The black-bellied princess plays the prince

Chapter 81 Mother's Kindness and Son's Filial Piety

Chapter 81 Mother's Kindness and Son's Filial Piety
"That's okay... Queen Mother, you never get up early, and if you get together early, you will get dizzy..."

"That's right, it's a long-standing problem that can't be cured..." The Empress Dowager Chu held Chu Bo's hand and walked slowly outside the hall, "I'll go back and take a nap."

The two supported each other and walked out of the palace. Chu Bo carefully instructed the female officers around the Empress Dowager Chu to take care of her. After talking for a long while, they returned to Jingqian Palace.

I originally planned to take advantage of the opportunity to sneak away, but I didn't know why, so I hesitated for a while, and then I didn't leave.

As soon as Chu Bo returned to the hall, he sat on the golden chair not far from my hiding place, closed his eyes, and did not move for a long time.

After another half hour, he stood up and walked outside the hall.

This is very common. To be honest, I don’t see anything unusual. It’s just that a mother had a dream. This dream aroused her desire to hold a grandson, so she came to urge her son to marry him quickly. Wife and children.

The mother is kind and the son is filial, harmonious and warm, this is everything I saw at the beginning.

When I wanted to leave, I saw faint fingerprints on the rosewood hardwood chair that Chu Bo was sitting on. The position of the fingerprints was exactly where Chu Bo put his hands when he was sitting. Even a sharp knife can only cut off small pieces... I have known him since I was young, he is a very cautious person, and he is not easy to get angry... When he sat on this chair , What kind of anger is suppressed?
I think I need to find out what's going on here, and go back and tell Ye Xiaoyi what happened just now. He raised his head and looked at the sky for a while: "Do you still remember the incident with Yumeiren?"

"of course I remember."

"Back then we couldn't bear to do it, so we kept procrastinating. Chu Bo urged us twice. Yumei's natal family is from the rich family of Chu State, and there are many experts around her. That night, we went to set fire, thinking that there would be a hard fight." I didn't expect that there were not many people who stopped me that night."

"That's right, there were very few guards that night, and we got things done very smoothly."

"I didn't think much about it at the time. When I came here these days, I secretly investigated and found out that the Empress Dowager Chu, who was still a queen at that time, went to Yumeiren's place that night..."

"But that fire was indeed set by us."

"Anyway, Suyou Panzi, the palace of the Chu Palace is not as simple as we imagined... and from what you said, Chu Bo seems to be very concerned about the Empress Dowager Chu, why? And his father, the former prince, he It will be all right……"

"That's right, let's not go out of the palace and check on the Empress Dowager Chu."
. .

That night, Ye Xiao and I sneaked into the Huashou Palace. The Huashou Palace is quite different from the luxury elsewhere in the Chu Palace. Yes, in several places, I heard the slight sound of breathing, long and soft, hidden in the dark, this discovery surprised me very much, I never thought that the guards of Huashou Palace were so strict, if we hadn’t already If you prepare, they will find out.

But they didn't expect that we were the ones who sneaked into Huashou Palace. Although there are many experts, but for Ye Xiao and me, sneaking in is still easy to drive.

In the sleeping hall, the Empress Dowager Chu leaned timidly on the big soft pillow in ten directions. She didn't wear a hairpin on her head, and she was only wearing a moon-white robe. It is made of linen, and in her hand, she is holding a wooden bowl. The wood grain on the wooden bowl is clear, and it can be seen that the wooden bowl is directly made by cutting down a big tree, and there is a sword on it. trace.

The thing she was wearing under her feet was even more surprising. It was a pair of simple and rough clogs without any patterns on them. Against the gorgeous and exquisite hall decorations and the beautifully dressed maidservants around them, it looked so abrupt, but it seemed A white lotus blooms.

"Today's soft sweet cake is well made, it's the taste of my hometown in Suzhou..." A servant girl came in, holding a wooden plate in her hand, on which crispy soft cake was placed.

She frowned slightly, and spoke softly, "The glutinous rice flour and stem rice flour should be ground finely, and mint leaves and white cotton candy should be added, so that it will be soft in the mouth."

"Your Majesty is right. The mint leaves are made from mint picked under the melon shed, and the white brocade sugar is made from last year's sucrose. It is very delicious when you put it in your mouth."

The Empress Dowager Chu sighed: "These appetites are supposed to be controlled, but I can't get tired of eating this soft cake."

The maidservant said: "Your Majesty, this is just following the will of God."

The Empress Dowager Chu stretched her brows, smiled, picked up the pastry with her fingers and took a bite, but there was no expression on her face.

After a while, Liu Shanggong walked into the main hall and bowed to the Empress Dowager Chu: "Your Majesty, are you looking for a servant?"

