Chapter 67 Siege
The Duke of Chu, Lei Ting, was furious and sent Chu Bo to lead an army to besiege the country of Min.

Although Min State is good at using poison, Chu Bo has already prepared for it. In Fujian State, he countered many masters of poisoning and detoxification... From the fact that we people in Qifeng Pavilion can easily buy Fujian poison, Chu Bo is very concerned about this. The first battle was well prepared.

The king of Min panicked and killed the prime minister who wanted to seize the throne, and repeatedly expressed his heart to Chu Bo, saying that one nine princesses is not enough, and five, seven and eight princesses can be added.

But Chu Bo just wanted to find an excuse to bring down the country of Min, so why would he care about his five-seven-eighty-nine princess?Besides, if they are defeated, no matter how many princesses there are, even the beauties collected by the King of Fujian are his, so he naturally refuses to seek peace.

Therefore, he used Chu's loss of great face as an excuse, and pushed the army forward for dozens of miles, until the king of Min was standing on the wall of the capital, and he could clearly see Chu Bo sitting in the tent of the Chinese army. On the high platform, there is a beauty on the left and a beauty on the right, eating the grapes handed over by the beauty, and drinking the fine wine fed by the beauty.

The monarch of Min Kingdom was completely disappointed. He had prepared the letter of surrender and was ready to discuss with Chu Junhou. After surrendering, would he be named Anlehou or Anjuhou?

At this time, the envoy sent by Li Zeyu sneaked into the Palace of the King of Fujian secretly, bringing him a ray of hope... Of course, it is better to be a king when he can be a king. What's more, people will be very happy when they go uphill, and they will be depressed when they go downhill. In short, Li Zeyu's emissary was very clever, and under the condition of demanding the cession of nine states and counties, the King of Min agreed to Li Zeyu's face. The confessor killed the envoy who came to recruit him, and he responded to the request of cooperation from the inside and the outside.

Chu Bo originally thought that the territory of Fujian was already probing for things. How did he know that the mantis was catching the cicada, and the oriole was behind him, and the envoy he sent to recruit was killed again, and he was killed very hard. The envoy's head climbed onto the city wall, impassioned to the 30 soldiers of the Chu state who besieged the capital of the state of Fujian, weeping and expressing their determination to live and die with the capital!
Chu Bo had a beautiful woman in his left hand and a beautiful woman in his right hand. He pushed the two beauties off the high platform, and was furious...not for the beauty, but immediately ordered someone to invade the capital of Fujian.

In my opinion, Chu Bo is still a child who has not suffered any setbacks. As soon as he was born, people scrambled to befriend him, and gave him the most complete killer organization, Qifeng Pavilion, so that he could kill whoever he wanted, and whoever let him If he is dissatisfied, he will kill anyone. He is like a person who grew up in a honeypot, but he has not developed a domineering character. Hugging beauties on the left and right on the high platform to represent the calmness and disdain of "you are a princess of Fujian, if I want beauties, I want as many beauties as possible", but I didn't expect that seeing Qi succeed, people don't care at all, he Was resented.

That's why he was so impulsive. Besides, Li Zeyu's idea for the king of Fujian is poisonous. At this time, the envoy was killed for the second time and insulted by the king of Min with his head. All the sergeants looked at them, they were just like a rainbow in the early stage of the victory, and now they were provoked in public by a king of Fujian who was pinched in the palm of his hand. When he comes down, if he doesn't comply with the requirements of the soldiers and invades Fujian, he will lose his heart and be unable to regain the hearts of the people.

Who told those envoys to be killed by Min again and again for him?

Besides, he allowed the army to camp too close to the city wall. The king of Fujian made such a move, and the sergeants could even see the gnashing of teeth on his face.

The king of Fujian is quite good at acting.

In response to that sentence, people walk in the rivers and lakes, all rely on acting skills.

Therefore, when the king of Min opened the city gate and rushed out with all his strength in the city, the Chu army was a little disdainful. This was a one-sided massacre. The soldiers agreed that every five people would kill one person, and it would be enough for each person to stab one sword.

These days, I've been so busy that I ran back and forth between the Min King's Palace and the Chu State's military camp, inquiring about news, and didn't even have time to eat chicken legs. I finally saw the moment when Li Zeyu was approaching success.

He will definitely succeed, but what about the poison on his body?
The master said that for his poison, a five-color lotus was used as a medicine, and the only one was in the palace of the king of Fujian. I searched the entire treasure house of the palace of Fujian, but I couldn't find the five-color lotus.

Originally, I thought, I found the five-color lotus for him, and then left, but if I couldn't find it, how could I appear in front of him?
I am an assassin, a person who can't see the light, he will be the king of Jin in the future, he has ambitions, how can a person with ambitions be stained?

But every time I see him take out that key and stare blankly, I want to rush out, stand in front of him and tell him, "I'll play with you..."

It takes all my strength to suppress that thought.

When he ordered the whole army to attack, he hid the key in his arms.

Put it snugly.

In the distance, under the capital city of Fujian, there was an earth-shattering cry of killing. When he walked out of the camp, generals gathered around them. They were all waiting for him, waiting for his order, and their eyes looked at him with excitement. , as if looking at his own god.

Only I know that his radiant face was made by force, and he may fall off his horse anytime, anywhere.

