Chapter 13

Following the entry of the four green lights, there was a loud bang, the ground shook violently, and the space around them all exploded, turning into space storms that tore everyone's robes into the air.

Suddenly, at the same time as these space storms pulled out countless blue and violent grudges, the peak coercion of the Nine Star Dou Zong mixed with countless red grudges burst out, directly hitting Furukawa above the sky,
Furukawa was shocked. He never expected that the opponent's attack would come so fast. As the temperature of the surrounding space soared, Furukawa's face was covered with heat and sweated. The palm condensed into a purple flame energy ball, burning blazingly in his palm,
boom! ! !
The two forces collided, producing an earth-shattering explosion. Furukawa was not an all-in-one enemy. His purple battle energy dissipated at the moment of being hit, and his body was completely blown away by this force. In mid-air, falling apart, raining flesh and blood,
The air was filled with a strong smell of blood. The elders of Dansheng City and Yunshan had very ugly faces. All the guests and disciples of the Misty Cloud Sect were silent. The old Furukawa couldn't stop the one-handed enemy who shot secretly, and was killed instantly!

"Who! Come out to this old man!"

Yunshan fell tremblingly into the air, forgetting the pain when he fell from the air, his eyes were full of blood, filled with a terrifying forest glow, who on earth dared to destroy his Yunlanzong's wedding? !
"Father, I haven't seen you for many years, don't come here without any problems,"

"This old dog Furukawa is greedy for my rhyme, he should be killed,"

In the surrounding void, countless streams of red dou qi gathered a young figure, laughing heartily,
As for those disciples of the Misty Cloud Sect, when they saw this young figure, their pupils shrank sharply, and a name that was only ridiculous to think about appeared in their hearts, Yun Tianling! !

Impossible, absolutely impossible, Yun Tianling doesn't have a fighting bone, how could he have the strength to kill the peak Douhuang in an instant, could it be that he is a strong Douzong?How is this possible? Even Yunshan has been in seclusion for many years and has not been able to break through the Douzong. Yun Tianling has no fighting bones. Will believe that Yun Tianling is actually a strong Dou Zong!
Yun Shan was lying on the ground, listening to the young man's hearty words, his palms were stained with blood, the aftermath of the young Dou Zong's coercion just now, but he suffered a lot of serious injuries, it was really terrible, it was just a ray of coercion, Just let him be so embarrassed!
Everyone's eyes widened. They didn't expect that the one who dared to challenge the Misty Cloud Sect so blatantly was Yun Tianling, the young master of the Misty Yun Sect!They have long heard that Yun Tianling likes Yun Yun. He was driven down the mountain by the elders 15 years ago, and he disappeared afterwards. Today, they probably came back from a long distance when they learned that Yun Yun was going to get married. They just didn’t know, Yun Tianling How did this waste, who is famous in the empire and has no fighting bones, possess the strength of the fighting sect?
"Call your guardian out, father,"

Yun Tianling looked around at the many strong men who did not dare to do anything, and looked at Yun Shan with red eyes and resentment, but he knew that on the day of Yun Yun and Gu He's wedding, Yun Shan used secret techniques to seal Yun Yun's consciousness, and sealed Yun Yun's mind. She became a puppet of the walking dead. At this moment, Yun Tianling's spiritual sense has searched all over the Misty Cloud Sect, but there is no sign of Yun Yun. Then Yun Yun is most likely in the hands of Dharma Custodian!


Yunshan screamed heartbreakingly, because Yun Tianling pinched his neck, and a pair of jade fingers pressed on his vitals. At this moment, his mood was very turbulent. He still thinks so until now, only Yuntian The ancient jade emperor bone in Ling's body had awakened, otherwise it would be impossible to have such terrifying strength, even he could easily be pinched in mid-air!

Everyone opened their mouths. They couldn't understand why Yun Tianling suddenly possessed such terrifying power. They could understand that Furukawa was instantly killed. After all, Furukawa had only stepped into the peak of the Douhuang not long ago, and Yunshan had stepped into the peak of the Douhuang. A century-old powerhouse is very clear about Dou Huang's peak Dou Qi training methods, and his strength is better than Furukawa's in using the Dou Huang's peak power. How could it be?

