Dou Po starts from Yun Yun

Chapter 49 Make a plan, the wolves outside the cave

Chapter 49 Make a plan, the wolves outside the cave

Wutan City, Xiao Family, Xiao Yanglong House,

"What, what did you say,"

"My Xiao family's army was completely wiped out?"

Henry Zhang said angrily, his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and the battle report he held in his hand was torn to pieces under his force. In front of him, a servant was trembling,

"It's true, the second Patriarch, the soul crystals of the ancestral hall are all, all, all broken," the servant trembled,

"This is also within my expectations. That Xiao Xuejian is a Dou Wang powerhouse. The strength of my Xiao family alone is not enough to destroy Xiao Xuejian."

Henry Zhang sat on the chair, now Xiao Xuejian and him are sworn enemies, he vowed to kill Xiao Xuejian and get back his gold coins!
"What does the second Patriarch mean?"

"Report to the royal family of the empire. Let's say that Xiao Xuejian is the devil king. If you don't get rid of it, it will bring great disaster to the Jia Ma Empire. Please send troops to the imperial family of the Jia Ma Empire. Moreover, I have enough evidence to prove that he It's the devil," Henry Zhang was very confident,

"Yes, that Patriarch and the other Patriarchs," Pu Ren said,

"Notify the Patriarch and other Patriarchs to have a meeting in the conference hall. I have something important to say," Henry Zhang said. Now that he is acting as the Patriarch, he naturally has the right to call the Patriarch and other high-level meetings.


Jia Lie's family, Smart Finance Chamber of Commerce,

Different from the defeat report received by the Xiao family, what the Jialie family received was a missing report. Xiao Xue saw the missing report,

"Impossible, Xiao Xuejian must still be in the Warcraft Mountains, and even, there is a high chance of surviving," Galeo said, Xiao Xuejian's clues, how to say lost, is lost,
"There's nothing wrong with that. Most of the Warcraft Mountain Range has been turned into a sea of ​​flames. Even corpses are hard to find," Galen said. This is the news they got from the Warcraft Mountain Range.

"The aftermath of the battle between the two Douhuang powerhouses will cause the Douwang to suffer heavy injuries, but as long as Xiao Xuejian is smart enough, he will not directly participate in it, nor will he be affected by the aftermath of the battle, so I still believe that he is still alive ,” said Galleo.

The news that Xiao Xuejian was the Dou Wang could not be kept from the Xiao family for long, and as the matter became more serious, the Xiao family had no choice but to disclose the fact that Xiao Xuejian was the Dou Wang.

"I understand. I will ask my subordinates to carefully search every corner of the Warcraft Mountains. Anyone suspected of seeing Xiao Xue will be strictly interrogated."

"Also, once you find Xiao Xuejian's trace, don't act recklessly. He is the King of Fighters, and you are not his opponents. Remember to report to the royal family of the Jia Ma Empire as soon as possible, and ask them to send troops to help,"

"I believe that the Xiao family has already provided relevant evidence. The Jia Ma Empire's royal family will act soon. You must cooperate with the royal family, understand,"

Galeao said, the encirclement and suppression of Xiao Xuejian is the top priority, and no mistakes are allowed.
"Yes, my subordinates will make arrangements now. This time, Xiao Xue must see her. There is no place to bury her."

Jia Lie was originally full of confidence, and a ruthless look flashed in his eyes. Xiao Xue saw that she dared to lie to his innocent childlike innocence. With so many strong men participating in the siege, he would definitely die this time.


Outside the cave, Yun Tianling was surrounded by a group of ground howling wolves,


At least a hundred howls of wolves rang in Yun Tianling's ears,

Although he is a four-star fighting king, it is not a problem to deal with three or four ground howling wolves. The key point is that there are hundreds of ground howling wolves outside!
Even if he has inexhaustible power, but... facing the siege of so many howling wolves, he is still powerless,


A ground howling wolf let out a howl, with blue flames rising from its body, and its body rushed violently, with an aura like the depth of the sea, sweeping Yun Tianling quickly, and Yun Tianling felt the pressure on his face.

"The strength of this ground howling wolf is not weaker than the fighting king, even stronger than the four-star fighting king. It seems that this is a ground howling wolf king,"

In Yun Tianling's heart, Snack was taken aback, and he didn't dare to push it any further. The fighting spirit in his whole body turned rapidly, and a blue wind wall nine meters high blocked the attacking route of the Earth Howling Wolf.
boom! ! !
The body of the Earth Howling Wolf was like a meteorite impacting on a planet, and the fiery red vindictive energy that ran wild was released crazily, making a loud sound after the impact,
Even the void was bombarded by a huge force, and trembled. The body of the Earth Howling Wolf was thrown out by Yun Tianling's punch, and it exploded into countless flesh and blood in the void, dripping down.
A ground howling wolf king was crushed by Yun Tianling's punch, and the other ground howling wolves retreated one after another, not daring to move forward again.

This Earth Howling Wolf King was just a bait released by the other Earth Howling Wolf Kings to test Yun Tianling's strength. Otherwise, as the Earth Howling Wolf King, how could he take action himself?

"Is there anyone else out there? Let's go together if you have the guts," Yun Tianling yelled. These ground howling wolves are all magical beasts with enlightened intelligence. They can understand and understand human words.


The ground howling wolves seemed to be enraged by Yun Tianling, the bodies of three or four ground howling wolves, almost instantaneously rose three feet high blue flames, nodded each other's heads, and swooped towards Yun Tianling together,

On the surface of Yun Tianling's body, a layer of fiery red fighting energy ignited, and as the flames rose, Yun Tianling's aura suddenly became stronger, more violent and fiery,

Although no different flames were fused, not even the accompanying flames of monsters, the temperature of Yun Tianling's own flames was far higher than that of monsters, even higher than that of monsters.

In an instant, the four howling wolves' claws came bombarding like wind shadows, grabbing onto the blue wind wall, and the whole ground split open due to the huge force, Yun Tianling's body suddenly stepped back a few steps, Well, the blue wind wall did not break,
The four wolf claws of the four ground howling wolves grabbed the blue wind wall fiercely. Under the huge impact, Yun Tianling's figure stepped back several steps until he reached the entrance of the cave.

The tiny rocks rolled down from the entrance of the cave fell on Yun Tianling's head. Yun Tianling didn't feel anything, and he was still supporting the blue wind wall as before,

Because the distance is too close, Yun Tianling can even see clearly the ferocious heads and powerful bodies of the four Howling Wolves, and even Yun Tianling can count the number of teeth in the mouths of the Howling Wolves. come out,

"He, he, he actually blocked the attack of the four howling wolves alone?" Nalan Yanran in the cave saw Yun Tianling standing at the entrance of the cave, setting up a blue wind wall to block the bodies of the four howling wolves. After that, I swallowed my saliva abruptly, feeling too incredible,

The weakest strength of a ground howling wolf is a one-star fighting spirit, and these four ground howling wolves are obviously the strongest among the ground howling wolves, enough to resist the attack of a five-star fighting king, and may even kill a The five-star fighting king fights back,

Yun Tianling, how did he manage to block the attacks of the four Earth Howling Wolves with the strength of the four-star fighting king?

Nalan Yanran's face was as pale as paper, seeing Yun Tianling facing the four howling wolves alone, Nalan Yanran felt very uncomfortable,

 The author asks for votes, recommendations, and rewards. ?????????????
(End of this chapter)

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