Chapter 40
Unexpectedly, his heels happened to be lying under a hand, and he tripped over that hand, and fell on his back to the ground. I cracked the joints of both hands and approached him step by step with a smile, and he walked towards him step by step. After retreating, the tears in my eyes accumulated more, but they didn't flow down, and I yelled, "Ugly, don't let me go back, I'm going back, I'll be nice to you."

Although I don't care about appearance, I am also tired of this man's ugly and ugly yelling all the time. I rushed forward and greeted his face with my fist. After I punched him twice, I heard someone behind me say: "Yueya? What are you doing?" ?”

I turned my head, and saw Li Zeyu and Xiao Liang standing neatly at the fork in the road not far behind me, looking over here, I thought to myself, give me another two punches, I want to be beaten so much Besides, it's not easy to meet people who are not bad looking, so I continued to shake my fist, "This man robs women from good families, I'll teach you a lesson!"

With two punches down, Bo Wanghou began to struggle. He exerted all his strength, pushed me away, and staggered towards Li Zeyu: " me...I'm about to be beaten to death by her... ..."

I touched the bones and stretched my fists. I knew that he and Li Zeyu were relatives, so I shouldn't have hesitated. Move faster and punch twice.

As soon as I breathed weakly, I said wrongly to Li Zeyu: "How do I know who he is? I only saw dozens of them surrounded by a woman."

The woman timidly walked over, bent down to give a gift, gave me a cold look, and then said softly to Li Zeyu: "His Royal Highness, this is all a misunderstanding, the young master has brought too many people, so he was taken by others." Seeing that something is wrong with the situation, the slave family did not suffer any harm."

Li Zeyu half closed his eyes, and said in a calm voice, "Since there is nothing wrong, you can leave."

The woman looked at Bo Wanghou with aggrieved eyes. The boy was teasing him at first, but now he didn't even look at her from the corner of his eyes, so she left.

Bo Wanghou pulled Li Zeyu's sleeve, "Cousin, look at her beating me up, you have to decide for me!"

Li Zeyu frowned, "Zong Rui, let's leave it at that for today, okay? She belongs to my family..."

Li Zongrui was stunned for a while, "Cousin, can you lend me your black horse to ride for three days?"

Li Zeyu didn't answer with a cold face, Li Zongrui continued: "Two days? That day...? It can't be less."

Li Zeyu said: "You were kicked by the horse, don't cry and ask for this or that again!"

Li Zongrui was so forgetful, he put aside the bruises on his face and the pain on his body, happily, "Okay, okay, definitely not this time!" He walked to me with a smile, "Forget it, Ben Hou I don’t have the same knowledge as you...Thanks to you punching Lord Ben Hou twice, Lord Ben Hou was able to ride his cousin’s horse.”

I was speechless, there are so many people with a heart in the world, there are still such people.

Since then, Li Zongrui has taken root in the Shizi Mansion. No matter how busy he is, he spends two hours a day in the Shizi Mansion. At the beginning, it is to ride the black horse, which is Li Zeyu's mount. people ride?As soon as he approached, the horse kicked at him, and as soon as the shoe prints on his face disappeared, he added horseshoe marks again. He repeated this, and he lost interest. One day, I went to the back mountain to see Wangcai. , was followed by him, and from then on, he admired Wangcai very much, and all grievances and grievances towards me were eliminated. He followed me all day long, crescent moon, crescent moon barking, and asking some weird questions. His name is Wangcai?Why not look at the moon, it is more poetic... Can it be ridden?If I ride it with my stature, will it be crushed? it vegetarian?It's good to be a vegetarian, so in this way, in its eyes, I don't look like a big meal?

From then on, apart from me, even Wangcai ran away when he saw him.

Only then did I understand why everyone in the Shizi Mansion frowned when they saw him, especially Li Zeyu, his brows were all frowned into a small hillock.

But his identity is extremely precious. His father is Li Junru, the younger brother of the King of Jin. Before Li Zeyu led troops to fight abroad, it was Li Junru who trained the Shatuo soldiers for Li Junhao. He was conscripted by the King of Chu to fight everywhere. He is the leader of the Shatuo people, and they rely a lot on him. Compared with Jin Wang Li Junhao who has only one son, Li Zeyu, Li Junru has many heirs. He was named Bowanghou.

I have been in Shizi Mansion for a long time, even if I don't ask, people keep telling me everything about the Jin Palace. The one I like to talk about most is the unreliable Li Zongrui, who said that he often robbed me on the street. Male and female, the people collected in the mansion lined up from the street to the end of the street. The strange thing is that no one was killed. Those people, whether they had husbands or dead widows, all died after being robbed. Be safe and disciplined... Judging from the twinkling eyes of those maids, I'm afraid there are still people waiting to be robbed on the road passing by Bowanghou.

Madam Zheng said it well, our son, some people say that he prostitutes himself in the daytime, wine pools and flesh forests, according to this old slave, they have made a mistake and regarded Bowanghou as the son, who told him to always cling to our son?

