Chapter 29 Affectionate
Liu Dequan suddenly took two steps on his knees, his eyes filled with pleading: "Master, the most embarrassing thing in this world is love, especially for people like us, what we do is the most embarrassing thing in the world, A single word of unrequited love can break someone's body to pieces, Pavilion Master, you made a mistake once, and you can't make another mistake..."

Li Zeyu sneered: "What do you think of her? What do you think of the people around her? She's just an ordinary person!"

The longing and pleading in Liu Dequan's eyes made me feel scared, and I quietly stuck to Li Zeyu's side, hugging his arm, and only then did I feel a little warm.

Liu Dequan was disappointed: "Really forgot, forgot everything?"

He stood up staggeringly, turned around, and walked towards the door of the attic room. His heavy footsteps stepped on the plank floor, and gradually moved away. His back was desolate and lonely.

When I saw it, my eyes felt sour... But before the sourness came out, a brocade handkerchief appeared in front of my eyes, and I gently wiped it on my eyelids: "Yueya, let's go back."

I said, "Am I still your bodyguard?"


"Has your chef left yet?"

He smiled lowly: "No."

I didn't ask him why he spent so much effort to save me alone, and I didn't ask him why he decided to keep me by his side. I don't quite understand these things, and I don't want to understand them. I understand them. , isn't he as smart as Mei Luoshu?Is it like her to lead a group of ruthless people to do ruthless things?Although I talk about eating this and that, and from time to time, I talk about my brothers and sisters eating, but I dare not actually do it!
It's not like Liu Dequan, who has a kind face on his face, and when he says to do it, he does it without hesitation!

I don't want to be like him.

Or it's easier to be happy on the lips.

Thinking of the perfectly roasted pork front legs and hind legs that were glowing with oil, I finally felt better.

Walking outside the house, the dust raised by the horseshoes has settled, and the sun has dyed the sand into a golden yellow. Looking far away, the alfalfa is like an extremely densely woven carpet spreading to the sky. On the carpet, Li Zeyu's black The crow army is like freehand flowers with splashed ink dotted on the carpet. Although tens of thousands of people came together, they didn't hear the slightest sound.

Qing Gui stood in front of the team, leaning on her tights, her hunting red cloak bulging with the wind, her sword sheathed, like a flower that bloomed extremely dazzlingly dark in the sun, her eyes flicked flickeringly, Concentrating on Li Zeyu's face, I stopped moving. I breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly raised my breath again, how could I forget her?
This woman is the same as Liu Dequan, both of them like to use knives in the dark.

I looked up, and saw white clouds drifting across the sky, and purple flowers in the distance, and suddenly I was happy again. I thought, where is there no knife in the world, no matter whether it is hard knife or soft knife, if there is a place to eat, a knife can be turned into a knife. The knife that cuts through the oily roast.

I moved my body to avoid behind Li Zeyu.

Qing Gui stepped forward slowly, took the sable fur cloak from the guard beside her, and handed it to Li Zeyu. The gorgeous and soft sable fur brushed against my cheeks, wrapping the torn clothes on his body. The noble Tsinghua University is out of reach.

Liu Dequan's lairs were cleared out, those who had not had time to escape and those who were injured were sent to military prisons, the emeralds made of flowers and plants were transported to the military warehouse for storage, and even the two stone lions were dug and buried. After entering the yellow sand, small towns, yellow stones, and sand houses are left with broken walls, and with the sudden sound of wind in the desert, they will be buried in the yellow sand in the blink of an eye.

When we got back to the city, those wives of Liu Dequan had already moved away, and he was hidden in the crowd again, but this time, what identity did he not know?
Qing Gui has a very high reputation in the army, almost comparable to Li Zeyu. When she came, she brought military rations and cotton-padded clothes for the winter. Hands out one by one, she treats everyone with kindness and amiability, no matter how small the military rank is, she always smiles, because of her arrival, the smiles on the faces of the generals and generals in the military camp are more.

Li Zeyu led the army this time and returned to the capital of the Jin Kingdom after paying off the war caused by the Yue Kingdom. He won another big victory. Logically speaking, the king of the Jin Kingdom, his father Li Junhao, should deal with him. Award, but because he is already the crown prince, and he has won too many battles, his father may have nothing to reward him, and the reward can only be awarded to him the throne, but Li Junhao is still reluctant to part with the throne, so they The second victory was relatively peaceful.

The officers and men under Li Zeyu had little to say.

Although there are few female generals of the Shatuo people, all the generals who have become generals are not small, such as Bai Fengran and Qing Gui.

Sha Tuo regards Buddhism as the most respected, and Qing Gui, as a saint, was conferred the title of princess because of her military exploits, which is an unattainable status. In addition, when she came, she saved Li Zeyu from danger, and naturally won the military camp Worship up and down.

