in his heart, and it would be best to leave here...

"Girl, wait a moment." Feng Yichen didn't care about Qian Qing'er's aggrieved gaze, and wanted to chase Jue Wushuang, "Girl, it's too dangerous for a girl like you to venture into the Black Illusory Forest."

What is a girl's house?

Lu Youcheng's face darkened, isn't he a human?

Suddenly, there was a rustling sound from the grass, and before everyone could react, several roars resounded through the sky, and several silver wolves rushed out of the grass.

"It's the Silver Wolf!"

"Oh my god, there are so many silver wolves, and the leader is the ninth-level silver wolf king!"

(End of this chapter)

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