The black-bellied princess plays the prince

Chapter 204 Li Zeyu's Extra Story

Chapter 204 Li Zeyu's Extra Story
My name is Santiao, and I am a child who can't cry. Since I was a child, I can't shed a single tear.

My father is a blacksmith, so I was walking around the iron stove, watching the fire burning in the fire, listening to my father waving the iron hammer in his hand, thinking, when I grow up, I will also drive hard I grew up in a blacksmith's shop and became a blacksmith like my father. I made all the ironware in the surrounding villages.

Dad said, if you are proficient in craftsmanship, someone will come to your door, and there will be more business.

Many years have passed, and my father's face has been blurred, but this sentence has always been deeply hidden in my mind, and I will never forget it.

I remember, at that time, I was four years old.

The black girl in the village often came to play with me, always clinging to me, saying that I was good-looking and had the same name as hers, except that the latter word was different.

Let the other children in the village laugh at her, saying, does she want to marry me when she grows up and be my bride?

I don't understand what's going on with the bride, and neither does she, but I don't like the smiles on people's faces in the village, so I keep avoiding her.

But she can always find me, no matter where I hide.

Brother Cai is the adopted son of the village head, and he always wants his father to give him a small sword, so he often comes here.

I don't understand, why do I have memories when I was so young?
A memory that can never be erased?

I remember that in the first few days of that day, it rained several times in a row. Brother Cai said that there were a lot of mushrooms growing in the forest, and he took us to pick mushrooms. Wherever I went, the black girl always followed. Brother Cai did not The only way is to take her with me, I thought, if I pick some mushrooms back, my father will be very happy, he will touch my head with his big palm, and he will smile at me.

Sure enough, there are a lot of mushrooms in the forest, many, many, I carried around in my pocket, picked up a lot of mushrooms and went back, and Hei Ya also picked up a lot, when I walked out of the forest, I saw the fires in the village burning continuously. It popped out, I don't know what happened, was it when Dad was forging iron, accidentally, sparks splashed on the haystack, and set the haystack on fire?
Will Daddy be very angry?But it doesn't matter, Dad won't be angry after seeing the mushrooms in my pocket, and I ran to the village after pulling my feet.

Brother Cai and Hei Ya followed behind until we reached the head of the village. We came home from a small path. On that road, grass grew up to the waist on both sides, covering our bodies completely. I remember that while we were walking, Hei Ya Ya pulled my skirt and kept saying: "Little brother, little brother, I will give you my mushrooms too, you will play with me from now on, don't ignore me, okay?"

I looked at the mushrooms in her pocket, then looked at mine, and thought about my father's tall body and big stomach, so I nodded reluctantly... Play with her for two or three days, and then avoid her, she will Don't remember anything about mushrooms.

With a smile on her face, she ran forward and poured the mushrooms from her pocket into mine... not only the mushrooms but also a human head fell into my pocket, staring straight at me Looking at me, I felt liquid on my face and fell down. Hei Yaer was screaming, but Brother Cai covered her mouth all of a sudden.

He pulled me back: "Shut up!"

As soon as I let go, the head rolled on the ground, with a look of astonishment frozen on his face.

Brother Cai helped me wipe the blood on my face with the lapel of his clothes, and said, "Something happened in the village, we can't go back,

Brother Cai's face changed drastically.

Take me and Hei Yatou with one arm around me and the other hand around Hei Yatou, hiding in the weeds. Outside, there are soldiers in armor on horseback everywhere. The long knives in their hands are raised. A person's head fell to the ground, the ground was full of blood, and the screams of the villagers were everywhere. I saw Hei Ya's parents fell in the fields... Hei Ya was crying and struggling to stand up and go to her parents. He ran, but was grabbed by Brother Cai.

I didn't call out, and I didn't cry. I just followed Brother Cai in a daze. Wherever he went, I followed him. We didn't dare to go into the village, and Brother Cai took us to walk around in the woods without knowing where to go. After walking for a long time, I came to the edge of the copper bridge.

Brother Cai said: "Those are officers and soldiers. They found that they were missing. They must have come to arrest us. We have to find a place to hide."

We crossed the copper bridge, turned around, lost our way in the deep mountains, but found this house hidden behind the cliff.

There is no one in the house, and there is no food, but there are many, many books hidden. Except for Brother Cai, we are all illiterate, and Hei Ya is very cold, so he thought about burning these books to keep warm, but in the end because there was no Huo Zhezi and nothing more.

We stayed in that house for three days, very hungry, and didn’t dare to go out to find food. We thought we were going to starve to death there, but how could we expect that in the early morning of the fourth day, a few pieces of boiled rice were put on the table? We devoured the cooked sweet potatoes. After eating, we looked at the portrait of Avalokitesvara hanging in the main room and thought that it must be the goddess Avalokitesvara who came down to earth and brought us food.