It seemed that he had heard Yunshan's order. After a short period of silence on the square of Yunlanshan, a series of strong vindictive fluctuations erupted instantly, producing bursts of explosions that pierced the sky. Many Yunlan with weaker cultivation bases The disciples of the sect were all ringing in their ears and slightly swaying their bodies, almost unable to stand up.
"Yun Tianling, what are you doing! Are you going to kill your father!"

Hundreds of tall figures with very strong Dou Qi were shot in front of Yun Tianling in an instant. The elder at the head was Yun Ling, the great elder of the Misty Cloud Sect. In front of everyone, trembling and angrily cursing Yun Tianling,
"I don't like it the least, when someone points the finger at me,"

Before Yun Ling could react, Yun Tianling shot out a burst of cyan battle energy instantly, his finger was cut and fell to the ground, his whole body was in pain like all kinds of torture, the meridians in his body twitched almost instantly, Yun Ling's bleak eyes Looking at his severed old fingers lying quietly in the pool of blood on the ground, he couldn't help being extremely furious. It was the first time in his life that a yellow-mouthed child cut off his fingers so easily!
"you wanna die!"

Gritting his teeth, Yun Leng spit out these four words angrily, his face suddenly became extremely cold, and he clenched his palms suddenly, a majestic and majestic blue fighting spirit burst from the fighting bones in his body, everyone could hear it With the crackling sound of the bucket bone bursting, the blue fighting energy suddenly rolled into a tornado, with the momentum of the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, it kept smashing the space in the place it passed, and rolled towards Yun Tianling in a hurry!
The top skill of the Misty Cloud Sect, the advanced fighting skill of the mysterious level, the Azure Dragon Scroll!

Yun Tianling's face was calm, his palms were still holding onto Yunshan, allowing Yunshan's pair of old hands to hold onto his big hands, when the pressure of the blue tornado approached, the attack followed, Yun Tianling just pushed out with one palm, Slapping the cyan tornado that terrifies everyone around is as easy as swiping a fly.
Then, the aftermath of the palm force rushed towards Yun Ling, and Yun Ling's fighting spirit defense was eliminated layer by layer, and then, Yun Ling's chest was directly hit by a huge force weighing a million catties, his chest was just Like a fragile cotton flower, as the ground sank and cracked, his chest exploded directly, and a whole lot of stuff flowed out of it, and the air was filled with extreme blood.
Yun Ling's eyes were white with unwillingness, he feared that he would not understand how he died until he died,


Everyone, including the emperor who had served his sentence, could not help but take a few steps back when they saw Yun Leng's tragic death. They were frightened. ,Scared,

"Dear father, your Ling'er doesn't have that much patience."

"I'll give you one last chance, where is my Yun'er?"

Yun Tianling retracted and pinched Yun Tianling's palm, Yun Shan's neck felt as if someone had cut it off, as if a soldier was on his neck, as if the next moment, his neck would be broken by Yun Tianling, and he died. and die,


Yun Shan spoke intermittently like a drake, as Yun Tianling's palms tightened, he couldn't even raise his breath, his neck was extremely uncomfortable,
"Hehe, in the past, you cooperated with Soul Palace and said that you did it because of me, but now I realize that you are so ridiculous that you are actually greedy for my Ancient Jade Emperor bone..."

"How could I believe your nonsense, the world is as black as crows, as long as it is the soul hall, even the people who cooperate with the soul hall, deep down, they are so dirty. Even the soul hall and the dog, there is no difference, right? ,"

Yun Tianling paused word by word, his eyes were extremely fierce, his palm was on Yunshan's neck, and he shrank again, Yun'er was his reverse scale, who moves, dies!
"You actually called the Soul Palace like that?"

Yun Shan's face shrank suddenly, Soul Palace, even the name of Yunlan Sect Master, which would make one's hair stand on end, was so light in the young man's mouth, like Soul Palace, in the young man's hands, it is nothing more than an ant you,

However, because of face, Yunshan said, "In the Soul Palace, there are strong people like clouds. There are many Dou Zong experts like you. If you go to the Soul Palace to save Yun'er like this, I'm afraid..."

"Hmph! Today I will kill you first! Then I will go to level the Soul Palace. Even if I escape to the remotest corners of the world, I will kill myself!"

Yun Tianling suddenly contracted his energy, without even exerting his fighting energy, Yun Shan rolled his eyes, it was obvious that he died in Yun Tianling's hands,

The old suzerain of the Yunlan sect, the Douhuang peak powerhouse, Yunshan, die!

(End of this chapter)

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