Chapter 970 Lost in the Dark Illusory Forest? 【6】

"Uncle Da, protect Qing'er!"

Feng Yichen drew out the sword at his waist, fear was evident on his delicate face.

The strongest in the team is only an eighth-rank warrior, but the silver wolf king is a ninth-rank...

Qian Qing'er was so frightened that her face turned pale, her lips trembled slightly, she was used to being pampered, when had she seen so many ferocious silver wolves?It's not bad that I didn't faint from fright.

With a roar, the silver wolf rushed towards the group of humans.

The dark fantasy forest under the sunset glow is stained with blood!

The silver wolves are attacking fiercely, no matter how strong that group of people is, how can they resist so many silver wolves?What's more, there is a ninth-rank silver wolf king staring at him.

It's just that before the silver wolf started to attack, the ninth-level silver wolf king had already started to shift his target.

His target is not Qian Qing'er, a weak and sick beauty, Feng Yichen who slays his pack of wolves with a knife, or Uncle Da who has been standing outside.

Instead, it was Jue Wushuang who never made a move!
The ninth-rank wolf king found it very strange that there was no trace of fear in this woman.

Instead, he felt a very dangerous aura, that kind of aura directly lingered all over his body, filling him with strength!
That damn tempting taste, almost made him salivate, made him drool.

It's been a long time, I haven't tasted this kind of delicacy that only belongs to the strong...

When Feng Yichen turned his head, he saw that the ninth-rank wolf king had rushed towards Jue Wushuang, and his face was shocked!

Other people also saw such a scene, and a trace of unbearableness flashed in their eyes. A master like Uncle Da is no match for Silver Wolf, let alone this weak-looking girl!

Qian Qing'er didn't like Jue Wushuang in the first place, who made her attract her cousin?
Hmph, you deserve to die.

At the moment when the ninth-rank wolf king was about to rush towards Jue Wushuang, he suddenly felt a strong force lingering around him.

In that shallow movement, even if it was just a step away, he was about to jump over and bite the girl's neck off, Jue Wushuang couldn't bear it anymore, directly raised his hand, and a thunder ball in his hand was sent out suddenly!
I just heard a loud "boom"!

The ninth-rank wolf king was directly pierced through the body!

Rip it to shreds!

This is the most dangerous dark fantasy forest. In the quiet mountain range, the shrill roar resounded in the sky, and everyone cast their incredulous eyes on the scene not far away that made the heart skip a beat...

The girl stood under the setting sun, her white clothes were covered with a layer of warm yellow light, her black hair fluttered gently in the evening wind, her beautiful face was indifferent and expressionless, it was precisely this girl who made them feel so excited. Time forgot to move.

And she was gently embraced by the stunningly beautiful man in red, and the eyes of both of them were full of deep tenderness.

And in front of them, the ninth-rank wolf king has long since lost his body!
Where there is still a trace of the figure, the rest of the silver wolves are all running around, wishing to leave this place of right and wrong sooner.

Everyone was watching this scene, and no one even saw her movements clearly, as if they just felt a flash of lightning, and then, the ninth-level wolf king had already been broken into pieces.

That's too fast!
It is simply impossible to keep up!

Even the ninth-rank wolf king was torn to pieces.

How powerful is this woman?
Everyone gasped.

Before Qian Qing'er said something that was holding her back, hehe, it seems that they are the ones who are holding her back.

Lu Youcheng looked at Jue Wushuang in his arms, raised his hand in distress, and gently touched her chin, "Shuang'er, I should do things like this in the future."

[Today's update is over, I hope everyone can watch "The Return of the Queen: Adorable Babies Disturbing the Sky", it is also being updated, [-] words a day, it will definitely make you happy! 】

 Today's update is over, I hope you can read "The Queen's Return: Adorable Baby Upset", it is also being updated, [-] words a day, it will definitely make you happy!
(End of this chapter)

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