Chapter 26
Just at this moment, the sound of a loudspeaker suddenly came from the sky, piercing the sky. Following the sound of the trumpet, a group of people in colorful costumes suddenly appeared from the other side of the Huangtu Road. They were dressed as judges, the king of Hades , the appearance of little ghosts, dancing while dancing, just like this endless land of yellow sand is the stage, and they are the actors on this stage.

They opened and closed, criss-crossing, and between them, suddenly pulled out a man in chains, with a curly beard and hair, ragged clothes, tall and tall, with a white-faced treacherous mask on his face, The whole person was dragged on the ground and staggered forward. As soon as he wanted to stand up, he was kicked to the crook of his knees and knelt down on the ground with a plop. Immediately afterwards, the long babbling began. In the first scene, he catches the ghost of the villain, in the second scene he moves the soldiers, in the third scene he pulls the villain into the execution ground, and in the fourth scene he goes up to the temple...

The endless pale yellow colors around me set off the thick ink on the ground, which made me feel like I was in a dream, and there was an eagle howling in the sky in the distance, which woke me up slightly, and I saw the people in the center being killed Pushed to the center of the field, the judge had already passed the verdict, first he was punished with a stick, and then he was sent to the eighteenth floor of hell.

Immediately afterwards, several ghost messengers stepped forward, four of them clamped the man with their sticks, and the other two raised their thick torture sticks and hit him one after another. There was a muffled sound of beating.

I could hear that the sound of the beating went deep into the skin and flesh, and there was no such thing as Sihao's pattern. Suddenly, the man who was held still and couldn't move slowly turned his head, and there was a faint light in the pupils of the eye sockets of the white face mask. dark gold.

I was startled, and wanted to take a closer look, but he turned his face away. Only Chaoyang spread the light, covering his prison clothes and trousers with a layer of dark gold.

Liu Dequan leaned forward: "Pavilion Master, this is a pre-dinner show prepared for you by my subordinates, do you like it?"

While he was speaking, the person who was hit by the wooden stick remembered that he was still motionless, and his singing was leisurely and long. The ghost servants danced and danced around him with gongs, drums, flutes, and banners, and another ghost servant pulled him up and sang. In the future, although the voice is obscure, I also understand that this is going to send him to the eighteenth level of hell.

"Where is he going?" Dark golden eyes flashed before my eyes again.

"It's just a play..." Liu Dequan said with a smile, "This is the best theater troupe I hired from Linjiang City, and their singing skills are all top-notch. This "Ghost Meeting" was your favorite before." Listen."

I turned to look at him, his chubby face was glowing, like a big round bun, his eyes were narrowed into a slit, and there were many smile lines on his face, but for some reason, I slapped him Shivering, as if the wind in the middle of winter penetrated into the thick robe, and the coldness penetrated into the bones.

"Where's your [-]-style eagle meal?" I asked.

The smile lines on Liu Dequan's face deepened, and he said to me: "Pavilion Master, please come this way."

Those opera performers in colorful clothes avoided both sides of the street, hiding in the loess bricks and tiles, like water seeping into the sand, without leaving a trace.

In a blink of an eye, there were only yellow bricks and citrons left in front of us, and weeds were melodious.

We moved forward all the way, and after turning a small hill, we saw the brick city built on the flat ground. There was no water in the moats around the brick city, and the wooden arrow tower was under the cold wind. Only the scaffolding remained, a bridge over the ditch covered with yellow sand and dust.

I stopped in my tracks, looked at Liu Dequan, and saw that the smile lines on his face had disappeared, and he was as solid as a rock.

"Where is this place?" I vaguely understood that the place he tried to bring me here might be far from the original purpose.

He turned his face sideways, his pupils reflected the color of the rocks, his eyes were desolate, he closed his eyes, and said in a low voice: "Pavilion Master, this subordinate will not lie to you."

I vaguely knew this in my heart, but at this moment, I felt a little flustered in my heart, so I decided to tell him the truth: "Liu Dequan, in fact, I lied to you. "

He interrupted me and closed his eyes again: "Pavilion Master, let's go! Brothers have been waiting for you for a long time."

"I won't leave, I've said it all, I'm not your pavilion master."

He blinked, and a few smile lines appeared on his face: "Whether it is or not, we have already prepared the feast of eagle meat, you have to eat before leaving."

"Did you really prepare an eagle meat feast?" I turned my head to look at him.

He nodded repeatedly, half closed his eyes, and twitched his nose: "Pavilion Master, haven't you smelled the faint smell of meat in the air?"

I smelled it, and I really smelled a few scents. I couldn't help but hesitate, but I followed him forward, walked up the small bridge leading to the brick city, and walked straight to the edge of the brick city. The big wooden door was opened, and the light shone through the door. On the long street paved with bricks, there were pedestrians rushing back and forth, holding swords and knives, and shouting.

