Chapter 72
I looked at Yu Ruyi in my hand. This was his dowry gift for marrying the Ninth Princess. He knew who I was and my background early in the morning. How could he calculate everything around me while discussing marrying me? I never thought that apart from being an assassin, there are so many things worth using for me. I can help people block arrows and make people form alliances.

Chu Bo didn't want my life, so at this hour, I'm fine. The medicine, I'm afraid it can only create the illusion of being poisoned temporarily, right?

A thin veil separated me from him. He sat under the light and shadow, his face was calm and his face was the same as before, but I couldn't see him clearly, his face was covered with a layer of veil.

He frowned and looked at Qing Gui. Qing Gui lowered her head and stopped talking, but he didn't refute.

Not even the slightest hesitation.

My heart was cold, and the tulle I was wearing seemed to be made of ice silk. When it touched the skin, it was icy cold. When he did all this, would he have any doubts and guilt?

I suddenly remembered that when I was in the Jin Palace, he laughed loudly, with dimples looming at the corners of his mouth, like a child.

But after all he was not a child.

I have never seen Ashinamei, she is my mother, she came all the way to find me, I should be grateful, but when I look at her, I can only remember the loneliness and hunger when I was young, but I know, She must be my mother, because we have the same cold temperament and the same obsession.

I can't let her get involved in this mud nest anymore, although I don't know what kind of alliance she made with Li Zeyu.

I took a step forward, Qing Gui raised her head, glanced at me, and suddenly smiled: "Your Highness, this slave girl is going to prepare a sleeping place for Madam first."

Li Zeyu trusted her very much, and treated her as if he were his closest relative, "Okay."

Qing Gui stopped me, "Quickly step back!" I stood still, her voice was fast and low, "Don't you want to know the cause and effect?"

Another maid and I followed her out of the tent. She sent the maid away and led me back to the tent. She walked in front without even looking at me. Looking back: "You have seen and heard it all. Your Highness wants to marry you. You should be happy, right?"

There was also a slight smile on her face, I was dazed for a moment, her expression at this time was so similar to Li Zeyu, as if carved out of the same mold.

"If I become Li Zeyu's concubine, what will you do? Miss Qinggui..." I smiled slightly, "You have waited for so long, in the future... if there is a future, you can only be inferior to me, what would you do?"

Her smile became brighter and brighter, "There will be many women around him..."

Although the smile is as bright as the morning glow, the eyes are cold and cold. I know that only when I poke her vitals, will she tell the truth.

"Yeah, you were able to stay by his side in the end, but unfortunately, by that time, I don't know if your hair has turned gray?" I laughed.

She put a smile on her face, "It's just an object to shield people from swords and swords, but you have sharp teeth and sharp mouth. I can't see that your mouth is much stronger than your sword. It's a pity that you are too stupid. I really think that your highness Different for you? If he didn’t know your background, how could he spend so much effort to lure you out and hang out with you every day? Kicking keys? Ha, ha, ha... an assassin, actually likes kicking keys? You know I don't know, His Highness can't smell the smell of bird feathers, in order to accompany you, every time you have to eat Shu Ye to enter the palace!"

Shu Ye is a medicine for preventing blood and wind sores on the skin.

My nails were embedded in the palm of my hand, but I said slowly in my mouth: "Really, he has never expended so much energy on a woman, has he? Fortunately, he..."

There were waves of green roses, purple clothes and green skirts: "At the beginning of the departure, he gave you the antidote and let you go. Guess what he said to me, he said, she will come back... Sure enough, you are back, you bastard!" After entering the army, Zuo Qingqiu confirmed this point. An assassin walking on the tip of a knife actually talked about love. You are so ridiculous... Did you know that he entered the palace at the age of 12 and was surrounded by enemies. Son, even the little eunuch would scold him in private, but in less than a year, all the people around him sincerely surrendered. When it comes to reading minds, no one can compare to him. He said that the most important thing is to subdue people What matters is to subdue his heart..." She stretched her smile, "You are no different!"

I am no different?
I already knew that.

I fixedly looked at her and looked into her eyes: "Women are actually very pitiful. In order to like someone, I can do anything for him. I am very glad that I am useful to him, aren't I?"

Her face was contorted: "I can do anything for him? I can do anything for him..." She muttered a few words, and suddenly grabbed my arm, "What do you know? What do you know! I'm not like you, no The reason became the princess of Chu State, the only flesh and blood of King Chu, King Chu issued a death order, asking Chu Bo to protect your life, he can pass the country to Chu Bo, but the only condition is that you marry Chu Bo , gave birth to flesh and blood with the surname don't know about this secret, do you?" She sneered, "Chu Bo will kill everyone, and he won't kill you, do you understand? So, you have to keep Li Zeyu , he has no choice but to retreat!"