We knelt down on the ground and prayed to Goddess of Mercy sincerely. Sure enough, for several days, every morning, there were baked sweet potatoes waiting for us.

After eating sweet potatoes for several days, Hei Yaer quit and cried and wanted to go back to find her parents. Brother Cai couldn’t be coaxed, so he had to take us to the copper bridge, but we haven’t reached the edge of the copper bridge yet. , was blocked.

Although the woman's face was covered by a mask, her voice was really pleasant. She told us that our parents have all gone to heaven and can't be found. To avenge them, we have to learn the skills, and she will teach us the skills.

She wanted us to form brothers and sisters with different surnames. Originally Brother Cai was older than me, but she appointed me to be the eldest brother, Brother Cai to be the second brother, and Hei Ya to be the third sister...On that day, I found out that Hei Ya was originally called Qinggui, which is a very nice name.

From then on, we stayed in this house. She didn't come here often, but she often sent different people to teach us how to read, write, martial arts and archery. Every six months, she would come to test our skills in person. martial arts.

Hei Ya'er often secretly guesses who she is behind her back, is it really a fairy from the sky descending to earth?

A few years later, we grew up, went down the mountain, joined the mahjong parlor, vowed to sneak into the palace of the nobles of the Jin Palace, and find out who was the one who used the heads of civilians as military exploits!But before I could sneak into a famous family, someone from the royal family of King Jin came to me and said that I was the son of King Jin and wanted to take me back. I told them repeatedly that my father was a blacksmith, but no one listened. Mine, just ask me repeatedly who is my mother?
I have never met my mother.

Whoever thought of this made them even more sure that I was King Jin's son.

I was taken into this place like a palace in the sky. There are gold and jade carvings everywhere, silk and silk clothes, and a woman sitting on a high phoenix chair. She asked me to call her mother, and she gently covered her with a handkerchief. nose, reprimanding the people below: "Have you washed him, why does it still smell sour?"

The father-in-law who brought me lay down on the ground, "The slave has been washed with fragrant soup many times."

She waved her hands and frowned: "Okay, Chuchu is like this, take him down, take good care of him, he is the only son of the king."

After she finished speaking, she stopped looking at me and picked up the cup at hand to drink tea. The cup was very beautiful, black, with some silver brilliance mixed in it, which seemed to shine like the morning stars in the sky.

After a long time, I realized that it was a black and silver cup.

Life in the palace is very boring. I have to get up early every day to learn literature and martial arts from the Taifu. Fortunately, I have learned everything he taught, so it is not very difficult. Tears flowed in front of the king: "Your Majesty, Shatuo is hopeful. Your Majesty is lucky. The prince is talented and intelligent. He is the hope sent by God to our Shatuo clan."

But Tai Tuo praised me once, and the person who asked me to call her Queen Mother asked me to set up a rule, talking about the principle of mother's kindness and filial piety, and asked me to recite the 24 filial piety scriptures. At first I didn't understand. What do you mean, but gradually I understood that I had to follow her wishes, so I learned to please her like a filial son.

She said I stink, so I took a bath three times a day, and when the mothers asked me about it, I told them that I was afraid they would burn the mother's nose... Although their eyes could not hide the look of contempt, but these It still gradually spread to the queen mother's ears. I thought she would really regard me as her son... I have never obeyed my mother since I was a child, and I really hope to have a mother.

For a while, I really thought of her as my own mother.

A few years later, Qing Gui came to me at night, and she told me that the Xiao family was the one who came to slaughter the village that day. In order to report military merit, they came to our small village and killed the whole village. Cutting off the head to serve as military merit... That night, we clapped hands and vowed to avenge the dead relatives.

But before taking revenge, all one has to do is endure.

Qing Gui's status is low, and it is impossible to follow me. She told me that she will help me successfully ascend to the throne and become a real king, not a puppet.

But in the state of Jin, the only one who can contain the royal family is the King of France, and she wants to become the saint there.

I don't know what will happen when I become a saint, but I am very grateful to her. Since my father died, she is the first person who cares about me so much.

Brother Cai joined the military camp and became a military doctor.

From now on, we will fight each other for eight years. During these eight years, I endured Queen Xiao, endured the disdain in the eyes of the maids, and she endured the hands that stretched out to her from the darkness. The two of us depended on each other. , I know the sacrifice she made for me, and I secretly swear that no matter what she wants in return, I will give it to her.

During these eight years, I learned to use all available people, learned to gradually harden my heart, and learned to weigh people on a scale.

Now that I have entered this magnificent place, I know that there is no turning back for me.

I gradually gained the affirmation of Queen Xiao and the appreciation of King Jin. They never said in front of me that there are many descendants surnamed Li, and the courtiers never mentioned again that they wanted King Jin to pass the throne to their younger brothers.

