The black-bellied princess plays the prince

Chapter 18 The Concubine and the First Spouse

Chapter 18 The Concubine and the First Spouse

What is even more strange is that the figures of those people were illuminated by the moonlight, and they were actually half-dark, as if blending into the flowers and plants in the yard.

"What if I must take her away today?" Chu Bo said coldly.

"That depends on whether Junhou has this ability."

The two men were at war with each other, and they were on the verge of firing.

Under such circumstances, I always slipped away, so I used the Eighteen Stairs of Xiangyun and added the bone shrinking skill, and squeezed out from the crowd without moving. No matter how far she slipped away, she was stopped by a group of beautiful women in front of her. The eldest lady smiled like a flower: "Sister, where are you going?"

The other ladies surrounded me: "My husband didn't tell you to leave, how could you leave?"

I said seriously: "Ladies, you can also see that your family's husband treats me more than gold. If I stay here, will there be a place for you to stand in the future? I am doing this for your own good. Now that you leave, you can still fight and be jealous. If I stay, you won’t even have the chance to fight and be jealous. With my temperament, the original spouse will be resigned, and the concubines will be beaten to death. ..." I looked at their faces, and added more anger, "Poor those sons who have lost their mothers, a child with a mother is a treasure, and a child without a mother is a grass..."

The eldest lady was startled, and the other ladies looked at each other, their faces were either blue or white. I took advantage of their blankness and prepared to use all my strength to squeeze out... Still I couldn't squeeze out, the gap was blocked by the eldest lady, and she His face was miserable, and his eyes were strong: "My husband is kind to us, and whatever he likes, no matter what it is, we have to obey him. Even if we are sent down to give my sister a place in the future, we will have no regrets. "

The other wives said in unison: "We are the same!"

I'm sure again, are all the people I've met out of their minds?I heard that if there are too many wives, you will experience extremely tragic house fights. If you find a chance, you will fight to the death, stab people with knives, and start civil strife. Why can't I meet them?There is civil turmoil, so I can take the opportunity to escape, right?Why are these ladies so united?

Ye Xiao's voice came in from afar: "Pavilion Master, Ye Xiao will not stop you if you want to leave, but Ye Xiao once swore that he would never let you be in such a situation again, and he will protect you comprehensive."

I said: "No, no, I'm very safe, if I didn't meet you..."

Didn't our encounter start with a duck?
He approached me, suddenly fell like a jade mountain, and knelt down on the ground: "Master, you once said that if one day, you can see the sunset and the moon rising everywhere in the world, and the Yuyang sings at night, this life will be enough." Already, Ye Xiao will help you fulfill your wish."

When he knelt down, I was shocked. I wanted to step back, but was supported by the eldest lady. Although he was a lot shorter when he knelt down, he was not much different from me when he stood. The face as big as a disc really reminded me of that greasy and burnt thing. For some reason, I suddenly felt a sense of kindness, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "If you recognize the wrong person, kneel down to the wrong person, and help the wrong person You won’t go back on your word if you fulfilled your wrong wish after you got your partner? Settle accounts after autumn?”

The flames in his eyes were extinguished, and he was a little depressed: "No, Pavilion Master..."

I clapped my hands: "That's all right, then I won't leave for the time being."

He breathed a sigh of relief and stood up: "Chu Bo, you heard, she doesn't want to go with you."

Under the long corridor, Chu Bo's expression was dim, as if there was fog lingering on his face, he said: "She doesn't understand now, but she will understand in the future. In this world, Gu is her only relative..."

As soon as he raised his hand, the guards around him gathered together, ready to strike. How many people are there in him, but how few people are on Ye Xiao's side... I feel a little regretful, did I stand in the wrong team?In fact, I am very easygoing. Ye Xiao has many wives, but Chu Bo has many guards...

Seeing that it was about to be triggered again, suddenly, I heard the chirping of a falcon in the sky, and I looked up, and under the pale sky, three black dots came piercing the sky, circling and whistling above us, Chu Bo’s His expression changed, he took a longbow from the guard beside him, took three arrows, and flicked his fingers, the three arrows shot at the eagle in the sky like a cannonball, but the three eagles had spiritual consciousness , flew up into the air quickly, and spun around in mid-air, and those arrows missed their aim.

Chu Bo's complexion became even worse, and Ye Xiao's complexion also changed.

Both of them looked at me, and I knew the meaning very clearly: Whenever I saw a delicious candy, I wanted to grab it and stuff it into my mouth immediately.

I am that candy.

I was surrounded by several wives, so I couldn't escape, and I couldn't escape, thinking that if another group of people came, I would fish in troubled waters.

Just as he was thinking, he heard the blue bricks under his feet start to vibrate, and the sound of horseshoes came from a distance. The corner of the house jumped out.

Among these noises, there was a falcon chirping in the air, and there was a screeching sound when the scabbard collided with the chain mail armor.

