Chapter 135 Diancui Town

In a few days, the master and I were all cured of the poison, but unfortunately, the master's short-term restoration of the skills by the Empress Dowager Chu disappeared.

The Empress Dowager Chu broke with the master completely. In order to avoid being followed by the disciples of Momen, we kept changing routes, hiding our whereabouts, and changing our appearance. Because the master knew Momen very well, at the beginning, we often found Momen The whereabouts of the people, at the end, they completely left them behind.

Ye Xiao said well, who are we?If it was going to be hidden, who would know?

On this day, we came to a small town called Diancui Town, which is the junction of Jin State and Chu State. It was originally the territory of Min State. It is a place on the edge of Jin State, far away from Youzhou, the capital of Jin, and it is not an important military town. Therefore, the whole town is only protected by a broken city wall. Outside the city wall is Jin State, and inside the city wall is Chu State.

We wanted to go to a place that had nothing to do with Jin and Chu, so we had to go to remote places.

The scenery of Diancui Town is very good. There are blooming flowers and trees everywhere. In addition, facing the sea in the west, it is not a battleground for military strategists. As soon as I got here, I fell in love with it and planned to live here for a long time.

We bought a house on the mountain behind Diancui Town because of the prosperous fortune, and we lived there. Diancui Town is rich in picking spices, and most of the townspeople make a living by digging agarwood. Only a few old and weak people were left in the town.

At night, there was no sound in Diancui Town, and the whole town was immersed in the night. I just put the bucket into the well in the yard and brought up a bucket of water when I heard a knock on the door. , the voice was hurried: "Sister-in-law of the Wang family, sister-in-law of the Wang family..."

I was stunned for a long while before I realized that it was me, the master changed his name to Wang San, so I was naturally the sister-in-law of the Wang family, and Ye Xiao was the master's younger brother, named Wang Si.

Ye Xiao glanced at me, touched the knife wrapped around his waist, and walked towards the door. As soon as he opened the courtyard door, he could see clearly that it was our neighbor a mile away. Standing outside the door, his face was full of horror.

"What happened, Mrs. Chen?" I asked while letting them into the courtyard.

Sister-in-law Chen leaned on her husband-in-law, trembling all over: "The town, the town is full of centipedes..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she collapsed to the ground.

Her husband-in-law named Chen Laoshi hurriedly supported her, and said, "She was bitten by a centipede, and those centipedes started to come up the mountain, we have to leave quickly... Wang Langzhong, can you show me?"

Because of his proficiency in medicine, the master made a living by practicing medicine in the town.

Mrs. Chen fell asleep after taking the medicine.

The panic on Chen Laoshi's face did not disappear for a moment, and he kept circling in the yard, nagging: "Impossible, impossible, how can there be so many centipedes in Diancui Town? No... we You have to leave quickly... Who provoked it?"

Master and I glanced at each other, and turned our faces away at the same time... Who caused it?
Outsiders in Diancui Town, who else would there be besides us?
At this moment, Ye Xiao came in from the outside with a solemn expression: "I went to the town to see, the roofs of the houses, the streets and alleys are all covered with centipedes, as if they were attracted by something, and there are more and more... Fortunately, most of the people in the town went to sea to salvage agarwood, otherwise, I don’t know how many people would have died.”

I looked at him and saw that he hesitated to speak, so I asked, "Have you found out who it is?"

"Outside the earthen city wall, three miles away, there are people stationed." He said.

After hearing this, Chen Laoshi became even more flustered: "Why would Jin attack us, how could..."

At this point, I also heard the unusualness in his tone, so I hurried forward and asked, "Uncle Li, what are you talking about? Why are you saying that?"

He glanced at me, but squatted on the ground and muttered, "What can't be said, what can't be said, the things about our ancestors, what can't be said."

He refused to say anything, and there was nothing we could do. At this moment, we heard the sound of rustling inside and outside the yard, the roof tiles fell, and fell under the eaves. Looking again, we saw a centipede about a foot long coming from the door Climbed in through the gap.

"Quickly, sprinkle the realgar powder..." Ye Xiao scattered the powder around the yard, forming a square, and kept swinging the bamboo stick in his hand to kill the centipedes that crawled close.

We sat in this square frame with Chen Laoshi's family.

The centipede stopped outside the medicine powder, but kept on advancing one after another, showing no sign of retreating. Instead, they stacked up three layers inside and three layers outside, forming a ladder, and the top one fell into the frame and crawled towards us.

Chen Laoshi's two sons cried out in fright, and Chen's sister-in-law was stung by a centipede and is still in a coma.

Ye Xiao and I used bamboo sticks and chopsticks, but centipedes kept falling into the frame and attacking us.

Suddenly, there was a sound of the roof collapsing, and a large piece of rubble fell to the ground. The centipedes that climbed up to the top of the storey piled up and crushed the roof.

Seeing another swarm of centipedes coming one after another, we have nothing to do, the powder in our hands can no longer resist these evil insects, the master said: "Take them away, if you can take one with you!"

"No, master, what do you do?"

"Give me the powder, and I can support it for a while. There is no way there are so many centipedes. As long as they leave this yard, they will definitely find a place to stay!" The master said in a deep voice, looking around the yard with his eyes.

"Master, what are you looking at?"

"Centipedes cannot appear for no reason, there must be something that can attract them to swarm."

I suddenly remembered something: "When I was in Li Zeyu's barracks for the first time, I was also attacked by a scorpion, this time it was a centipede..."

"This is the south. There are only centipedes in the south, but no scorpions. Who has mastered the method of controlling these insects?" the master said softly, "I never knew?"

Ye Xiao frantically took a bamboo stick and shot the approaching centipede, "Stop discussing, what to do, decide quickly."

The master looked at Chen Laoshi's family, "Take them out first."

Chen Laoshi pointed at the unconscious Mrs. Chen: "Take my wife away first."

I hurried forward, picked up Mrs. Chen, and was about to jump up, but felt something strange... I pushed her away with a palm. Amidst Chen Laoshi's exclamation, Mrs. Chen did somersaults twice in the air, hehe He smiled happily: "You still found out."

Her voice was pleasant and crisp, but she was still old and hoarse, and her eyes were moving. Although she still had Mrs. Chen's face, she seemed to be a different person.

(End of this chapter)

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