But he still put on a gold-plated iron armor weighing dozens of kilograms, and sat on the horse. His resolute face was not moved at all, and even the naked horse felt uneasy and pawed its hooves lightly.

I don't know what kind of obsession he has for being so desperate, but I thought, I must protect him well, so even though I am a rankless sergeant, my eyes follow him all the time.

Li Zeyu's team ran from the back of the Chu army, until the encirclement was formed, Chu Bo woke up, and mobilized the whole army to fight back against the Jin army.

Although there is a perfect plan, Chu Bo's army is indeed very strong. There is also a battalion of killers from Qifeng Pavilion, who specialize in assassinating enemy generals. I naturally know the strength of these people.

These people were dressed in the clothes of ordinary soldiers, and in groups of five, they sneaked in quietly and moved fast. After a while, the generals who led the troops from the city of Fujian were slaughtered.

The soldiers and horses of Fujian were only tens of thousands, and they lost their generals. After a while, they were blown to pieces. On the battlefield, only Li Zeyu and Chu Bo were left facing each other.

As long as the battle begins and the formation is deployed, the role of the assassin will become insignificant in the massacre of tens of thousands of people, and no matter how high the martial arts are, it will not play a role in the mass killing of troops in formation.

The time for the assassin to take effect is when the battle is coming to an end, the formation is chaotic, and everyone is exhausted.

I must carefully preserve my strength and save my life until then.

The sound of drumsticks hammering on the big drum was earth-shattering. The two armies did not use too many tricks, and directly set up formations head-on, long snake formation, pointed shuttle formation, heavy cavalry formation... In the end, I could only see the sky The rain of arrows and the people who kept falling, the splashed flesh and blood, I don't know whether it is blood or sweat on my face. The sword in the back has already been shot, but the enemy seems to be endless. It was rainy in Fujian, and in the evening, thick fog gradually formed, covering the enemy and friendly troops in the thick fog.

I can only judge the enemy and the enemy based on the color of the clothes. At this time, the formation is already chaotic, and it is the time for the assassin to attack.

I was so anxious that I instinctively went to where Li Zeyu was. Every time I met a Jin soldier, I always asked him, where is the Zhongjun flag?
Some people did not answer, and some people were killed by the enemy as soon as they answered. The fog became thicker and thicker. On the ground, the sound of killing became less and less, and there were only one or two screams occasionally in the deep fog.

Even I can't find my way, and Chu Bo's assassins must not be able to find them too... But even though I think about it, I feel more and more panicked... I only have one person, and there are hundreds of them. War is a collective place of battle.

In my anxiety, I suddenly remembered that Chu Bo's assassin also came from Qifeng Pavilion, and there must be someone from Qifeng Pavilion. Chu Bo didn't know what happened to us in the Jin Palace, which meant that I was still Qifeng Pavilion Master, they will obey my orders.

I took out the bamboo whistle in my arms and blew the contact signal. Sure enough, after a while, Gu Shao appeared from the thick fog. He was wearing the Chu army's clothing. He was very pleasantly surprised when he saw me, "Ge Lord, it's really you? Didn't you have something to do and didn't participate in this kill?"

I frowned and said, "Have you found his whereabouts?"

The suspicion in Gu Shao's eyes disappeared, and he cupped his hands and said, "We'll be in groups of three, and we'll search everywhere. If we find anything, we'll blow the whistle as a sign."

They really wanted to assassinate Li Zeyu!
Gu Shao is a member of the Esoteric School, he used to belong to my subordinates, but now, I'm not sure whether he obeys Chu Bo's orders or mine.

Now, it's just a matter of taking one step at a time.

Suddenly, a whistle sounded in the dense fog, and the whistle sounded quickly. Gu Shao was overjoyed: "I found it..." After speaking, he raised his breath and ran to the place where the sound came from.

I stood behind him and raised my hand, do you want to kill him?He is one of the most outstanding talents in Qifeng Pavilion. I am sure that Chu Bo sent him to the assassination camp and he led the army.

In the end, I still slowly put down my hand. I don't know why, suddenly there was a look of him hanging his eyes and drawing his sword in front of my eyes. His brows and eyes were romantic, and he was somewhat similar to Li Zeyu.

I don't understand what's wrong with me, it seems that I always think of Li Zeyu when I do anything.

Thinking of him makes my heart soften a little.

My original world was the one that assassinated the [-]th style.

When we came to the place where the whistle was blown, lanterns were lit up in twos and threes, illuminating the two parties fighting in the field. The people holding the lanterns were Chu Bo's assassin camp. Only assassins would have these ingenious tools. Lanterns It is folded into a small piece and placed in the Xiangzhong. When needed, it is taken out to open and propped up. Lighted with special kerosene, it can be kept alive for more than ten hours.

The lanterns gathered towards the center like the stars in the sky. Although thousands of people were fighting, I knew that the most dangerous ones were actually those carrying the lanterns.

Li Zeyu is waving a long saber, the gold-plated iron armor is full of blood, and his face is covered with a mask. I can't see his face clearly. He must have a bad face, so he covered his face. I hope that the man on the horse, It was his stand-in, but the extremely familiar way of swinging the knife told me that this was himself.

He fought with Chu Bo's three generals.

 I have entered VIP, thank you children's shoes for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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