In short, in my image, King Jin is a rather strange person. He has only one son, Li Zeyu. Li Zeyu is fighting for him outside, and he treats him so badly, always giving him hardships, not giving him food, This is what people often say, if you love a child, do you have to give him a few sticks?
After Li Zeyu returned to Youzhou, he was far less energetic than when he was leading troops outside to fight. He became more depressed, and it was also because his father didn't serve him well?

And I can feel that he doesn't like to go to the Jin Palace, every time he goes, he frowns when he comes back.

After a few days, the weather turned slightly warmer, and there was another light rain, which washed the dusty Youzhou City into a clear sky, so I had a good night's sleep and slept soundly, when I heard the roar of a lion in my ears , someone pulled my hair desperately, opened my eyes and saw Li Zongrui's smiling face, I yelled, and punched him, he was punched too much by me, forming a reflex , turned his head and dodged it, he saw that I was about to punch again, he hurriedly shook his hands and said: "Don't hit me, don't hit me first, look who this is?"

I looked up and saw that Wangcai was wearing a beautifully crafted vest, squatting on the ground, and shook his head straight at me. As soon as he shook his head, I could clearly see the neatly knotted upper part of his head. A hundred little whips, no wonder I always feel that Wangcai's head is a size smaller today...

"Look, it has a beautiful hairstyle. I asked the best mama in the palace to comb it. The clothes are beautiful. Look at the embroiderers. They are exquisite. Dozens of embroiderers worked for many days to embroider." Well, after I dress up like this, look, Wangcai has changed from a mountain wild lion to a noble lion king, so it is said that people need clothes, and lions also need clothes..."

A low roar came from Wangcai's throat... Li Zongrui flickered and hid behind me.

I wondered, "Hey, why did it let you fiddle with it like this?"

Li Zongrui said behind me: "Of course I don't want to, but fortunately, like its owner, there must be its beast. You like to eat, and it likes it too. I caught a crane in the imperial garden and asked the imperial chef to bake it for it." , it couldn't help it for a while, so it ate it, and some food was added to the crane, and it fell asleep... Speaking of which, Wangcai was born with noble blood, and he likes to eat cooked meat, so it should live in the mansion by nature. mile, not up the hill."

I said slowly: "Cooked meat is just its hobby, and it prefers raw meat, especially the one that is tender and moist."

Wangcai took two steps forward, his eyes fixed on my back.

Li Zongrui pulled my sleeves and hid the whole person behind, tremblingly said: "Isn't it because of it? It is alone in the mountains and forests, so empty and lonely. In this way, I can come to the mansion and enjoy delicious food , look at what it looks like now, it looks more like a pet poodle...a big one...we can keep it in the mansion."

I went up and patted Wangcai's head. Fortunately, he was well fed and had a mild temper. Although he didn't take any action, he kept his eyes on Li Zongrui. Wherever he went, it stared at him. Li Zongrui almost I tore my sleeve, trembling, and pointed at it, "You have to explain to it that I did this for its own good."

As soon as I pulled my sleeve, I pulled it out of his hand, took a step away from him, Wangcai approached him two steps, and he yelled: "You can't do this to me..." He rushed over and grabbed my sleeve again. Hold on, "By the way, Yue Ya'er, I'm here today, and I still have business to do, so I can't die before my ambitions are fulfilled..."

I squinted at him, tugged at the sleeve, but didn't pull it out, so I had to say, "There must be a teacher in the house again, and it's all said and done."

He said: "I came so early today, and I spent a lot of effort to dress up Wangcai. One of the reasons is that I wanted to invite you into the palace according to the old queen's order...together with Wangcai..."

Wangcai clicked his mouth cooperatively.

He said with a mournful face: "Am I really looking pink and moist? If I had known, I wouldn't have taken so many supplements."

I thought about it back and forth, and I knew the reason, "The crane you feed to Wangcai is the pet of a nobleman in the palace?"

Li Zongrui coughed, and looked up at the roof for a while, "Who knew that Concubine Liu Gui was so powerful, she ran to the old queen, cried, made trouble, and hanged herself, saying that the crane was specially invited from the Guanyin Temple. For my son's sake, I killed her crane. It was a conspiracy, and my intentions were terrible... My grandma was furious... As a last resort, I told Wangcai, and I had to tell you... Yue Ya'er, you must help me this time, otherwise, my father will beat me to death."

I don't want to get into this troubled water, so I winked at Wangcai. Wangcai got impatient for a long time, jumped up and rushed to Li Zongrui, with hundreds of braids flying in the morning wind, very happy. It looks good, and its vest embroidered with gold patterns is also good-looking. When it rushed towards him, it shone with golden light.

Li Zongrui was so frightened that he ran around the yard, and suddenly ran to the top of the big banyan tree in the center of the yard, which was still the topmost branch, and couldn't hold it down.

(End of this chapter)

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