Chapter 48
"Yes, women, always pay more attention to women."

Senior sister hates me?Senior sister hates me?How could she hate me?I suddenly thought of the woman who just pointed at me and said I was a demon. It is true that her eyes were full of hatred, but that was just pretending, wasn't it?My senior sister can only ask me with a smile, Crescent Moon, it’s cold, so wear more clothes, Crescent Moon, did you replace the rouge of senior sister with chili powder?
This is not true, what I saw today was all a dream.

The master's voice sneered: "You also need to understand your identity, you are now Princess Fu'an, the princess of the royal family! This is your wish!"

Qing Gui raised her eyes and glanced at this side, which made my head shrink back: "How could I not understand? But I only understand now that the days here were the happiest time for the three of us."

The master's voice was cool, "Didn't you ask for this overwhelming wealth? Now you regret it?"

"What I have paid, I think you should know better than me." She walked towards me slowly, "So, I won't let people hinder me, we... have always been just three people!"

I saw her eyes clearly, shining brightly in the dark, just like Wangcai's eyes when he was about to eat, and when he was not full, those eyes were looking at me, and I shivered cleverly trembling.

The master's voice was soft, "Qing Gui, you think too much, there are only three of us."

She turned her back to the master, "That's good. Now that you have become the King of Dharma, your wish has come true. Now, you have to keep this wish."

The master said: "What are you afraid of? It's only one step away, and all three of us' wishes will be fulfilled. Three..."

She interrupted the master again, every time the master wanted to say "San Tiao", San Tiao was a great person, but who was this person?

After the incident with the master, I understood that all suspicious people should be found from around me. I thought about the people around me, but I couldn't think of it. This person must be the same as Qinggui or the master. With a humble identity, but one step to the sky, relying on my own skills and martial arts, I am above ten thousand people and under one person. When I think of being above ten thousand people, I am shocked again, and my mind suddenly understands a lot. Qinggui's voice, why do I feel So inappropriate, it turned out that at the beginning of the first day of junior high school, when I was hiding under the table in the Green Bamboo Courtyard, Bai Fengran talked to an unknown woman, and that person was Qinggui!

Thinking about it this way, my mind became clearer. In this way, Qing Gui must have followed the army a long time ago, and had contact with that person for a long time. That person must be someone close to Li Zeyu. High status?No!

It can be seen from the courteous reception I received when I entered the palace, because Li Zeyu likes me, those women smiled at me with chrysanthemums all over their faces. If it wasn't for Li Zeyu, the chrysanthemums on their faces would have turned into bitter melons...

Li Zeyu is the future king of Jin and the only king. Apart from his cousin, he has no brothers or sisters and has an unshakable position.

Then, by his side, the days to come will indeed be under one person and under ten thousand people.

I suddenly feel very sorry for Li Zeyu. He is so young and has such a heavy burden on his body, but there are still dangers around him. He thinks that the people in the mountains and fields who are indifferent to the world are plotting against him, and his sister with a different surname is also plotting against him. No, I must You have to tell him that there is such a person by his side!
But who is this person?Bai Fengran?Yin Nian?Yin Nian was killed... Yin Nian was the old Pharaoh's right-hand man. Since then, the new and old Pharaoh's replacement layout started?It still depends on me!

I can be sure that Yin Nian was definitely not killed by me, but by the person lurking beside Li Zeyu.

I went through the high-ranking generals around Li Zeyu one by one, and in the end, I found that I was the most important person around Li Zeyu... Look, I have unknown background, no power, no power, strong martial arts, young man Fame, power over the world...isn't it just me?Although power over the world is a bit exaggerated...

Of course, the premise is that I was the one before I lost my memory, and the current me is not qualified.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt that I met this condition, and my heart became entangled. Am I one of the three of them?Just because I lost my memory, Qing Gui called me here and told me this fact?But the question is, why did she want to kill me over and over again?Does this mean that the two of us are in conflict?
How many identities do I have!
Why is every identity so shocking?
The more I thought about it, the more confused my mind became, my mind became a mess, and my heart also became a tangled ball. I thought again, I can't play mahjong, and the name "San Tiao" is too ugly.

The door opened with a bang, I looked up, only Qinggui was there, the master had left at some point, her back was facing the light, I couldn't see the expression on her face clearly, I thought I was very proud.

I stood up and rushed to her side, "Tell me, who is that 'San Tiao'?"

With a flick of her hand, she waved her sleeves: "You want to know? Guess for yourself!"

