Chapter 60

I spent the first half of my life hanging out with Ye Xiao. I didn't know who he was, and he didn't know who I was. After snatching the pig's trotters donated by the rich man, we became brother and sister. Without a name, the two of us squatted in the tea house, listening to books. At that time, Fujian was still Fujian, and it had not been harmed by the disaster of the Ninth Princess. The power of Qifeng Pavilion spread all over the world, and it was a legend in the market. People in the court don't ask for family background and status, as long as you work hard enough, work hard enough, and have a good life, and survive the rigorous training, you may get a powerful position... I heard that we two often go to steal pancakes from Zhang The rich man's family is the people of Qifeng Pavilion. Apart from assassins, Qifeng Pavilion also needs someone to help it manage its wealth.

After being chased by a dozen dogs for ten streets, the two of us decided to join Qifeng Pavilion. Before joining Qifeng Pavilion, we must first choose a good name, a good name that people will remember as soon as they hear it, and the king of hell will not accept it You have a good name, but we are illiterate, so we asked for a scholar, but we couldn’t afford it. We had no choice but to go to a monastery and ask a monk to help us choose a name. As you can imagine, we were kicked out.

Ye Xiao and I had no choice but to think of names by ourselves. There happened to be a plum tree with leaves on the mountain behind the temple... So, one of us was named Mei and the other Ye.

My name was not Meiluoshu at first, but Meiluosu, which was given by Ye Xiaoqi, and it was a butter pancake baked into the shape of a plum blossom.

At that time, I liked eating shortbread pancakes the most.

Ye Xiao used to call me shortbread, shortbread, and when I called, the saliva in my mouth would flow into a river.

And Ye Xiao, of course, was not called Ye Xiao, but Ye Xun, because he was very timid at that time, and he was very good at blushing. Whenever he saw his little sister, his face would blush.

In his eyes, I am not a woman.

I named him.

Later, when we went to Qifeng Pavilion to sign up, there was a long line of children lining up. The person who wrote the name was quite talented, and praised our name, saying that my name is Mei Luo Shuying, Ye Xun’s The name is Ye Luo Xiao Xiao.

Without our consent, he wrote those two names on it.

Of course, we have no way to disagree. We don't know the characters at all, and we don't know the meaning of the name. When we know the meaning of these two names, we will already be famous all over the world, and it will be difficult to change our name.

Qifeng Pavilion has food to eat, eats very well, clothes to wear, and clothes to wear very well, but under the good clothes and food, there is endless training, the bottom of the extremely deep well, everyone lives in He built a small wooden house, fought endlessly, and climbed out of the well before he could truly join the Qifeng Pavilion.

Dozens of people fall off the wall and break their feet and necks every year.

After a long time, the boy who was about our age was standing on the attic on the wall of the well, pointing at us in clothes woven with gold and embroidered with silver. Then I realized that he is our master!

The person holding the Qifeng Pavilion behind the scenes is the king of Chu, and we are the swords in the hands of the prince of Chu.

The prince of Chu, Chu Bo, he was standing there, holding a teacup in his hand, with short and fat fingers, and a baby-like double chin on his face. This man who looks like a meat bun will be our master from now on.

On the Laba day of that year, those who could climb up from the bottom of the well could get Laba porridge rewarded by Chu Bo. Although I didn’t like this boy who looked like a meat bun, the fragrance of Laba porridge floated down from the well wall , I like him very much.

Laba porridge, with red cowpea, yellow rice, white rice, glutinous rice, millet, water chestnut rice, chestnuts, peeled jujube paste, etc., cooked with eight kinds of rice, plus peach kernels, almonds, melon seeds, peanuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts, etc. , When eating, add white sugar to it, a small spoonful, put it in your mouth, it can be sweet to the bottom of your heart.

Every year, we celebrate the Laba Festival, which is our festival. On this day, we will have hope, hope that we can climb out, and if we climb out, it will be another world.

After climbing out, you can eat Laba porridge and become a member of Qifeng Pavilion.

You can be embraced by the Nuo dancers and become the protagonist.

That day was the day our heroes appeared.

And that year, Laba porridge was brought by Chu Bo from the palace, and it was very fragrant.

Ye Xiao and I climbed up with a large group of children. At the beginning, there were many people. I was constantly pushed and stumbling. I almost fell down several times, but Ye Xiao With Xiao by his side, helping each other, we finally climbed to the highest point of the well wall, only one step away from the top, a very long step, separated by a distance of ten feet, as long as we jumped onto the high platform, we could eat Laba porridge up.

And at this time, there were only a few people left beside us, and those who fell down the well were screaming and screaming endlessly.

I raised my head and looked at the boulder platform. Next to the platform, there was a boy in a golden weaving garment. He was losing his temper, and the old man beside him was smiling and explaining non-stop.