The palms were already wet, the nails must have penetrated the palms, I rolled the sleeves into the palms secretly, the muscles on my face were already stiff, but strangely, I could actually laugh out loud: "Miss Qinggui, don't you Worry, I know about Chu Bo, he will not be willing to be subordinated to others, he will definitely try his best when he returns to Chu State... At that time, I am afraid that I will not even be able to be a princess, and I will be like you people."

She raised her hand abruptly and slapped me with a sharp voice, "Why do you say that? How dare you!"

I could avoid it obviously, but I watched that slap on the face, and the corner of my mouth smelled bloody. I slowly wiped the corner of my mouth, "Miss Qinggui is living in the Fawang Palace, isn't it?"

Her expression changed drastically, she took a step back, and held onto the clothes rack beside her, ""

"The Fawang Palace believes in Brahmanism. Girl Qinggui entered the Fawang Palace in her teens and became a saint. She is not only the guardian of the monks, but also serves the teachings by herself. No wonder the girl is so angry." I saw clearly the look in her eyes. The flash of shame and anger, she has lost her size, she doesn't use swords to kill people, but with words, I can do it too.

In fact, words are no different from swords and swords. Mastering the method can also make people bloody.

Her chest rose and fell, she took a breath, and calmed down, "Yes, we never do it, it's all cheap, but you know, you will die, but I won't... Mrs. Ashina lives outside the pass, where It is the place where Jin and Chu countries meet, His Highness wants to attack Chu, so she is needed, and she will not buy it from anyone, but the only thing that can make her bow is her missing daughter. I found this news, Look at you, you are really important, Chu Bo is worried about you, Mrs. Ashina is looking for you everywhere, why doesn't His Highness hold you in the palm of your hand?" She laughed twice, "Even if you are a whole body full of abscesses beggar, His Highness will marry you too!"

"It's a pity that Miss Qinggui is unlucky. She doesn't have a background like mine. Otherwise, the girl would have a better life." She slapped her again and I grabbed her wrist, "Didn't the girl say that I was going to die? what?"

As soon as she struggled, she withdrew her hand, but didn't answer my words, "You still have a lot of good days, what are you talking about?"

She came to her senses, and she didn't want to go any further. At the critical moment, she still wouldn't spoil Li Zeyu's plan.

"Mrs. Ashina, what's going on?"

She didn't answer, just smiled slightly, "Your Highness will come back in a while, girl, just wait for him to announce the good news to you." She walked to the curtain, "If girl wants to leave, I won't stop her, but, ah What will happen to Mrs. Snark?"

She laughed softly, opened the curtain and went out while laughing.

I raised my palm, under the butter lamp, the blood on my palm had stained my blue clothes red, and the two crescent-shaped wounds were bleeding out. At this time, I suddenly thought of Ye Xiao. At that time, his assassination skills No, I keep making mistakes. I told him to concentrate, but he advised me, "Shubingzi, if you focus too much on one thing, you will ignore others. Although you can hit with one hit, there are many ways to kill people in this world. There is no need to see blood."

He was the one who found out my background, and he told me to be on guard against Chu Bo, and even suggested that I should get rid of Chu Bo before he got rid of us.

But I rarely listen to him.

what should I do?What should I do?
The scenery in front of me was moving, and when I woke up, I realized that I was standing in front of the Chinese army tent again. There was still laughter and laughter in the tent, and the smell of wine wafted out from the lifted curtain, and went straight into my nostrils. His figure was reflected in the picture, handsome and upright, extraordinary.

Laughter came faintly from the tent, singing lowly like a bone xun, and singing came from the tent, the male voice was low and the female voice harmonized, like a wolf howling on a spring night, migrating by water and grass, you sing me He: "Writing Danqing for nothing...a cup of wine is always without music, and stringed songs are full of sound...this is a prince, and the four disciples live in a shabby house..."

Her voice lacked the coldness and arrogance, but with a touch of melancholy and softness. She was so cruel to strangers. I turned up my palm and looked at the pinhole in my palm. It was left to me by her. The two of us As soon as we met, we had a fight, either you tied me into a zongzi, or I tied you into a zongzi, but why am I not ruthless?

Our mother and daughter have the same fate, although they are so ruthless, they are not completely ruthless, unlike him, who has an unfathomable heart.

I looked at him from afar, at his shadowy figure reflected on the curtain, but wanted to ask him, ask him...

I walked towards his tent step by step.

Suddenly, I felt the chill from the blade scraping through my skin. This chill had penetrated deep into my bones. It was a killing intent, an extremely strong killing intent. There was a master lurking nearby!
(End of this chapter)

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