The vermilion gate bolt in the courtyard was smashed into two. Li Zeyu was wearing a black cloak, with a gray eagle with claws as sharp as cones on his shoulder. One person and one eagle seemed to come from hell, bringing It's dark and fishy all over.

The tall Sha Tuo people rode on horses, circling and galloping around the courtyard, the roof tiles shook, and fine dust was thrown up in the sky.

Li Zeyu waved his hand slightly, and the running horse stopped in an instant. Amidst the fine dust, he walked towards the courtyard, his dark golden eyes narrowed in the twilight of the morning light: "Mr. , for whom?"

Chu Bo's complexion could no longer be described as gloomy, it was so gloomy that water dripped from his face: "Prince Jin, are you here all right?"

Compared with the troops brought by Li Zeyu, Chu Bo's bodyguards and Ye Xiao's esoteric sect Liulue seemed a little weak. Looking at the grass on the wall that was blown and shaken by the wind, my heart started to move again... ...When three people fight, there are bound to be casualties. Sitting on a mountain and watching tigers fight, and there are three tigers...Should I rely or run?

It's just that the ladies surrounding me are more troublesome. When I turned around occasionally, I saw the ladies who had surrounded me so tightly that they all fell to the ground one by one. Behind me, There is only one person left... Senior Sister Xunyun.

I was overjoyed and wanted to rush towards her, but she looked very disgusted: "Little Junior Sister, what did you put on the corner of your mouth? Did you steal it again?"

Whenever I feel that there is still a little warmth in the world, the senior sister always strikes a bolt of lightning from the clear sky.

I wiped my mouth and asked, "Senior Sister, is Senior Brother here?"

The senior sister snorted: "A person who only knows how to make medicine and poison, what else can he help besides being a disservice?"

I was a little distressed, and stared at my senior sister for a while: "Senior sister, I was originally at Li Zeyu's place. I planned to have a good meal or two, so I left... If we take advantage of the chaos and leave at this time, can senior brother escape by himself?"

The senior sister looked at me with unbelievable eyes for a long time, and she was heartbroken: "Little junior sister, I didn't expect you to be so cold-blooded and ignore your relatives, pity me..." She covered her chest and coughed twice, "It's not good, It’s not good, the seven-day poison is about to break out, what if there is no antidote? I will die with bleeding from seven holes, my internal organs will be messed up, my six gods will be lost, and I will be torn apart..."

I hurriedly said: "Okay, okay, senior sister, can I make it if I don't run away..." I supported her, "Senior sister, you have learned a lot of number idioms, and you are also proficient in using them."

She put her hands down from her chest: "Yeah, yeah, I felt my vulgarity only after I went down the mountain. I can't do it, but it's good to read more books and add some literati temperament." .”

I said: "..."

While we were talking, we suddenly heard the sound of swords colliding on the field. We looked up and saw that Chu Bo and Li Zeyu had already collided. The two of them were like lightning. The person hovered overhead.

I thought to myself, how lonely it would be if only two people fought each other. It would be better if we had to fight in groups, so that I would have a chance to decide whether to escape or rely on it.

I looked at Ye Xiao, he seemed to have sensed something, looked up at me, looked at me again and again with lingering small eyes, looked at me, walked towards me, as soon as he came, his The black guard of the Tantric school also appeared, and the senior sister said softly, "Little sister, who are these people? Why do they appear like they came out of the ground? Hey, the senior brother should come, no matter whether they are Who, sprinkled some fennel grass on them, keeping them so itchy that they couldn't even stand still..."

I felt the eyes of the dozen or so tantric practitioners staring at the senior sister, and hurriedly tugged on her sleeve: "Senior sister, please keep your voice down, we are weak now."

Just as he was talking, Ye Xiao came to the side and said in a low voice, "Pavilion Master, are you leaving?"

I said, "If you don't confuse the water, how can we leave?"

Before he issued an order, the dozen or so people from the Tantric school disappeared. In the next instant, Li Zeyu's cavalry around the courtyard fell straight down, and the arrows in the hands of Chu Bo's guards suddenly flew randomly. Get up, and then, the group fight began.

I was a little dazed.

Ye Xiao said: "The Esoteric School was originally trained by the pavilion master. With you here, they will only obey you."

I turned my head and said, "What about you?"

Ye Xiao took it for granted: "Wherever the pavilion master goes, the subordinates will follow."

I looked at the wife who was lying all over the floor, then looked at Ye Xiao's face as big as a moon cake, thinking about how to support these people in the future, the pressure was a bit overwhelming.

The senior sister was a little hesitant, and wanted to persuade me again, so I said, "Senior sister, you are known as the Excalibur, do you want to compare your speed with those of the Tantric sect?"

The senior sister put away the sword in her hand, Xizi held her heart together, with a sad expression on her face: "Junior sister, don't bring such a thing, you just took over a power, and you don't know if this power has mistaken the object of allegiance, so you start taking Have your loved one tried the knife?"

(End of this chapter)

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