Chapter 20 Treating Guests 20
"This braised pork is really delicious. I've never eaten something like this in my life." After speaking, he put a few more pieces into the bowl, and the others started to pick them up too.

"This is pig intestines, why doesn't it have any taste at all, and it's so delicious."

"That's right, I just vomited after taking a bite before, but sister-in-law made this tasteless, sister-in-law, what did you do?"

"This is actually quite simple, just add flour and salt when cleaning the intestines to knead the dirty things out."

"Although it's a bit wasteful, it's delicious. Let my daughter-in-law try to make it in the future."

Others thought so too.

"Little Gu, get your wife a cup and pour wine. She is a hero today. She has prepared such a sumptuous table for us. We all have to toast her and express our thanks."

"Yes, Battalion Commander Gu, pour wine for sister-in-law.

Seeing everyone like this, Gu Chaosheng said to Xiluo: "Daughter-in-law, can you drink it? If not, I will drink it for you."

Listening to his words, Xi Luo felt very warm in her heart. His inquiring tone expressed his respect and love for her. There are very few husbands like this these days. Even in her previous life, they were also "rare breeds"!Well done.

It seems that I can find time to find out if there is any ancient martial arts that is suitable for my husband to help my husband to a higher level. The excuse is passed on to the deceased grandfather. In the memory of the original owner, my grandfather is the young master of a declining family...

"It's okay, you can pour me less, I'll do it if I think about it, don't spoil everyone's happiness."

"Not bad, Xiao Gu married a good wife." The head of the group immediately said after hearing what Xi Luo said, and the others agreed with what the head said after hearing Xi Luo's words.

It is said that Battalion Commander Gu's wife is from the countryside, but she doesn't behave like a rural person, she is more like a lady from a big family. The key is that she is so beautiful and has a good temperament.

Those who are married complain in their hearts that their daughter-in-law is incomparable to the wife of the battalion commander Gu, and those who are not married complain in their hearts when they can marry a beautiful and capable daughter-in-law like sister-in-law.

Xi Luo drank the wine in the glass without being pretentious at all, and received another round of praise.

After a few mouthfuls of food, she left room for the men, and she went to the kitchen to make noodles for them.

The bone soup was simmering all the time, and the noodles were served directly, and after they were finished, they were taken out. Everyone drank the wine and ate the bone soup noodles, feeling very comfortable in their stomachs.

After they were full of wine and food, everyone left. This meal won Xi Luo a good name, and of course it also aroused the jealousy of some people.

At this time, Xi Luo didn't know that she was jealous, she was cleaning up with Gu Chaosheng, and it took a long time to clean up and rest.

After dinner at Gu Chaosheng's house that night, everyone praised Xiluo to their daughter-in-laws after returning home, and told them to make friends with Xiluo in the future.

Some of their daughter-in-laws listened and expressed their willingness to make friends with Xi Luo, while others responded with a smile on their faces but disagreed, and some took a wait-and-see attitude, with different reactions.

Here, after Xiluo and the others fell asleep, "Daughter-in-law, I'm sorry for you today, I won't invite them back for dinner in the future, so as to save you trouble, you can have a good rest tomorrow."

"You still have to be invited. If someone invites you to dinner, you must return the invitation."

"Well, then I will eat less at their house in the future, so we will have fewer treats." The wife is really tired today, and he is reluctant to let her be tired.

"The necessary communication and entertainment are still indispensable."

"Well, I know."

"We didn't invite many people today, and we didn't invite their wives and children. How about I send something back to visit them?"

"It's not necessary, everyone's life is hard now, they can understand if we do this."

"Okay, listen to you."

He fell asleep while chatting, Gu Chaosheng looked at her, hugged her into his arms, kissed her eyes, "Daughter-in-law, you really look good on me today."

At this moment, Xi Luo is thinking about going to her own space, sorting out what should be harvested, what should be planted, today is very tired, so I won't practice tonight and have a good sleep.

The next day: Xiluo woke up, Gu Chaosheng had already gone to the army, breakfast was on the table, and a note was pressed under the bowl, "Daughter-in-law, I'm going to the army, I've already made breakfast, it will probably be cold when you get up , you go to the kitchen to warm it up before eating."

Looking at the words on the note, she felt very warm.After eating, I cleaned up the house again. The garbage was put on the side of the kitchen. I planned to wait until noon to finish cooking and pack it up together to take it down and throw it away, so as to save two trips.

Feeling nothing to do, he planned to take out the fabric sweater he bought a few days ago and make clothes for himself and Gu Chaosheng.

With the memory of the original owner, making clothes and shoes is not a problem, and even the processing room in the space is useless.

Xi Luo was making clothes at home, and she didn't know that some of the military wives outside were talking about her, "Hey, my man came back from Battalion Commander Gu's house last night, and started to praise Gu Battalion Commander's wife." The eldest daughter-in-law Xing Zhaodi brought up the topic.

"My man also said that the food she cooks is delicious."

"Men are not like this. When my old Ge and I were just married, he also said that my food was delicious. Now, it's good if you don't dislike my cooking." Lin Xiaocui, daughter-in-law of Sanying Deputy Battalion Commander Ge After finishing speaking, he curled his lips.

"Yes, Sister-in-law Lin is talking about this reasoning. When they first got married, men would look down on their own daughter-in-law. If they didn't do well, they would say it was good in his eyes."

"I've been cooking rice for so many years and I haven't seen my man praise me. Once he ate the rice cooked by the daughter-in-law of the battalion commander, he praised her like a flower. How delicious is the rice she cooked." Li Daniu, daughter-in-law of battalion deputy company commander Xu Jun, said.

"However, I heard from my family's old Qian that the rice cooked by Xiluo is really delicious, especially the pig's meat. It doesn't have any strange smell, and it's still very fragrant."

"Well, my Lao Ge also said it when he came back, but I see, they were confused by the good looks of Gu Battalion Commander-in-law's wife. Can pig offal taste better than meat?" Lin Xiaocui disapproved. Said.

Everyone knows that Lin Xiaocui likes to tell tales, but what she just said is also reasonable, no matter how delicious pig offal is, it can't compare to meat.

Thinking about it, I feel unhappy, thinking whether all the men in my family are fascinated by the good looks of the battalion commander's wife.

"In my opinion, it's better for us to go to Battalion Commander Gu's house later and ask her why the pig was burned in the water."

Sun Ping, the daughter-in-law of Second Battalion Commander Li Tiezhu, suggested to everyone that she said this because she wanted to see the daughter-in-law of Battalion Commander Gu's family.

As soon as she came back, she heard how beautiful Battalion Commander Gu's daughter-in-law was and how delicious the food was. She couldn't believe how beautiful a girl from the countryside could be compared to herself from the city.

That's why she suggested everyone to go and see, then she would like to see how beautiful this country girl is.

"Yes, I agree with what Sister-in-law Sun said. The daughter-in-law of Gu Yingjia's family doesn't like to visit, so let's go by ourselves and ask her what happened to that pig in the water."

Xing Zhaodi simply wanted to ask Xi Luo how to deal with pig offal. After she learned it, she could also add a meat dish to the family so that everyone could taste the meat.

"I'll go too, to see how beautiful she is, and how beautiful she can make so many men say she is good."

(End of this chapter)

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