Chapter 12 Assassin
A guard said respectfully: "Last night, an assassin came late at night, cut off Mr. Yin's head, and wanted to take away the concubine who was eating in the mansion..." He glanced at me, " Fortunately, the maidservants who passed by found her, alarmed loudly, and fled away in a panic."

Li Zeyu said: "General Bai, do you understand?"

Bai Fengran's teeth bit his lower lip until it turned white, his eyes were as cold as ice and he looked towards me, and said coldly: "This subordinate understands."

I looked at the unidentified red liquid in the crevices of my fingers... It was left over from eating yesterday... It seems that after going down the mountain, my luck was not so bad. Even when I escaped, someone made some surprises halfway I?

My bone shrinking skills have been practiced well, and my head can be retracted into the wine jar, so that I can no longer scare passers-by. Someone will put a real head on the wine jar to help me fulfill my scary wish?
I was full of emotions for a while.

The dead person is very important, and after a while, the military commander will come, I want to see the excitement, but Li Zeyu wraps me in a big cloak from head to toe, when I stick my head out, he pushes me in again, stretching it out I came out and pushed it in again, so I only heard the footsteps of people coming and going outside the cloak, and Li Zeyu's short order: "Okay, clean up."

When I managed to get my head out of his cloak, I saw that the yard had been cleaned up, leaving only a short and fat man, Liu Dequan, kneeling on the porch. I hadn't seen him all night. The raised skin is a little shriveled.

Liu Dequan looked at me out of the corner of his eye, then quickly lowered his head.

I was a little startled by this look, and thought to myself, the bed-warming rumors have been exposed, and he told Li Zeyu that I am a "barrel demon"?

"Your little five, are you okay?" Li Zeyu said.

"It's okay, I was just scared." Liu Dequan said with trembling lips.

"Well, ask the doctor to take some calming medicine, and it will be fine in a few days." Li Zeyu said.

"The lower official understands, the fifth son of the lower official doesn't remember anything." Liu Dequan said.

"It's fine if you don't remember..."

Li Zeyu waved his hand, and he backed away. When he backed off, I clearly felt that he glanced at me again out of the corner of his eye.

Since I went down the mountain, all kinds of things that happened in one day are too horrifying. It makes me feel that it is not worthwhile to stay with Li Zeyu for two meals. I will be framed and framed at any time. I decided to puncture the panic of warming the bed myself I asked him to replace it with someone who was fatter, so I pulled my head out of the cloak: "Your Highness, I am not a bed warmer..."

He pushed my head into the cloak again, and when he really walked into the room, he let go of me and said slowly, "Oh, you're not the one who warms the bed?"

I thought he didn't hear it, but it turned out that he heard it: "I was originally a countryman, and it happened by chance..."

He handed the cloak on his body to the maidservant who was waiting on the side to hang it up, and interrupted me: "Since that's the case, the assassin who assassinated Yin Nian has not been found yet. This king sees that you have some skills, so why don't you just do it?" A crime?" There was a light breeze in his eyes.

"Ah..." I lowered my head and said, "It turned out that I wasn't a bed warmer. By chance, I was chosen by Mr. Liu, so I became one of the people who warmed the bed of His Highness the Crown Prince."

But I still want to ask: what is the function of warming the bed?In addition to keeping the bed warm, do you need to stick it into your cloak as a hand stove on weekdays?I stuck my head out of his cloak and thought.

He smiled warmly: "It turns out that this is the case. This king almost made a mistake and turned the person who warmed the bed into an assassin."

There was no hope of escaping, and I suddenly missed the mountain. When I missed the mountain, I unexpectedly remembered the days when my whole body was clamped by splints. From this, I thought deeply, and then I remembered the pain when my master gave me bone setting. As soon as I thought about it, I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my body, the pain pierced my heart and lungs, my eyes went dark, and I passed out again.

When I was not in pain, I was half asleep and half awake, and I started to continue the strange dream last night, so real, but I was like being separated by a cloud, looking down, and what I saw was two irrelevant people talking doing something irrelevant.

"Don't let her mess around, this time, I'm afraid the bones will be hurt again."

"Don't worry, sir... Is she using the technique of plum blossoms?"

"That's right, who in this world can make a sword like snow falling into plum blossoms? She's the only one."

"Didn't she forget all about it?"

"But she is still Mei Luoshu in her heart, so how can she just forget it? You forgot, who did she hate the most in her life? What she hated the most was the beast that killed young children. Yin Nian captured Liu Dequan. The fifth son is gone, and she wants to do something wrong, how can she stand by and watch, although Yin Nian's martial arts are high, but if it were her before, his martial arts would be just a child's play."

