Chapter 23
Qing Gui nodded, her breath continued to be delicate: "Your Highness, fortunately, the scorpion is not a female scorpion. The poison in my body is not deep, but the foot was bitten by the scorpion."

No wonder her legs were limping.

She had the same voice and appearance there, and her singing and writing were excellent, which made me breathe a sigh of relief. Now her full of thoughts are transferred to Li Zeyu. I am safe, so I touched a stool and sat down. The cold wind poured in at the torn part of the clothes, freezing to the bone.

I folded my arms and looked at the clothes hanging not far away, wondering if I sneaked over to take the clothes and put them on while the two of them were not paying attention?
At this time, I felt something approaching from behind, but it was not the cold murderous intent, with warmth, overwhelming, I didn't move until that thing wrapped me, bringing warmth all over my body.

This is Li Zeyu's long cloak.

He said on top of my head: "Don't freeze."

His gentle voice made me shudder involuntarily, and associating with the free books on gifted scholars and beauties given by my senior brothers and sisters, I finally understood that the reason why I provoke this Qinggui for no reason is because of men. Li Zeyu's gentleness is misplaced, and the other is because... I am too white, too beautiful?Made her jealous?

For no reason, I thought of Liu Dequan's words of praise that he hesitated to speak.

Sure enough, beauty is a sin.

I could clearly see half of Qing Gui's face hidden behind Li Zeyu, her eyes were ice-like, and her complexion was pale.

I shuddered again.

Li Zeyu said softly, "How did your clothes get messed up like this? Was it bitten by a scorpion? Are you still cold?"

He started to remove the clothes on his body. I understood his intention and wanted to remove them for me to wear.

But he only had one piece of clothing on him.

You tore it up!
I wanted to tell him loudly, but considering the situation, where I am, and my status... I dare not say so, so I had to stop him from taking off his clothes first: "Your Highness, I'm fine..." On my shoulders, I could see Qing Gui's downcast eyes. Naturally, those eyes were too unfriendly. Her eyes fell on Li Zeyu's hands. I was suddenly blessed. She must not like Li Zeyu's body. So I suggested, "Your Highness, you only have one piece of clothing on your body. Apart from being ugly, why don't you..." But in order to show obedience to Li Zeyu, who insists on doing what he wants, I tactfully suggested, " Why don't you ask Sister Qinggui to take off a piece of clothing and put it on for me? She has a lot of clothes on her body..."

I finally made a suggestion that made both parties happy. Li Zeyu stopped taking off his clothes, and Qing Gui's eyes changed. The eyes that wanted to eat people were gone, and turned into shock and bewilderment... This kind of eyes The look in her eyes is much friendlier than the previous moment.

I am very pleased.

Before Li Zeyu could speak, Qing Gui said guiltily: "Your Highness, it's all because Qing Gui didn't think well, and let Miss Yue freeze."

She took off her outer shirt and handed it over with a smile on her face: "Sister Yue, there are bloodstains from poisonous scorpions on my clothes, don't be disgusted."

I took it and put it on: "Don't dislike it, don't dislike it, no matter how dirty the clothes on my sister's body are, they are more fragrant than those on His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

She pursed her lips tightly, and a masseter muscle appeared at the corner of her mouth, which ruined the beauty. I felt that I had the advantage of being very white and beautiful, and I was a little proud.

While speaking, the sound of killing outside the tent gradually approached, and the smell of Liuhuang herbal medicine came in from outside the tent, and the sound of scorpions walking on the top of the tent became less and less until it disappeared. Finally, I heard a guard outside saying: "Your Highness, Your Highness the Crown Prince, it was too late to save you."

I could clearly hear the voice of this person, it was the general who spoke impassionedly and frighteningly when I was sneaking under Li Zeyu's case, his name was Xiao Liang.

The tent door opened, Xiao Liang and several generals rushed in, and Bai Fengran was among them. Seeing the situation inside the tent, everyone was startled and saluted: "His Royal Highness, Princess Fu'an..."

Their titles surprised me a bit, so this green rose is Princess Fu'an?The first woman with a different surname in the state of Jin who was named a princess because of her outstanding achievements. I heard that she was sent to the temple of the Shatuo people as a saint since she was a child. When Li Zeyu was in trouble, he sneaked into the enemy's camp and rescued him. He also led troops to defend the city when the capital of the Jin Kingdom was attacked by Chu, and rescued the monarch from danger. Because of his great contribution, he was named a princess by the monarch as a saint. Because of this, her leg was injured.

That night, the princess that Bai Fengran called was her Luo?The people and things around Li Zeyu are really complicated.

Bai Fengran's face was rejoicing: "Fortunately, the princess got the news and ran thousands of miles to warn, so there was no catastrophe."

Shatuo people's etiquette is not so strict. When she opened her mouth, everyone agreed, but Qing Gui's expression was light: "His Royal Highness has a warning eagle battalion. If the eagle eagle battalion is not poisoned, these poisonous scorpions will be killed again." How could he sneak into the barracks? His Highness was seriously injured? In my opinion, there must be an internal response to this incident, and it is best to find out as soon as possible."

She spoke lightly, her tone was magnificent, she stood side by side with Li Zeyu, her appearance was outstanding, I was dazzled by seeing it, my heart suddenly felt... Is this woman that woman just now?How can a human face become so fast?

Whether she is that woman or not is none of my business, as a small person in the army, I still have the self-knowledge of a small person, so, while they were reporting the military situation, I sneaked towards the door of the tent .

I feel that after going down the mountain, every time I want to achieve any wish, there are always many difficulties... Before diving to the door of the tent, I heard Bai Fengran say: "These are the only people who have joined the camp during this period, Miss Yue, your timing , Is it too coincidental?"

