Chapter 45

After such an investigation, I wasted a lot of time to go. The more I waited, the more anxious I became. The master was nowhere to be found. After these people checked the little white flower scarf, they turned around and demanded severe punishment. The second time, Li Zongrui couldn't count on it even more. Wangcai was dangling in the air by the net, let alone counting on it.

The iron melons of the two executioners swung again, and in the whistling wind, the iron chain and the iron melons were thrown on the old Pharaoh's body, and the splashed blood stained my face and my legs. I started to feel weak. At this moment, I felt that life was hopeless. What was even more frightening was that when I turned around, I saw a large hollow in the chest of the old Pharaoh next door, which was exactly the shape of an iron melon. There was blood gushing all around, I couldn't hold it anymore, and shouted: "Master, come and save me..."

The master didn't come to save me. In response to my voice, a few more masked men in black jumped out from the crowd. Of course... there were no small white flowers on their headscarves.

They appeared suddenly like shadows, appeared like smoke, and suddenly they were in front of us... ten paces away.

But only ten steps away, I heard the sound of the golden rod hitting the ground, and the rain of arrows suddenly sounded like ice shavings in the severe winter, and the sky was covered with arrow rain like locusts, flying from behind the crowd , It fell straight in front of my eyes, and fell straight on those people who were running towards us. Those arrows were all heavy arrows. Two pieces, small flying arrows flew out of the arrow shaft... I watched them being shot one by one at a distance of only ten steps away from me. On my face, except for the old pharaoh's In addition to the blood, the blood of these people was added... Who are they?
In the end, the rain of arrows finally stopped, and there was only one person left. He was hit by an arrow in the leg, and he staggered to five steps away from me, four steps away...Finally he fell to the ground, the cloth towel on his face The child fell down, the corners of the eyes slanted up slightly, and he smiled, and he was full of charm. He is Ye Xiao.

"Why are you?" My heart tugged, and the pain came from nowhere.

His mouth turned black and blue, "Xiaomei, I said, no matter what, I will be by your side. It's a pity that these brothers accompany me to die."

Those men in black, who were shot into beehives by arrows, are people from the Tantric school, Gu Shao with grape-like eyes, and other people who are like shadows.

"How could this happen?" My heart was at a loss, and I looked up at the Dharma King. He didn't look at me, but raised his hand, and said something to the congregation below in a language I couldn't understand, and the faces of those people appeared again. The color of heartfelt convincing.

Ye Xiao's mouth and face became darker and darker, but in an instant, his face turned blue, and he could no longer speak or move, but I could see the shape of his mouth: "Be careful, Xiaomei, Be careful……"

He was carried down, and those men in black with arrows stuck in their bodies were also carried down.

My heart was empty, but I heard the dying old Pharaoh beside me muttering: "So, so... I am still somewhat useful, how could he not use up all the people? Qinggui, Qing Rose... you are so pitiful."

He mentioned Qing Gui again, and until he died, all he mentioned was Qing Gui, sometimes calling her a slut, sometimes calling her pitiful, what is going on with this person?

I'm totally confused.

The person who should have come to save me did not come to save me, on the contrary, the person who should not have come to save me came to save me.

what's the problem?

I looked at the rain of arrows and blood all over the ground, and my chest hurt more and more, it hurt so much that I couldn't breathe.

Li Zongrui, who was paralyzed on one side, saw what was wrong with me, and finally mustered up the courage to say loudly: "She's sick, she's sick..."

No one paid any attention to it. The congregation below looked indifferent and yelled loudly. I couldn't understand what they were saying, deserve it, damn it!
But why the hell am I?I don't understand, but if you just follow others to watch the fun, should you die?Li Zongrui was born in the prince's mansion, so should he die?Even Wangcai, should he die just because he is a lion?
There are also people of the Tantric school, should they die?The heat in my eyes gushed out and dripped straight to my chest. The master said that I am the person who will not shed tears. When he healed my injury, no matter how painful I was, I would not shed tears. But at this time, What's wrong with me?
The Tantra people are not related to me, are they?Ye Xiao, it has nothing to do with me, right?I don't have them in my mind, but why, at this time, I always think of Gu Shao's black grape-like eyes, and I always think of him being frightened: Pavilion Master, don't you want to eat my eyes?
We have only met three or two times, I am not their pavilion master, they have nothing to do with me.

As I thought this way, I couldn't stop the severe pain in my heart, and even blinked, I couldn't stop the tears from streaming down.

The sound of the golden stick hitting the ground gradually approached, the eyes of the new Fawang cast on my face, in the haze, his face was like the lines on the face of a poisonous snake... I stared at him firmly, suppressed the discomfort in my heart, and shouted Said: "I will definitely seek justice for them!"