"That's right, no one can hurt her, unless she hurts herself, what I owe her... will never end..." He choked up.

"Before that, Liu Dequan was threatened by someone, and she must have seen it. Although she no longer remembers the past, the instinct that seeped into her blood has not forgotten...Your Highness, this way, she will be even more dangerous... Only However, she has the power to protect herself, so I am relieved..."

"You regret it?"

"I will keep my promise, but you have to know that although you have taken precautions against this matter, you can't cover the fire with paper. Although Bai Fengran is only a small general in your army, behind her is the Bai family. !"

The voice sneered, full of contempt: "As long as she has delusions, she will weigh them carefully."

"She won't talk nonsense, but she's right. After all, paper can't cover fire. You can't destroy Yin Nian's body. It will arouse more people's suspicion. I just hope that no one in this world can recognize her martial arts. .”

The man's voice seemed to be worried, and he remained silent for a long time.

"Who else will remember her?" The voice was full of sadness again, as if the air in the rainy season in March will drip water vapor, "The people around her treat her like a knife, but I never thought that knives can also curl their blades and be sad."

"Chu Bo, you found Yuzhou City half a year ago, you know it."

His voice was cold and sharp: "That's why I took Yuzhou City and attributed it to the territory of the Jin Kingdom. In this life, I will not let anyone use it to hurt her again!"

"That's good, the old man is leaving too, but before leaving, the old man is really worried, how about this, the old man's two apprentices..."

I just felt the warmth in my body, and the piercing pain just happened was rushed by the warm current, and then disappeared without a trace, which made me feel spring sleepy again. The voices of the two of them became weaker and weaker, almost inaudible .

When I could hear the sound, I opened my eyes, and it was already morning, and the sun came in through the window, dyeing the gauze like dragonfly wings, more like burnt pancakes, which made me feel good , I turned my head and saw that the big lion Li Zeyu was not around me, so I was in a better mood. I sat up, thinking about maintaining this good mood to welcome the hearty meal I got up in the morning... Once I earned it... I couldn't sit still When I got up, not only could I not even sit up, but I couldn’t even move my hands and feet. I barely raised my head and looked down. I saw a ring made of gold around my wrists and ankles. , Nailed straight into the bed board, fixed me on the bed, unable to move.

The wind blew through the tulle tent, blowing in a few strands of cool breeze, which made me feel more sensitive...Under the silk quilt, I couldn't feel that I was wearing clothes?
I twisted my body and felt my skin rubbing against the smooth satin, and I was sure again that it was naked... I have seen several things that are usually left naked, and they are the ones on the cutting board. Fish and plucked chicken are either ready to be boiled or stir-fried.

According to my current level of nakedness, there are more chances of being white.

All of a sudden, the desire to escape became very urgent. I had to find a way to unlock the lock and escape.

Fortunately, one of the two books that the master handed me was Baisuoquan, which can unlock any lock.

But I fumbled for a long time, but I didn't find any locks on these four covers... It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. Besides, I unlocked the locks, but there are no clothes in the room. What should I wear?I comforted myself, I, I, I... Let's lie down honestly, can they let me go while eating?

The master said that I am a person who does not seek to make progress and just gets by... If I ignore the contempt and contempt in his eyes, I feel that he still appreciates me.

He said: Yueyaer, how can you deal with all problems with a good attitude that a lot of gold ingots will fall from the sky for no reason and hit you on your head at any time?

At that time, he encountered a problem. One side of my bone was crooked. Originally, he wanted it to grow into a straight pine tree. He never thought that if he was not careful, he would miss it, and it might grow into a crooked shape. Strange plum branch.

His face was so cloudy that he could drip water all day long.

I comforted him, Master, in fact, plum branches are not bad, they walk gracefully, especially at night, when the shadows are reflected on the ground, the afterimages are obvious, and they have the effect of scaring people to death.

He didn't cry, and he didn't laugh well, so he said this to me.

Thinking of the past, I was full of emotions, and wanted to put the optimism here, but my heart was troubled by burning and frying, and there was no sign of gold ingots falling from the roof of the tent, so when the door opened, I Seeing my senior sister Xun Yun being twisted and pushed in front of me by two maidservants with swords, I was very happy, thinking that she had finally broken through the siege to save me... When I saw her gray face and body Blood stains, my heart sank to the bottom.

She can't protect herself either.

She was pushed to kneel on the ground by someone, she crawled two steps forward, and crawled straight to my bed, with a sad expression: "Little sister, I'm not good at learning, I'm sorry."

She told me all about my identity and origin?

(End of this chapter)

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