Chapter 112
Only the rabbit Xiaobai rode Wangcai before, did he regard me as that Xiaobai?
I said, "Master, what should you do?"

The master said: "The medicine he gave will dissipate after a few hours, so it doesn't matter."

After speaking, he took out the whistle and blew it lightly.

Wangcai understood. He fell on the ground and tilted his head to look at me. I was shocked. Could it be that it could really let me ride it? I have never tried this before. When did the master train Wangcai? This skill?

I looked at Wangcai in a bit of a dilemma, if I didn't ride it, Meng Bufan would take advantage of it, but if I rode it, I was a little afraid that Wangcai's back would be too smooth and I would slide straight down.

Suddenly, I heard a low growl from the master's throat. Looking back, the master's eyes were not right again. I quickly climbed onto Wangcai's back with both hands and feet.

Wangcai jumped up and went out through the window, with his back on his back, and he ran quite happily.

Just as I was about to run out of the yard, I saw the door of the moon cave. Meng Bufan ran towards me, angrily said, "Don't go, if you go, don't come back, I'll tell Brother Ming to rest you!"

I got so angry that I ordered Wangcai: "Wangcai, are you hungry? Hungry, bite him!"

Wangcai went straight at him, growling in a low voice, causing him to roll on the ground in fright, and shouted loudly: "Is this how you treat your elders? You bastard who disrespects your elders..."

Is he scolding me or scolding Wangcai?

Wangcai led me straight into the woods and heard him yelling loudly behind me.

The poison on my body is just some cartilage powder, not as strong as the master's. I thought that after staying in the forest for a few hours, it would be completely cured, but the strange thing is that I was supported by Wangcai. Those who came to the woods, the sun was shining brightly when they came, and they stayed in the woods until the sun went down, but they were still limp and limp, so I felt something was wrong.

But a more serious problem came, my stomach was hungry.

In front of me was a wild chestnut tree, but I didn't even have the strength to stand up.

So, I discussed with Wangcai: "Wangcai, Wangcai, you go up and pick some chestnuts for me?"

Wangcai squinted at me in bewilderment.

Unknowingly, in the evening, the night came through the leaves, making the forest a bit colder, and what made people even hairier was that there were faint yellow pupils between the branches and leaves of the forest.

Fortunately, there is prosperity.

But I suddenly remembered that Wangcai is not a nocturnal animal!

I wanted to get angry and scare these beasts away, but at this time, I couldn't do the simple actions on weekdays.

I shook my hands for a while, but I couldn't take out the flint.

At this moment, I can be sure that what Meng Bufan has done to me is not a simple loose cartilage.

Seeing those yellow eyes approaching a few more steps, I hurriedly patted Wangcai's head, Wangcai let out a low growl in his throat, and those eyes backed away a little.

But then, there was the roar of jackals.

I am so lucky to meet a wolf?
I tried my hands and feet, but my hands and feet were still sore and limp. I used to be able to move, but now I can't even move. This is really just out of the tiger's mouth and into the wolf's den, and it's still a real wolf's den.

At this time, I regretted it very much. If the master's place was a tiger's mouth, I would rather stay in that tiger's mouth.

Wangcai let out a roar, and those yellow eyes took a few steps back. As soon as it stopped, the yellow eyes approached a few steps. I knew that they were testing, how much weight we had.

Wolves are extremely cunning animals. Once they think that we are pretentious, they will relentlessly come up and tear our throats.

The night wind blows, carrying the stench from them, making them almost sick.

They have many wolves, and although Wangcai is by my side, I believe that it will only be a matter of time before they pounce.

Am I going to be killed by a wolf?

I discussed with Wangcai in a low voice: "Wangcai, Wangcai, can you carry me away?"

Wangcai looked at me sideways, with a melancholy look in his eyes... I understood what it meant. The two armies faced each other, and our side was discouraged first. The wolves didn't take advantage of the situation and stepped forward. ?
But I really can't think of a good way to do it.

The stench in the air became stronger, more eyes were surrounded from all sides, and there was a tendency to gather more and more.

I've thought about many ways to die, but I didn't expect to die here in the end?
"Wangcai, in the end, you are the only one who stays with me. In the beginning, you were the one who stayed with me. Does this mean we have a beginning and an end?" I murmured.

Suddenly, there was a chuckle in the woods.

Although there were wolves howling and screaming, the sound still reached my ears very clearly, and the wolves were in a commotion.

"Who is it, which friend is there?" I raised my voice.

"Surrounded by wolves, and with such a leisurely attitude, you are the No. 1 in the world."

It was a man's voice, old and deep, with a low coughing sound when he spoke.

I was startled suddenly, and thought to myself, could there be someone here who knows how to drive wolves, just like my mother Ashinamei?
That being the case, I have to let go of my figure and try to curry favor with him.

I said: "How can it compare to you, also surrounded by wolves, still talking and laughing happily."

He chuckled softly: "How do you know I'm surrounded by wolves?"

"Listen to your voice, aren't you on the chestnut tree ten meters in front of me?" I said.

"The little girl's skills are useless, but her hearing and eyesight are good." He laughed again, "Since she is on a tree, how can she be regarded as surrounded by wolves?"

Is he ready to stand by and watch?
I made up my mind, "Hero, since that's the case, I don't want to implicate you anymore, I just want to be a hungry ghost before I die, or you pick some chestnuts and throw them over, so that I can eat before I die?"

There was appreciation in his tone: "The little girl is used to watching life and death."

I said: "You praised me. I'm not used to seeing life and death, but thinking that since I'm going to die, it's better to ask for a better treatment before death. What do you think?"

While I was talking, I patted Wangcai, and Wangcai understood, lying down and walking towards the tree.

I could only hear a swishing sound in the air, but two chestnuts really came with the sound of the wind and fell into my dress.

The chestnuts were not peeled, and they were full of thorns, which hit my clothes and hurt.

I picked up the chestnut, but found that I didn't even have the strength to peel the chestnut.

At this time, Wangcai jumped up and jumped onto the branch of the chestnut tree. The man screamed and fell straight down from the tree, and the surrounding wolves howled, one after another.

The wolves tightened their encirclement and gathered towards us.

Under the faint moonlight, the man got up from the ground and said to me: "Little girl, you are really ungrateful."

I said, "Isn't it good for us to share weal and woe?"

He smiled wryly: "Okay, okay, okay..."

(End of this chapter)

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