And Qinggui won the trust of the King of France, and made great contributions, and was named a princess.

Everything is slowly on the right track. Together we are slowly eradicating the members of the Xiao family and weakening their power. Queen Xiao and I are acting like a loving mother and filial piety, and King Jin is playing a father-son relationship. At that time, I didn't even know what kind of person I became, an actor?Or the son of the blacksmith in that small mountain village?

When I first met her, she was an assassin. I walked by the pond, and she jumped out of the water, with crystal drops on her face, and stabbed me with a sword... I got it early in the morning The news that Chu State sent assassins, she naturally failed.

Surrounded by guards, she smiled, "I'm still looking for you!"

The way she smiled, with canine teeth protruding from the corners of her mouth... I have never seen a woman who combines innocence and cruelty so perfectly. In her eyes, assassination is like dancing, it is an art, just like a jade craftsman carving jade... ...In her eyes, I am just a piece of jade, which can be sculpted by her.

In her eyes, I am not alone.

I have been acting for so many years, and I am invincible, but she gave me a feeling of conquest, so I laid a trap and captured her, wanting to see what kind of woman she is.

But the closer I get to her, the more confused I feel. I can't figure out how she can be like this. An assassin who has become a prisoner, an assassin who must always be on guard against the master who sent her to kill him, why can she go around to please the maidservants every day? , just to let them bring some fun and delicious food?
When she laughs, she looks like a child, when she plays, she also looks like a child, killing and being killed are just a game to her.

She didn't regard me as the person who imprisoned her. Instead, she regarded me as a temporary playmate. When there was no one at night, she regarded my temple as a place for her to play... I don't even know why I tolerate her so much Well, in the harem of the Jin Dynasty, I have successfully created a cold face, and she, who treats this as nothing, has the quality of hitting a snake with a stick. When there is no one in the palace, she takes out those little things Come on, play happily alone!

The first thing she took out was a drinking bird. She was obviously very confused about this bird that was always nodding its head to drink water. She stared at it for almost an hour, her head following the bird. The bird was nodding up and down.

It took an hour.

I was ignoring her at first, thinking in my heart to clean her up and let her know my authority, I was concentrating on my documents for governing the country... After another hour, her head was still following the bird The child was lighting and muttering... I couldn't bear it any longer. I walked over quietly and heard her talking softly to it: "How can you nod your head continuously and drink water for such a long time? I'll follow you, My neck is sore..."

Her expression was serious, as if she was undertaking a great project.

I thought to myself, what is she doing?Trying to get my attention to her, or trying to get things done?
I remained calm, turning a blind eye to her behavior, and seeing what else she could do, no one could escape my eyes.

For many days in a row, she took out many gadgets and played with them one by one, ignoring me as nothing. The hall is very big, I am at one end, she is at the other end, without interfering with each other.

Until one day, she took out a small kite, looked in the hall, and cast her eyes on the two feather fans... I couldn't help it, "What do you want to do?"

"I wonder if those two feather fans can inflate the kite?" She asked seriously.

I originally wanted to reprimand her, but for some reason, I followed her train of thought: "I'm afraid not... You, you want to fly a kite in the palace?"

She stared at me with round eyes: "Why can't it work? Put it outside, you will think that I have secretly communicated with people outside!"

I flicked my sleeves and went back to the desk. She said: "If you don't make a sound, you agree!" while shaking the two big fans. Unfortunately, she couldn't fly the kite if she could shake the fans. She looked back at me. , "Your Highness, can you help me?"

I've never encountered such a thing, but she did it as a matter of course, so I turned my face sullenly and helped her fan... She couldn't fly the kite on the roof of the hall.

A day later, she found the shuttlecock again, chanting a mess of ballads and kicking the shuttlecock, and doing all kinds of tricks, enjoying herself, and treating me like nothing. I took the paperwork, half covered my face and looked at her. I really didn't think of me as a person, I couldn't help it, walked up to her, and asked her: "Is it so fun?"

Her eyes were shining brightly: "I've never done this before, I'm going to die anyway, why don't I have a good time?"

She talks about death, it's a matter of course.

I felt a little sad suddenly, and understood the reason why she did this. She was just a child who regarded death as a normal thing.

Over the years, I have been guarding against people all the time, wearing a mask on my face all the time, but at this moment, I feel that I don’t need to wear a mask in front of her, so, on those nights, I joined her He took off the mask on his face, and together with her, played all the things she had never played before.

She is very attentive in her work, like she is an assassin. Not only can she kill people in one hundred and eight ways, but she can also kick the shuttlecock in one hundred and eight tricks. Compared with her, who can kick more In those days, it was the first time that I could laugh so comfortably in the Jin Palace, although it was only for an hour at midnight.

But after this period of time, I became the son of King Jin again, constantly ascending, never stopping.