The desolation and desolation outside the door was in stark contrast to the hustle and bustle inside.

And the smell of meat mixed in the hot horse manure was even stronger.

"This small town is our original territory. There are several countries such as Chu, Min, and Jin. Since the owner of the pavilion disappeared, his subordinates have carefully managed it, and finally restored this place to a certain extent."

I remembered the delicacy he said in my heart, and asked: "Do people from the Tantric School live here on weekdays?"

He nodded: "If there is no task, they will practice in the deep well. In the past, it was the same as the usual small town..."

Seeing that he was still planning to introduce it, I quickly interrupted him: "Liu Dequan, the eagle meat has been stewed for so long, don't you think it's too messy to stew, and it won't taste good if it's minced meat!"

His face was stagnant, he lowered his head, raised his head after a while, and said with a smile: "Yes, yes, let's go now!"

I said: "Liu Dequan, why is your smile so forced? Did you say nothing all this way, with no eagle meat at all?"

The smile lines on his face deepened: "Where will it be, where will it be, how dare the subordinates deceive the pavilion master."

He still calls me Pavilion Master?I thought to myself, do I just look like his pavilion master?When the brother rescued me, I told you that I had the human trafficker break the bones to make a dog. Could it be that the human trafficker accidentally reassembled the bones in my face?
I wanted to explain to him in detail, and confirmed that I was indeed not his pavilion master. The reason why I didn’t deny it was not because I was out of my mind, but because I wanted to use the Tantric people to catch a few rare birds to eat. ...But smelling the stronger smell of meat in the air, I thought to myself, I'd better wait until I eat this meal before turning my face and denying people!
Eagle meat, especially Li Zeyu's precious eagle meat... After passing this village, there is no such shop.

I turned my head and looked at Liu Dequan's round, fat face. I felt a little guilty. He made himself into this appearance in order to conceal his identity, but he accidentally committed allegiance to the wrong person... It's easy to grow flesh on his body. It will be difficult to eliminate it!

At the end of Zhuancheng Long Street, there is a huge mansion. There is no plaque, only two stone lions jumping up and down in front of the gate. It is so vivid that it seems to be real, and when you look carefully, there is actually a rabbit caught under the paws of the two lions.

I always feel that this scene is familiar.

"This lion is unusual." I said.

A smile appeared on Liu Dequan's face again: "Pavilion Master, this stone lion is the golden lion that the Great Moon Kingdom paid tribute to the Chu Kingdom..."

I looked back and saw his expectant look, and said, "Is this the lion meat I have eaten before? Because it is more precious, so someone carved a stone statue in advance as a souvenir?"

Deep wrinkles appeared on his forehead and even between his brows: "Pavilion Master, why do you think about eating everything?" He muttered in a low voice while walking, "Could it be that the Pavilion Master ate too little before, so that after waking up, the hungry The feeling goes deep into the bone marrow?"

I looked in front of these two stone lions for a long time, and thought that this stone lion was almost the same as the one on Master's mountain except for its size. It eats and drinks every day, lives a leisurely life, has grown a lot in size, and has gentle and kind eyes. At least I have never seen it catch an animal by itself.

Liu Dequan pushed open the door of the mansion and led the way in. This time, Gu Shao of the Esoteric School did not appear suddenly from the ground, but turned around from the screen wall normally. He looked at me and Liu Dequan with his eyes lowered. He saluted: "Pavilion Master, Chief Ye, everything is ready..."

I said, "Gu Shao, what's wrong with you, you lower your eyes, why don't you look at me?"

Gu Shaobi stood aside: "Subordinates dare not."

Liu Dequan said with a smile: "He admires you... and prevents you from thinking that his eyeballs are like grapes."


Although the outside is covered with yellow sand and the wind blows withered grass, the courtyard is surrounded by very high and high walls, which block the strong wind outside. The dancing girl has a graceful posture. When I entered the door on the first day of junior high school, I thought that I had entered a wealthy family in a small town in the south of the Yangtze River. The courtyard is deep and the stone carvings are exquisite. It was planted on the fence of the courtyard. When I got closer, I realized that the peony was carved out of high-quality jade. The green leaves were jadeite, while the red peony was a large piece of red jade.

I was secretly a little surprised by such a large handwriting. Liu Dequan saw that I was looking carefully, and said in a tone full of expectations: "Master, these are made by you who specially invited the master stone carvers from Jiangnan. Linjiang City brought it here, hoping that the courtyard will be exactly the same as before..."

I said: "This kind of material, this kind of carving skill, the silver of the flowers must be piled up with gold, right?"

The look of Qi Yi in Liu Dequan's eyes disappeared, and turned into a wry smile: "Master, these are just common things."

"Vulgar things, I like them the most." I said.

(End of this chapter)

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