Dou Po starts from Yun Yun

Chapter 61 The Song of Sand

Chapter 61 The Song of Sand
Jia Ma Empire, Tagore Desert,

a piece of yellow sand,
Yun Tianling took Jiang Yuxin and walked on the soft sand,

The yellow wind whizzed past, blowing the sand into Yun Tianling's eyes,
"It's really unlucky. As soon as I entered the Tagore Desert, I encountered a yellow sand storm once in a thousand years." Yun Tianling patted Jiang Yuxin's little head gently,

"This is the Tagore Desert? I used to hear about it from my grandfather, but I have never been here before," Jiang Yuxin looked around curiously with a pair of beautiful eyes, the sea of ​​sand was endless,
"The Tagore Desert has a huge area, and it will take more than half a month to find the snake tribe," Yun Tianling said. This is what he should be more worried about now.

"Brother Tianling, when we came out, we didn't bring dry food, so what are we going to eat for half a month?" Jiang Yuxin blinked her beautiful eyes, she looked cute,

"Of course I eat you," Yun Tianling said,
"Damn it, in the desert, the sea of ​​sand can move at any time, we're going to get stuck in it at any time, Brother Tianling, you still have the mind to joke around," Jiang Yuxin hid her small head in Yun Tianling's chest, only Yun Tianling's chest, is her harbor,
In the vast sea of ​​sand, if you want to find the snake people, it is as difficult as fishing a fish in the sea.
However, in the Tagore Desert, it has been widely rumored that there are strange fires infesting. The last time Xiao Yan came, he also went for the different fires.

So Yun Tianling decided to try his luck to see if he could find the strange fire in the Tagore Desert.
If it is possible, it would be the best, but it depends on the intention of the creator and God,

The reason why Xiao Yan was able to find the strange fire that time was because he had the residual picture of Qinglian's inner fire.
The size of the Tagore Desert is beyond Yun Tianling's imagination.

He didn't fly with fighting wings, but actually walked in the vast sandy sea for three days and three nights!
"Xiao Yan's trip to the desert chapter should start at this time."

Somewhere in the desert, by the fire,

Yun Tianling hugged Jiang Yuxin, looked up at the stars,

Jiang Yuxin had fallen into a deep sleep, she slept soundly,

"Grandpa, do you have a map of the Tagore Desert?"

Yun Tianling asked, to enter the Tagore Desert, two conditions must be met,

The first is to have a full map of the Tagore Desert,
The second is to have local people as guides.
These two conditions are indispensable.

Otherwise, even if you are a Dou Huang strongman, you will always be lost in the Tagore Desert,

Because Tagore, in the snake language, represents infinity,

"Woohoo, Your Majesty the Dragon Emperor, you need [-] experience points to exchange for a desert map," the old man actually learned to be a lion,

"Damn!! So expensive?!"

If it wasn't for Jiang Yuxin sleeping peacefully in his arms, Yun Tianling really wanted to slap the old man in the face, what a profiteer!

"There is a strange fire in the Tagore Desert. If His Majesty the Dragon Emperor is not careful and encounters a different fire, wouldn't it be a big loss for me?"

Listen, is this human speech?

However, the old man doesn't seem to be human either.

"If you are ruthless, ten thousand is ten thousand,"

Yun Tianling said, he, a road idiot, has basically lost his way.

If we keep going around, I don't know what year and month it will be,
"The exchange was successful! His Majesty the Dragon Emperor has obtained a full map of the Tagore Desert, supported by science and technology, and can automatically identify the position!"

The old man whimpered, earning another [-] experience points, so happy,
"Why do you think my collection system is silent?"

Yun Tianling said, the past few days were one task after another,

Why is there no mission this time?
"For the reminder system, the task will only be triggered when the host arrives within the range of the nearby chamber of commerce. Your Majesty Dragon Emperor, you have left the range of the chamber of commerce,"

"So the task is not triggered automatically,"

The old man explained that His Majesty Dragon Emperor's current cultivation base can be said to be imaginary, without the aid of exercises, he will automatically supplement him with exercises,
"I see,"

Unfortunately, Yun Tianling thought that the payment collection system was temporarily abolished,
Three days later...