Her face was facing the light, and I carefully observed her expression. I have to say that expression is very difficult to figure out. I have been thinking about it for a long time, but I still can't figure it out.

And with such a complicated person, it is even more difficult to figure it out.

Brainstorming is not my forte, it's hard to imagine, how did my pavilion master become the former one?I lost my memory, the structure of my brain hasn't changed, has it?Why is it so hard to think about something?
Is that person me?
I snorted twice: "I will definitely find out, this person is by Li Zeyu's side!"

She opened her mouth, her eyes widened, she stared at me for a long time, then closed her eyes: "Then I wish you success... You heard that Ye Xiao is now in the hands of your master, he loves you the most, You go ask him, he will let him go."

If I still believe her so much now, I will be a pig brain, "What kind of idea are you playing! Want me to be killed by the master?" Thinking of my senior sister hating me, my eyes are sour, and everything has changed in just a moment .

She was stunned: "Why would he kill you? It's too late for him to love you, Miss Yue, I brought you here just to let you understand that everyone around here has a different look. Your master is like your master." Thoughts, but he still regards you as his apprentice."

I tilted my head and looked at her: "Are you so kind? If you were kind, you wouldn't want to kill me again and again."

She smiled: "I do hate you. Before your brain is broken, you are our obstacle. If your brain is broken, it is also our obstacle! But what does it matter? Now, you are no longer an obstacle. "

I let out a sigh of relief, finally figured it out, and murmured: "So I'm not that 'three'. I really thought I was with you before!"

She was stunned for a moment, and then laughed until tears came out: "What? You think you are 'San Tiao'? What qualifications do you have..."

I muttered: "It's best if you don't have the qualifications."

She was right, if Ye Xiao wanted to come back, he had to ask the master, if it was before, I would have rushed to ask the master, but now, I am not sure, the master can ask the senior sisters and brothers to design and tie me up, Will he still listen to me?

Besides, Qing Gui ordered me to ask my master, what kind of conspiracy is there, and my mind is confused again.

"You have to hurry up. You have heard from your master that Ye Xiao can't stay! One step later, he will be dead..." She sighed, "Speaking of which, you killers, even though your identities are It is ever-changing, but in reality, it is a group of people who are single-minded, who told them to only recognize you as their master?"

I was startled in my heart, "What do you mean by that? Because of this, the master asked someone to kill them?"

"It's not just your master..." She stopped talking suddenly, "Don't ask, I just tell you, if you want to save Ye Xiao, you have to hurry up, he has a few days to live, yes, I don't have anything saved Good heart, with Ye Xiao by your side, he will keep frustrating you to leave, it would be the best if you can leave, hum, I am the most important by Shizi's side!"

When she said this, I felt relieved that these thoughts would not harm other people. Do you want me to leave? I will not leave. It depends on her. I listened to Ye Xiao and left. , and there is a hidden 'three', how can I leave?

Qinggui sent me back to the original place again. Li Zongrui saw that I came back intact, and kept asking through the fence: "Yueyaer, what's the matter, have you seen Wangcai?"

"You know Wangcai!" I remembered Qing Gui said that everyone around me has another look, and so does this person, although until now, I haven't figured out what his other look is like, "Finally So that Wangcai can bite you to death!"

He said: "Yue Ya'er, why are you so cruel, after all, we share weal and woe now."

I sat in the corner ignoring him, he kept talking, and said that he died in Zifu to be attached to Li Zeyu, but later, he really regarded me as a friend, and asked me if I would be a good friend in the future. Don't consider him a friend.

I simply closed my eyes. He paced back and forth by the iron fence alone, and said that there were many brothers and sisters in his family, but they fought fiercely. When he was young, he fell into the lotus pond several times. After learning how to swim, I didn't fall into the lotus pond for no reason, so the children of Prince Zhen's Mansion worked very hard...

My heart is trying very hard to curry favor with this, curry favor with that?
I closed my eyes and thought about it, but he also saw it, and he asked me: "Yueya, do you look down on me?"

I thought to myself that the people around me, even this dude, are very powerful, their ability to observe faces is much better than mine, and you don't have to think about it, you can know what people are thinking in their hearts, but I stared at Qing Gui's face for a long time , still unable to figure out what she was thinking.

I once again had doubts about the identity of my pavilion master before I lost my memory... Did I just lose my mind, or did I lose my mind because of being bumped and beaten?Or was it caused by a comminuted fracture of the whole body because of lack of energy?
(End of this chapter)

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