I was stunned, my hair shuddered behind me, dozens of gazes were cast on me as if they had substance, and when I turned around, I saw that everyone was staring straight at me, as cold as a knife.

Qing Gui raised her eyes slightly, and looked towards me: "General Bai, she was recruited by His Highness the Crown Prince, so she is someone His Highness can trust."

Xiao Liang took a step forward, impassioned: "His Royal Highness, a swarm of scorpions is attacking tonight, and it happens that she has only entered the camp for a few days. Your Highness, you are wise and powerful, and you must not be fooled by a witch..."

There was a look of approval in everyone's eyes.

I was stunned, and saluted: "Your Highness, can you allow me to distinguish a few words?"

Li Zeyu nodded.

I saluted Qing Gui: "Your Highness, you are the most fair, you just borrowed clothes for me to wear... You know me best, I will never know the enemy inside and outside, right?"

Qing Gui's expression was indifferent, and her eyes were pitiful: "It's just a piece of clothing. I saw that you were so cold that I lent it to you... But people's hearts are separated from my belly. When I first came to the military camp, how could I know whether you are wearing clothes or not?" Enemy inside and outside? It’s better to find out.”

I understand a little bit, and a little bit don't understand, Qing Gui's hostility towards me hasn't been vented yet?

Bai Fengran interjected: "Your Highness, you are right, how can you allow others to mess around in an important military camp?"

Xiao Liang has always been outspoken, and stepped forward to echo: "His Royal Highness, there is no reason for someone to let a group of scorpions in the barracks to cause harm. If someone hadn't responded from inside and outside, and caught the eagle in advance, how could the guards have nothing to do?" Sleep?"

I felt threatened and panicked. I looked at Li Zeyu and saw the candles in the tent shaking my head. His face seemed to be hidden in the shadows, and I couldn't distinguish between emotions and anger.

I was even more panicked. To Li Zeyu, I was just a little ant on the ground. If it was true what they said, Li Zeyu liked me a little bit, then he liked me like a little ant. The fate of the ants was trampled to death in the end.

But Xiao Liang was impassioned for a while, but he didn't hear Li Zeyu's reply, his breath weakened, and although there was anger on his face, he stopped talking.

After the tent became quiet, Li Zeyu raised his head, his eyes moved slightly, and after sweeping around the barracks, Bai Fengran also lowered his head.

"Since there is nothing wrong, let's leave." He said, "I don't want to hear these empty speculations!"

Not only the people in the tent, but even I myself feel a little uneasy. As a leader, this person is too arrogant. How can he calmly come here when the group is passionate and everyone is angry? one sentence?
It's like smiling when someone is crying and mourning the loss of a child.

It's also like when someone is beaten and writhing in pain, you are smiling brightly beside him.

This kind of behavior is hated by others and will be beaten severely.

The most important thing is, if people don't beat you hard, they will trip me up in private.

But I underestimated Li Zeyu's strength under the power of power. After hearing this, all the people in the tent kept silent and responded in unison: "Yes"

Except for the honest and outspoken Xiao Liang, who glared at me angrily.

Qing Gui said softly: "Brother, when I came here, I met a few people who stole the eagles, and they shot very fast. They joined forces, and I could only watch them take away the entire camp of eagles. All the Eagle King Zuili were captured, I was really useless, I only tore off a piece of cloth from one of them."

She took out the piece of cloth from her sleeve, and I could see clearly that it was obviously a piece of cloth worn by Gu Shao, the leader of the Tantric school. Gu Shao's chest was embroidered with a green mountain with gold thread. This green rose's hands were so fast and extremely accurate, it was easy to tear it, but it just hit his chest?
I couldn't help but shuddered all over.

Qing Gui rolled her eyes, looked at me, frowned, and had to say that Bai Fengran and her had a good understanding, and immediately said in a cold voice: "Miss Yue, have you seen this person?"

Everyone in the tent cast their eyes on me, and I shivered again.

Bai Fengran's voice was even colder: "His Royal Highness, look, she is clearly guilty of being a thief."

Xiao Liang echoed: "Your Highness, when she came to the camp, General Yin's head was taken away, and the murderer has not been found until now. This time, the disaster of poisonous scorpions happened again. These things are full of strange things. Your Highness, I must Just check it out."

Bai Fengran said: "It's not just her, but the pair of brothers and sisters who joined the camp recently, they are very close to her, so we have to find out the origin."

Li Zeyu's pale golden eyes became more and more cold: "Lieutenant Bai, you are too much in control."

Bai Fengran's face turned pale all of a sudden, and Xiao Liang's beard trembled.

Qing Gui said softly: "Brother, they are all for your own good, so they lost their position, please don't blame Big Brother."

Bai Fengran and Xiao Liang's eyes showed gratitude, Li Zeyu's condensed expression was gentle, and he said slowly: "Qing Gui, you are always like this, worrying about everything, working hard all night, you are tired, why don't you go back and rest first , Let’s talk about these things tomorrow.”

Qing Gui said warmly: "Brother, you know me. You always want to make everything clear. My brother has a lot of things to deal with every day, and everything is troublesome, but I am afraid that there will be petty troubles around my brother. I will inevitably worry in my heart."

The hard expression on Li Zeyu's face faded, and the eyes were soft and soft: "Qing Gui, you don't have to worry."

Qinggui's eyes were shining, soft to the extreme, and she said softly, "Brother, you know that I'm only doing it for your own good." She turned around and said, "Your Highness is right, although there are countless doubts about today's incident, But it is impossible to involve Miss Yue, if it were her, how could she throw herself into the trap and come to the army account where His Highness is?"

(End of this chapter)

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