With a crash, he knocked over everything on the table, including the bowl of Laba porridge.

I was short of breath, kicked my feet, and jumped onto the high platform, barely grasping the edge of the platform, applause and cheers came from the wall at the bottom of the cave, "Mei Luoshu, Mei Luoshu..."

Chu Bo, who was losing his temper, was startled by the shout, and looked at me in a blink of an eye, forgetting to lose his temper... I climbed up the stone platform, and looked at the bowl of Laba porridge with heartache, he swept it to the ground, and the thick juice The water flows into a stream.

Ye Xiao yelled from the stone platform, "Subingzi, help me."

I took off my belt and threw one end of him down. He grabbed the belt, followed the trend, and came to the stone platform.

Later, the leader of the assessment team refused to admit that Ye Xiao also climbed up the stone platform, saying that we were cheating, but Chu Bo said, "Even if it is him, then she also has a companion."

The fleshy round bun's eyes showed a deep loneliness.

At that time, I didn't understand the word loneliness, but I felt that this meat bun was very pitiful, sitting alone on the high platform, and those who accompanied him were either bent over or bent over.

Ye Xiao and I successfully became members of Qifeng Pavilion. According to the leader who taught us, the two of us are the fastest to come out of the well among this group of people. Of course, when he said this, He stared at Ye Xiao with disdain for a long while.

He also said that I am the most focused and consistent person, and called on others to learn from us.

With Chu Bo's words, the leader looked at us two differently, and used the fastest and shortest time to forge us into two sharpest swords.

The suffering suffered during this period can hardly be described to outsiders.

But what he taught us was just assassination skills, but he didn't teach us how to read people's hearts. He didn't teach us that the sharpest sword is not the most powerful weapon, but the human mind is the most powerful weapon.

With the backing of the most powerful country, Qifeng Pavilion has become the most powerful civilian assassin organization, and I, under the guidance of various masters that Chu Bo collected from all over the world regardless of money and spare effort, I have also become the most powerful organization. Young master.

At that time, I was 15 years old.

Killing people is actually not terrible. When the sword goes in and there is a pounce, it is over. The people under my sword die very quickly and will not suffer any pain. Unlike Ye Xiao, who always thinks about several ways to kill a person. The method is both poisonous and rope, so at that time, everyone who was targeted by Qifengge hoped to be targeted by me, not by Ye Xiao. In his hands, they would die Excruciating pain.

Only I know the reason. Ye Xiao's martial arts is so bad at 01:30. If he doesn't use so many methods, then the person he wants to kill will have a good chance of dying. And this situation has happened several times The one who was killed by him with poison, woke up after two hours, with abdominal pain like a twist, but he couldn't die, so he had to use the rope to strangle it again. After strangling for a long time, the rope broke...

He didn't actually mean it.

He's out of luck.

When we were 15 years old, the two of us went back and forth between killing and being killed.

Chu Bo, who is also sixteen or seventeen years old, has lost the appearance of baby fat on his face, his chin is like a stone carving, and the double chin is gone.

At the beginning, every two years, he would come to Qifeng Pavilion once. Later, he came more and more times, and the people who wanted us to kill were also increasing. The last time, he brought us into The palace wants us to kill the concubine who is obsessed with King Chu.

The concubine's surname was Yu, and she was named a beauty.

This task is extremely difficult because he has so many requests. For example, the father must not find out that he sent someone to kill Yumeiren, and the father must not even remember Yumei's death. The king has learned a lesson, no longer so absurd and so on.

He asked more and more, I was prepared for it, but this time, it was too outrageous, but as the saying goes, there are policies at the top, and countermeasures at the bottom. Well, there are too many delicious things in the palace, and there are hundreds of ways to cook beef alone. I have to eat all kinds of ways to eat beef, sheep, horses and pigs to perform this complicated task.

These days when I was a little maid in the palace... for the convenience of eating, no, for the convenience of surveying the terrain and familiarizing myself with the situation, I was transferred by Chu Bo all over the southeast and northwest palaces. I guess, he let me ask, the most important thing I'm afraid the purpose is to let me familiarize myself with the palace one by one, so that I won't kill Beauty Yu and other beauties in the future, so I will be familiar with it.

Ye Xiao was the little prince. He was more worried during that time, and his beard kept growing out. He struggled with the beard every night, which made me sympathize with him, and suggested that he be a real father-in-law never mind.

Chu Bo also thought that if he became a father-in-law, his voice would change and he would have his own characteristics, and he would be easily recognized by others in the future. Xiao really became a father-in-law.

Therefore, Ye Xiao can be regarded as walking on the edge of becoming or not being a father-in-law.

(End of this chapter)

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