"While dealing with that lowly maidservant, did someone discover anything?" Queen Mother Chu said softly.

"No, this servant has checked carefully. Except for the lowly servant, no one knows that she is pregnant. The queen mother went to the king of Chu today. Did he have any doubts?"

Empress Dowager Chu smiled: "He concealed it well, but I can tell that he is dissatisfied with me."

"Since King Chu ascended the throne, his thoughts have become more difficult and elusive..."

"Is there any way, we have to watch, how can we achieve success without long-term hard work and hard work?" The Empress Dowager Chu smiled slightly.

Liu Shanggong said: "You are right."


In order to avoid being discovered by others, Ye Xiao and I withdrew from the Huashou Palace and went to a quiet place where no one was around. Ye Xiao said: "Short pancake, don't you find it strange that their names..."

I nodded, "That's right, Liu Shanggong called Chu Bo the king of Chu, not the king, and the queen mother of Chu was kind and gentle to Chu Bo, but she was cold and indifferent behind her back, she said When talking about him, it seems to be talking about the soft cake in her hand."

"Although Chu Bo has become the king of Chu, his life is not going well... It's strange, why didn't we find out before?"

"That's because our point of view has changed... The strangest thing is that while the Empress Dowager Chu was in a hurry to urge Chu Bo to get married to have children, on the other hand, she secretly ordered a killer to kill the pregnant maid...Chu Bo is now No heirs? Isn't he going to follow his father's old path again?"

"In this way, after passing down the throne of the king of Chu for several generations, I don't know who has passed it on...haha..." Ye Xiao laughed twice, and suddenly looked at me, "Chuyou Panzi, Chu Bo said to find The person with the leaf-shaped birthmark on the elbow is not talking about you, is it?"

I touched my elbow, "You know how I got this mark, it's not a birthmark, it's... burnt on, how could it be me?"

Ye Xiao tilted his head to look at me: "Chu Bo and Li Zeyu are not good guys, each of them is more scheming than the other, so don't get involved again."

"Okay, you're just worrying for nothing."

Ye Xiao played his true nature as mother-in-law, nagging me all night, I had the right to listen to his words as a lullaby. The black eye box continued to nag, and told me that no matter where I go in the future, he will follow.

This decision is a bit difficult. In the palace, he is a little eunuch and I am a little palace lady. It is not allowed to be blatant and blatant, and it is suspected of being misunderstood as "fair food"... So, one night, he fell into the lotus pond , 'dead', after resurrection, he followed me like a shadow, really no matter where I went... But fortunately, we have been partners for many years and know each other very well, no matter where he hides, we Everyone knows, so when I want to eat oranges, I say 'orange', and the oranges fly to my hand, and when I say 'peel', the orange peels off.

Since I knew that the Queen Mother Chu was weird, I thought of a way to transfer to Huashou Palace as an errand, but I could only do some miscellaneous work on the periphery of Huashou Palace, and I couldn't even enter Huashou Palace. The security is a bit higher than that of Jingqian Palace.

I couldn't get in through the normal way, so I had to go in through the abnormal way. I squatted on the tile roof above the Empress Dowager Chu's bedroom for more than ten days, and I had a clear grasp of the Queen Mother's schedule... I have never seen such a thing. The simple and frugal queen mother, in the inner court of Huashou Palace, she only wears burlap shirts and skirts, and the best food is only dumplings and soft fragrant cakes. On ordinary days, a bowl of coarse grain rice is enough. She seldom goes out, and the concubines in the palace are also exempted from seeing her. Every day, she plants some flowers and plants in the garden by herself, and sometimes she spins some yarn to make clothes by herself.

I followed for a few days, and I suspected that I was following a peasant woman. I had no choice but to follow for another day without finding anything, so I transferred to Jingqian Palace and talked to Chu Bo in a few days.

I squatted on top of an ancient elm tree. This ancient elm tree has a very old and thick trunk, with luxuriant branches and thick shade to cover the sun, covering half of the imperial garden. On the elm tree, clusters of new elm coins have grown. Son, I picked two elm coins and put them in my mouth, and saw Mrs. Chu came under the elm tree. She was still wearing a linen robe, holding a flower basket and a shovel in her hand. Seeing this, Ye Xiao crowed Mouth: "Short pancakes, isn't she going to eat them with money?"

Before the words fell, a conversation came from under the tree: "Pick some green elm coins, add them to the wet flour that has been fermented last night, add some diced fat, pine nuts and other slices, sprinkle with red silk, and steam them in a pan... …When I was ten years old, the village suffered from severe drought, if I didn’t have elm money, how could I survive it…”

"Your Majesty, remember these?"

"How can I not remember, if it wasn't back then..."

(End of this chapter)

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