It's a pity that although she brought a large amount of cotton armor, she did not bring the necessary food and grass for the army. Li Junhao ordered him to return to the capital of Jin with the army within a limited period of time. In such severe cold weather, food is getting less and less. If they didn't hurry back to the capital of Jin, even though they had cotton clothes to keep out the cold, many soldiers would die.

Of course, it's none of my business, I still ate well and slept well... just the first few days I ate well and slept well... In my estimation, it might be because I walked around the barracks with a smile on my face too much. It was too brilliant, in stark contrast to the dignified expression of the soldiers next to him, so it was hated.

First of all, what Li Zeyu's cook still delivered was gourmet food, but it was either less salt or more sugar. My brothers and sisters and I were walking on the road in bodyguard uniforms, and we had to beware of someone who accidentally missed his arrow practice. Immediately afterwards, rumors in the military camp It was said that Li Zeyu went deep into a dangerous situation and made such a big commotion in order to save my "little pet". Therefore, although the surrounding soldiers didn't know about these rumors, the guards around Li Zeyu knew about them. The situation of the three of us is getting worse and worse. We often have to be wary of delicious food that looks savory and bitter inside. The clothes we send out are often washed twice before they are all torn. We sleep at night and wake up when we wake up. Suddenly, I realized that I could see the stars outside... The tent was cut in half from the top.

This kind of farce is always carried out when Li Zeyu is away. When he comes back, it is not easy for us to report these small things... Sometimes, I still know how to deal with the world...

And the people around us, of course, keep their mouths closed as tightly as they can, taking pleasure in others' misfortune, adding fuel to the flames... At this time, we really feel what it's like to be besieged from all sides.

Without Li Zeyu's order, we couldn't leave, but they wouldn't let us have a good life either.

That night, after eating an unpalatable dinner, in the middle of the night, I was so hungry that I couldn't take it anymore, so I turned my head and went to the camp of my brothers and sisters to see if they had hidden some food , according to my past experience, these two people are always cunning.

Today's night is extremely dark, and there are a few strands of starlight hanging in the dark sky. This is a moonless night. Even the wind in the air is cold. When it blows on the face, it seems that even the face is stained with darkness. The color, the endless camp tents are unfolded in the dark night, spreading straight to the sky, only the dead wind lanterns hanging in front of the camp tents are flickering, meeting the dim starlight in the sky, the black soap cover, the red flags are blown by the cold wind The loud and loud voices added a bit of coldness.

Suddenly, I heard a few howls of wolves, which penetrated the air and came from a distance, which made me shiver.

The brothers and sisters lived next to each other in their camp tents. As soon as they walked in front of the tents, they saw the tents were opened, and the brothers and sisters came out side by side. Dazed, he was wrapped up by his senior brother and sister and walked forward. The senior sister said: "Little sister, you came at a good time, let's go, let's go hunting."

I didn't have time to ask: "What kind of hunting?"

A few more people walked up to them, dressed in the same clothes as the brothers and sisters, neatly dressed, with arrows on their backs, and swords hanging from their waists, Qing Gui and Bai Fengran walked in front, Bai Fengran raised his eyebrows slantingly when he saw us, huh He said, "I still want you to rest in the camp. I never thought about it. You guys have a bit of courage."

Senior Sister Liu raised her eyebrows: "It's just the Broken Wolf Valley. There are only a few wild wolves in it. Could there really be devils?"

Qing Gui waved her hand to stop Bai Fengran from saying what she didn't have time to say, and said kindly: "The army has marched here, and it belongs to the boundary of the three. There are wild wolves here, and from time to time, single soldiers are taken away by wild wolves in the middle of the night. , That's why I asked some experts to come with us into the valley of wolves and find out how many wild wolves there are in the valley, so that when His Highness returns to the camp, he can arrange in time to clear the wild wolves in the valley, so that The army is marching smoothly." She turned her head and smiled at me, "Miss Yue, originally I only asked your brothers and sisters to help, otherwise, you should stay in the camp, so as not to cause trouble and worry His Highness."

Bai Fengran grinned: "Yeah, if you don't succeed in writing, you won't succeed in martial arts. If you go, you will only hinder people."

I thought in my heart that with the senior brothers and sisters by my side, I can still sleep peacefully. The senior brothers and sisters were transferred away by them, so why don't they trample me to death like an ant?No, wherever the brothers and sisters go, I will follow there!
Besides, I haven't eaten wolf meat yet!

I hurriedly said with a smile: "Princess Fu'an, Captain Bai, and our three brothers and sisters, we are of the same spirit, a trinity."

Qing Gui smiled: "Xunfeng Xunyun, then please take good care of your junior sister."

The brothers and sisters cupped their hands and said yes.

The corners of Bai Fengran's mouth drooped and he curled his lips, but he didn't say much.

(End of this chapter)

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