After Qinggui found out her identity, I knew where I could use her, and figured out the steps in my mind, how to deceive Chu State, and how to use her to the maximum... The relationship these days, we I can feel that she has a strange feeling for me, and I have to make good use of it.

And in her body, there is the chivalrous spirit that is the most useless among Jianghu people.

I let her go, but I know that she won't go, how can she go, in her eyes, I am a good person, when I am in crisis?I recruited my second younger brother and asked him to follow her all the time. Sure enough, she sneaked into my barracks and disguised herself as a little soldier.

Although the plan was successful, for some reason, in those days, when I thought of her by my side, I felt warm for no reason.

She really saved my life and became my weapon to hold Chu Bo hostage, but I didn't expect that she could do this for me, after knowing that I just used her repeatedly.

On that day, the wedding dress on her body was as red as fire, and I struck her far away with my palm, and heard the sound of bones breaking on her body. For the first time, I used the highest martial arts that I learned in the small room, But I didn't expect it to be used on her.

She was wearing a bright red wedding dress, like a butterfly in flames, her wings were burned and she fell to the ground. Looking at her familiar eyes, I realized that my heart can also be so painful, it hurts heart and lung.

I want Qingqiu to save her, save her at all costs, but Qingqiu said that her kidneys have been broken into pieces, and there is no way to repair them. Although her bones can grow well, they will be much weaker after waking up. .

Without any hesitation, I asked Qingqiu to take out one of my kidneys and give it to him. Qingqiu repeatedly persuaded me, saying that although I have five-color lotus, the poison in me has not been cleared, and the kidney is a tool for clearing poison, so it is not suitable for this time. Hou picks.

I told him, if she dies, what's the use of fighting for her in this world?
Qingqiu looked at me silently, finally sighed, took my kidney away, and put it on her body. At that moment, I felt a faint joy in my heart. In this way, she has me in her body and I also have her on me.

In order for people from Jin and Chu countries not to find her whereabouts, Qingqiu took her to Yuzhou City and concealed his name. He became her master... After a long time, I really hated myself, hated why I couldn't be here by her side?

I'm sorry for Qing Gui, she sacrificed everything for me, so even for her, I have to ascend to the highest position, but this means that I used and deceived her again.

I'm lucky, maybe she won't find out?
But she still found out, and the coldness in her eyes told me that this time, she really wanted to leave me, and it was useless to try to keep her... I just want to keep her, keep her, no matter what method I take , but she finally left me.

And drift away.

Qinggui, who was the best to me, gradually made me out of breath. She took care of everything and thought of everything for me. At the beginning, I turned a blind eye and closed my eyes, thinking about her all the time. She was kind to me in the past, if she does this, let her do it, she practices martial arts privately, her martial arts are getting better and better, she quietly kills people for me, removes obstacles for me, I still tell myself, let her go.

But she shouldn't want Yue Yue'er's life, she thinks that she is the one who hinders me from accomplishing my great cause.

Qing Gui is a persistent person, I know that she will never give up until she achieves her goal.

Qingqiu knew what Qinggui had done, and knew that my life was not long. He was willing to give back my kidney for Yueyaer. I hesitated for a long time to accept it, but in the end, I still accepted it, because I longed for success , that desire has penetrated into my bone marrow.

Qingqiu and I made a plan to eliminate Yue Yueer's threat once and for all. I knew that the only way to do this was to get rid of Qinggui, the woman who had been helping me since childhood.

When I made this determination, I did feel a little bit of pain, but when I thought of Crescent Moon, I didn't care about anything.

In the end, Qinggui died in my arms, and I killed her by myself, but when she died, she smiled slightly, and she told me that Yueya'er and I had become strangers.

Sure enough, all I saw from the bottom of Yue Yue'er's eyes were strangers. The way she looked at me was like looking at a stranger.

When she looked at me in the past, she felt hatred, confusion, and incomprehension, but she was not unfamiliar.

Then I realized that I really lost her forever.

No, I can't lose her, her eyes drive me crazy, from childhood to adulthood, if I want to get something, I will definitely get it!

I want to keep her by my side and become my most important person, together with Qingqiu.

But they would rather jump off the cliff than stay. At this time, I realized that I was wrong, wrong too much, some people cannot be forced, and some people, if they leave, they will never turn back.

If there is a next life, I don't expect to have any more adventures, no more temptations ahead of me with a bright future, I just hope that the years will be quiet and I will have her by my side.

But in this life, I can only let go, stay in the palace of rich clothes and fine food, imagine from a distance, imagine how happy she is with others.

Qingqiu lost his memory and became a blacksmith. In fact, he didn't know it. He dreamed several times. I dreamed that I was blacksmithing and there was her by my side.

That's fine, let him fulfill my unfulfilled wish instead.

(End of this chapter)

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