He looked at me silently for a while, "Why do you?"

He turned his face away, ignored me, raised his staff again, and said a few words to the congregation below, and those people walked up to him one by one, bent down to salute, and kissed the staff in his hand, one by one. scattered.

The old Pharaoh coughed a few times and coughed up blood: "Little girl, it seems that you are also an important person... These people are here for you, right?"

Li Zongrui said: "Yue Yaer, are you alright?"

My chest didn't hurt anymore, and my tears didn't flow any more. I just thought repeatedly, "Why do you?" The Dharma King is right, why should I?I can't do anything!I even learned only the second ladder of the eighteen ladders of Xiangyun, and I can only shrink the bones in martial arts!

I began to regret why I didn't listen to the master's words. If I had listened to the master's words, how could I have ended up in such a state?How could the tantra people end up so miserable?
They stopped the execution, but the old Pharaoh's eyes didn't show any joy at all. He muttered in his mouth, sometimes speaking Saga language, and sometimes popping out a few Chinese words, "There are still people who are going to die, and there are still people who are going to die... Who will it be tomorrow?" ?” As he said this, he turned his face and looked at the two of us sullenly, “You two idiots… are as stupid as Qing Gui!”

We were locked in a cell, and the old Pharaoh was locked next door. We could hear him crying all night long. Sometimes he was fierce like a ghost, and sometimes he begged for mercy. One out of ten sentences mentioned Qinggui, which is not counted. He spoke in Saga, which I didn't understand.

Li Zongrui and I stayed face to face, across the iron fence, his face looked better, at least he could see some blood, he is really a good boy, he didn't care about being frightened and dazed, and asked Me: "Yueyaer, are you really alright?"

"I'm fine..."

"Then just now... I saw that your complexion was as bad as a dead person, Yue Yaer, don't be afraid, my father will come to save us, as long as we make it clear, we can go out, by the way, those black clothes just now People, are they really here to save you? Their skills are really good, if it weren’t for that batch of heavy arrows, I guess even my cousin’s army would come and go freely.”

I shuddered all over, he was right, if they hadn't been prepared, how could Ye Xiao and the others end up so miserable?Ye Xiao must have been following me, looking for opportunities to let me leave with him, until just now, when I was in crisis, they exposed their target in order to save me... I stared at Li Zongrui suspiciously, and he looked at me inexplicably, "What's the matter?"

When he was nervous, two dimples appeared on his cheeks.

How could he be the kind of person who could set such a vicious trap?Just like Li Zeyu, he only knows how to kill the enemy right away!
Only a woman like Qinggui would do this!

Didn't the old Pharaoh repeatedly say that it was Qing Gui who harmed him? Then, it must be the trap set by Qing Gui and the new Pharaoh!No wonder Li Zeyu didn't see her again when he returned to the city. It must be her. The more I thought about it, the more I was sure. I asked Li Zongrui: "Do you know Qinggui? It's Princess Fu'an. She must have set this trap!"

Li Zongrui glanced at me and said slowly, "Why are you so sure it's her?"

"Then who do you think?" I saw the darkness in his eyes clearly, "Do you think there are others?"

Li Zongrui was silent for a while: "Yueya, you are such a child."

I said angrily, "Aren't you a child? You're still the kind who won't grow up!"

Li Zongrui raised his eyelids and looked at me: "Yue Yaer, you have never been suspicious, why did I come to Shizifu?"

I wondered: "For what, isn't it for prosperity?"

He stopped talking, and answered after a long while: "Is there anything you can't get from the Prince's Mansion?" Under the dim light, he smiled. Even though there were dimples at the corners of his mouth, he laughed so hard that my hairs stood on end, "I didn't Now that I'm married to my mother, I have to make plans for myself. My father, I can't count on him. I originally wanted to cling to my cousin, and he would give me some kind of favor, but I didn't expect that everything would come to an end. You have to pay the price... Father, I'm sorry..." He knelt down, kowtowed deeply towards the south, and when he stood up, there was no shame in his eyes. Bar……"

He still has dimples at the corners of his mouth, but I don’t think his dimples look good, they make his whole face look gloomy, and another layer of chicken skin particles stood up on my body.

I didn't pay attention to him anymore, just thinking about what's wrong with the master, why didn't you come to save me?If you don't come, it's fine to send any senior sister or brother to come.

Just as I was thinking, the prison door opened with a bang, and I wondered, did my prayer come to fruition?God finally helped me once?He stared wide-eyed, until his eyes were blurred, and then he saw a person walking gracefully in the aisle. The long white gauze streaked across the ground, even if it was filthy, it was not stained at all, it was a green rose.

(End of this chapter)

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