Chapter 196 Doubt
Not only did I have such doubts, Gu Shao and Ye Xiao also noticed it, and Ye Xiao said: "Look at their movements, they are somewhat similar to Qifeng Pavilion..."

Gu Shao's face was heavy: "It seems that Li Zeyu's ambition is more than that."

That's right, Li Zeyu's ambition is in the world, since he extended his hand to Qifeng Pavilion, the war between him and Chu Bo will be overdone.

And he was always much better than Chu Bo.

There were as many as five or six teams holding the huge net, and they surrounded us from all directions. Thinking about it, Chu Bo's team made us scurry under the ground, but at this time, there were five or six teams There are so many people, I am a little worried.

"Yueya'er, why not stay?" He approached us step by step, his eyes were full of gloomy coldness, "There has never been a person who made me spend so much thought, I just want you to stay, stay in my life around."

Looking at him, I only felt that my body was extremely cold, so cold to the bone. Only then did I realize that he and Qing Gui are the same kind of person. He was wrong. It should be Qing Gui who stayed by his side, not me.

I'm not suitable for him, I just want to pass the time, I don't think about the great future, I don't think about what I want to succeed in my life, but Qinggui is different, she thinks far-reaching, thinking about the great cause of reunification, thinking about He tried his best to help him succeed, so he chose the wrong person.

I looked from a distance, and Qinggui was lying on her back, quietly lying in the grass, her eyes had been closed, and she could no longer help him.

She was single-minded, but met such a cold-hearted person. When she died, would she regret it?
But I think she won't regret it, because in her heart, Li Zeyu is her world.

But I'm different, Li Zeyu's shadow has faded in my heart at some point, and I look at him as if I were looking at a stranger.

We retreated step by step, and he and the men in black pressed forward step by step, Gu Shaohu said in a low voice: "Pavilion Master, let's go to the edge of the cliff."

I turned around and saw the deep meaning in Gu Shao's eyes. Ye Xiao also nodded to me. I understood that these two people must have left their way on the cliff, just like many times in the past.

But what should the master do?He doesn't have any martial arts.

The master said softly: "Don't be afraid, these days, treating his illness, my internal strength has recovered a little."

I breathed a sigh of relief, and together with them, I slowly retreated to the edge of the cliff.

Li Zeyu said: "Qingqiu, Yueya, where can you hide..."

Suddenly, I felt a strange smell in the air. Before I could figure out what it was, I heard someone giggling: "You all have to die..."

I looked up, but I saw You Yan had stood on the hillside at some point, holding a torch in her hand, and a stream of fire was crackling on the ground.

Li Zeyu was furious, "Kill her."

Like a locust, it flew towards her secretly, and someone even shot a hidden weapon at the fire line on the ground. You Yan shot left and right, but three or four arrows still hit her chest. Li Zeyu sneered, "I took refuge in you just to get news for the princess, and she knew about it, but you didn't believe me and never revealed important news to me, which made the princess lose her life. I'm sorry for the princess... ..." She pointed at Li Zeyu, "You heartless person, the princess and I will not let you go underground..."

She looked up to the sky with a long smile, "Princess, I'm here to accompany you. This heartless person will come to the underworld to accompany you soon."

Blood was pouring out of You Yan's seven orifices, and her expression was ferocious like a ghost. It was shocking to see her. Her eyes gradually faded away, but she fixed her eyes on Li Zeyu. Li Zeyu's face was filled with anger. The sword, the sword flew up in a whirl, and flew straight towards her, with a pounce, the sword swirled and cut off her neck.

But the line of fire was not extinguished by the hidden weapon, and it was still smoking, extending into the distance, and someone was shouting: "She ignited the gunpowder buried at the bottom of the valley..."

Li Zeyu's face was condensed, "I originally planned to bury everything here afterwards, but I didn't expect it to be earlier..."

He swept his eyes and said: "Boys, this time and this place is the time for you to make contributions. Don't worry, your family will take good care of you alone."

The men in black all around yelled loudly. What left me dumbfounded was that countless men in black suddenly rushed forward, directly on the line of fire, and they actually used their bodies to block the line of fire from spreading.

What kind of poison have they been poisoned by Li Zeyu? Why did they rush to die when he yelled out?

But before it was too late, the fire wire suddenly scattered and spread, divided into five or six strands, and spread out in all directions. This valley, indeed, was filled with gunpowder everywhere. You Yan ignited the bus. When these strands were burned out, That's when the gunpowder exploded.

(End of this chapter)

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