In the vast desert, the storm is raging,
The thin figure of the young man, let the storm blow, hugged the girl in his arms, and continued to move forward against the storm,

The two rows of footprints behind me were covered by the yellow sand blown up by the storm, as if no one had ever been there before.
Hard work paid off, Yun Tianling found the city in the desert according to the map,
——Sha Zhilan Song, the legendary city of Medusa,
But now Yun Tianling encountered a more troublesome situation,

Dozens of fully armed snake men with hairy snake tails surrounded him and Jiang Yuxin!

"Humans, get out of the depths of the desert," one of the snakemen said coldly against the storm,
"Why?" Yun Tianling hugged Jiang Yuxin, looking at the dozens of snake men, he could feel the fear of the girl in his arms,
"Humans, deep in the desert, you can't come here,"

"The Douhuang powerhouse, it doesn't work either,"

A snake man who looks like a leader swings his tail and lowers his head,

His snake liquid fell on the desert, directly corrupting the soft sand!

Jiang Yuxin looked at the large expanse of corrupted sand, and her delicate body trembled!
"Last night, a group of strong humans broke into the Charming Snake Tribe, and even peeked at the Snake Girl of the Charming Snake Tribe taking a bath!"

"Her Majesty is furious about this matter! Human beings, tell me! Did you do this?"

The leader withdrew his head, and looked at Yun Tianling with some sullen eyes!
The more I look at it, the more I feel that he is the human hooligan who peeked at the snake girl of the Charming Snake Tribe taking a bath last night!
The expressions of the surrounding snake men changed drastically when they heard the words.

It's really embarrassing for a woman from her own tribe to be peeped by humans!
No wonder Her Majesty the Queen is furious!
"Say I'm peeping? I..." Yun Tianling was so angry that he couldn't speak.

This is simply, the pot comes from the sky!
Peeping at the snake girl of the Charming Snake Tribe taking a bath, this is Xiao Yan's nasty thing,

How could he do such a thing with the demeanor of Brother Long Dizheng? !

"Humans, you have nothing to say, come with me to the royal city,"

The leader of the snake man said, and the snake men heard the words and were about to step forward.
"Wait, I can go back to the royal city with you!"

"And I also know who it was that forcibly broke into the Charming Snake Tribe last night!"

Yun Tianling quickly said, this is an excellent opportunity to trap Xiao Yan,

I didn't kill Xiao Yan last time, but this time I must kill him!
"Human, you are very sensible, let's go,"

The leader of the snake-human tribe walked in the front,

More than a dozen snake men walked with Yun Tianling and Jiang Yuxin compressed in the middle,

In the spacious and luxurious hall, a beautiful figure walked out of it,

Rubbing her smooth snow-white forehead with her slender hands, what happened last night gave her an extremely headache,

Those thieves haven't been caught yet.
What if I go back to peep again.

From a distance, she saw dozens of snake people from the snake people who were escorting Yun Tianling,
"Is this the thief who peeped at the shower of the snake girl from the Charming Snake Tribe last night?"

The purple snake tail swayed, Medusa came to the leader of the snake people,
"Her Majesty,"

"Her Majesty,"


The snake people saluted, Yun Tianling secretly looked at Medusa,

Beautiful, although there are no long legs, but this purple snake tail,

It's also delicious.
If you are pushed by this purple snake tail, who can stand it?

"Your Majesty, he said that he did not break into the Snake Tribe last night,"

"He said he knew who it was that broke into the Charming Snake Tribe last night,"

The leader of the snake people, like the other snake people,
Put your eyes down very low, dare not look at Queen Medusa at all,

Only Yun Tianling dared to look at Medusa like that,

Medusa sensed Yun Tianling's gaze on her, and oh,
This human child is the first one who dares to look at her so squarely.

(End of this chapter)

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